View Full Version : buying your place in the phils

17th June 2012, 11:06
i dont know if i have asked this before, and i cannot find anything in advanced search, what other cost are incured when buying your lot, or house in the phils other then the price of the place, :)

17th June 2012, 11:14

Try this lot. I looked into this last year but cannot remember enough to be certain. I don't recall much in the way of extra outlay. Try emailing them or even phoning.

17th June 2012, 11:20
our last visit to the phils we went looking with Ems sister, she has a new house being built but it was not what i am looking for at that time, the price for the house included nearly everything, its a lot i am intrested at this time

17th June 2012, 11:36
When we bought our place Steve, we incurred no extra costs, I told the seller that my price was fixed and I wanted him to do all the paperwork, I was not going over the negotiated price. Worked a treat. You have to be firm and stick to your guns. In the same way you haggle a price in the market, there is a limit to the price drop. Make sure they are very clear about your limit, and you will walk away and they will lose the sale.