View Full Version : 5 Year Visit Visa - Granted

20th June 2012, 13:14
So, good news today, renewed my wife and step-daughters visit visas and received their 5 year multi entry ones today.

Had a bit of a delay getting them as the Embassy were confused by my bank statements (composite statement, shows all accounts on one).

But good news only to be followed by bad, Turkish Airlines have cancelled our August flights (not sure why) and are trying to reinstate them as we speak

Arthur Little
20th June 2012, 13:23
:) Congratulations on the one hand, Ricky ... and commiserations :bigcry: on the other. But at least the good news outweighs the bad! :anerikke:

20th June 2012, 13:24
:xxgrinning--00xx3: good news,
i cant see anyone wanting to stay for more than 6 months a year here :D

20th June 2012, 13:26
Hi Ricky.

Is that 5 years into Oman, or the UK?

I only have a 2 year renewable multi-entry visa for Oman (as an owner of property).

20th June 2012, 13:34
It's a 5 year visa into the UK, we've only ever had 1 year visas in the past. So it's good to have a long term visit visa for going back.
As for Oman, we have 2 year renewable visas and residents cards. Marvie and Angel also have 2 year visas for Europe/Schengen now, so just a US Visa to apply for next then we can travel to most of the world easily.

20th June 2012, 13:35
Turkish Airlines cancelling might be a blessing in disguise :D


20th June 2012, 14:09
lucky to have that 5years visit visa:)congrats:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th June 2012, 15:39
Good news Ricky.

Well done. That's so much more convenient.

20th June 2012, 16:54
So, good news today, renewed my wife and step-daughters visit visas and received their 5 year multi entry ones today.

Had a bit of a delay getting them as the Embassy were confused by my bank statements (composite statement, shows all accounts on one).

But good news only to be followed by bad, Turkish Airlines have cancelled our August flights (not sure why) and are trying to reinstate them as we speak

Wow that is a great news ricky! anyway could i ask you something? coz me and my partner planning to apply a visit visa 1 year. after i expired my multiple visit visa in 6 months. I have chances to granted a visit visa? I lodge my application this year round of month on November. Ahh.. about the bank statement of my partner he had a good capacity and good income, coz in this moment i live here we not spending too much.. hehhee.. u know now this time we must be practical is economical crisis around the world. and we both concerning for the future..

Once again Ricky congratulations and to yours wife also.

And Have a good day.


20th June 2012, 17:02
Thanks for the messages guys.

Ann, in terms of the visit visa, the longer the visa the harder it generally is to get as they want proof that your status now will still be the status in 1,2,3,5,10 years time (financially, relationship wise etc)

With a long term visit visa you are still restricted to 6 months per year in the UK.

If you find yourself spending a lot of time in the UK, the ECO is going to question what your residential status is and it may find it enough evidence to assume that you have fewer reasons to leave at the end of your stay.

So with that in mind, you simply have to ensure you meet all the requirements, have the correct supporting documents and a suitable letter explaining your intentions so that the ECO understands your status properly.

Good luck

20th June 2012, 17:20
Thanks for the messages guys.
Ann, in terms of the visit visa, the longer the visa the harder it generally is to get as they want proof that your status in all respects now will still be the status in 1,2,3,5,10 years time etc.
With a long term visit visa you are still restricted to 6 months per year in the UK.

If you find yourself spending a lot of time in the UK, the ECO is going to question what your residential status is and it may find it enough evidence to assume that you have fewer reasons to leave at the end of your stay.

So with that in mind, you simply have to ensure you meet all the requirements, have the correct supporting documents and a suitable letter explaining your intentions so that the ECO understands your status properly.

Good luck

Oh well, thank you for your help Ricky:)

Anna xx

20th June 2012, 18:16
Well done Ricky. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hardly surprising that the ECO was confused....seems they have brains the size of peanuts. :rolleyes:

20th June 2012, 20:43
Well I ended up chatting to the ECO on the phone, and admitedly it was a struggle getting them to understand, and ended up having to send them a different bank statement just showing my current account.
I'm planning to write to Teresa May about how ridiculous it is cutting costs yet the Embassy provides next to nothing for such a big property in most places.

23rd June 2012, 07:18
Well, I just on a chance dropped an e-mail to the CEO of Turkish Airlines (a bit of guesswork that his e-mail address would be his first initial and surname at thy.com), and got a reply several hours later saying that the problem was resolved.

I was once given some advice to always go straight to the top if you have a valid complaint. It worked. :-)

9th July 2012, 16:05
That's great news Ricky :D

How did you get the multiple entry visa? What did you have to do? With all those changes to the family route I'm guessing that I will go for multiple entry.
Can she still work here?
Any help would be so grateful :D