View Full Version : IMPORTANT! Chris Bryant MP

15th June 2012, 20:37
Well we have all talked, fumed and fretted over Theresa Mays inhuman changes to the Family Visa application process but now its time to ACT. I believe one of the best moves to begin with is to show Labours SHADOW IMMIGRATION MINISTER exactly how we feel.

I urge you ALL to email him at


Letting him no EXACTLY how you feel about these changes and how they would affect you.

I tried, I got THIS unbelievable response after a third email complaining he hadnt responded.

Dear sir I have had more than 500 emails on this. I'm afraid I can only reply to constituents.

Sorry this is such a short message but it has been sent from my phone, which has a very small keyboard.
Chris Bryant


It would appear Labours shadow immigration minister doesnt WANT to hear about immigration concerns, surely if thats the case why accept the role in addition to his position as MP. He has an obligation in his role to address concerns.

Please contact him.....oh and you may like to post here any responses, experiences you get. Would be nice also if you were to remind him of his role as SHADOW IMMIGRATION MINISTER as hes clearly forgotten it judging by the email I received.

Let us know you have emailed, join the role of honour.

15th June 2012, 20:39
....also lets make this viral, copy and post the above on any similar immigration forums/sites that spring to mind :-)

15th June 2012, 20:45
Well we have all talked, fumed and fretted over Theresa Mays inhuman changes to the Family Visa application process but now its time to ACT. I believe one of the best moves to begin with is to show Labours SHADOW IMMIGRATION MINISTER exactly how we feel.

I urge you ALL to email him at


Letting him no EXACTLY how you feel about these changes and how they would affect you.

I tried, I got THIS unbelievable response after a third email complaining he hadnt responded.

Dear sir I have had more than 500 emails on this. I'm afraid I can only reply to constituents.

Sorry this is such a short message but it has been sent from my phone, which has a very small keyboard.
Chris Bryant


It would appear Labours shadow immigration minister doesnt WANT to hear about immigration concerns, surely if thats the case why accept the role in addition to his position as MP. He has an obligation in his role to address concerns.

Please contact him.....oh and you may like to post here any responses, experiences you get. Would be nice also if you were to remind him of his role as SHADOW IMMIGRATION MINISTER as hes clearly forgotten it judging by the email I received.

Let us know you have emailed, join the role of honour.

Better still contact your own MP

Is this a duplicate posting from here ? (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/38999-this-£18600-and-the-goverment/page2)

15th June 2012, 20:53
Yes contact your local MP naturally but also lets email the partys supposedly dedicated Immigration Minister, he talks of 500 emails...we can make that look like a drop in the ocean. Sorry but Im more concerned about the implications of these changes then a duplicate posting.

15th June 2012, 21:13
if you watched question time last night, their was some questions on visa's for immigrants

forward to 44:30 , and Labour MP Emily Thornberry seems to support the changes.:angry:

the tory , keeps saying "bring someone in to the country" why doesn't he say the wife or husband of a British citizen ? hes talking :censored: you can't bring anyone to the UK, spouse and kids yes , you can't bring a a spouses brother,sister or anyone else unless its in the most compassionate circumstances. meaning no chance.