View Full Version : Illegals/overstayers released pending deportation

21st June 2012, 11:09
I've just sent this eMail to Mrs May

I’ve copied below a piece from the UKBA website news pages


The 40-year-old was not detained but must report regularly to us while arrangements are made for his removal.
On 23 May, 2 more restaurants in Blandford were raided - Bay Leaf on West Street and Spice India on East Street.
At Bay Leaf, a 33-year-old Bangladeshi man was arrested after checks revealed he had entered the UK illegally. He remains in immigration detention pending his removal.
At Spice India, a 30-year-old Bangladeshi man was arrested after he was found to have overstayed his visa. He was later released to report to us while arrangements are made to remove him from the country.

Am I stupid in thinking that to avoid deportation these people need merely to move towns and fail to “report” ? Are there any figures available eg for 2011 showing how many people released on so called “immigration bail” go missing after failing to report
I’d be grateful to hear your comments on this as it would appear that releasing them in this way means more time, effort and money is wasted having to apprehend them again.

21st June 2012, 13:07
Am I stupid in thinking that to avoid deportation these people need merely to move towns and fail to “report” ? Are there any figures available eg for 2011 showing how many people released on so called “immigration bail” go missing after failing to report
I’d be grateful to hear your comments on this as it would appear that releasing them in this way means more time, effort and money is wasted having to apprehend them again.

:xxgrinning--00xx3: for doing something, have you ever tried http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/
and asked for any info ?

Arthur Little
21st June 2012, 13:11
:) Since you're so "chummy" with the woman :rolleyes: ... why not send her a follow-up email protesting against the effect the new Minimum Income Levels are likely to have on decent, law-abiding, albeit lower-earning taxpayers wishing to bring non-EEA partners to the UK - yet could, soon, be unable to do so as a consequence of the forthcoming legislation - while the sort of people you mentioned in your earlier communication (a Trusted Member's ex for one!) appear to be able to roam about freely without being apprehended and deported forthwith.

Oh ... and when you're at it ... you might care to redirect her attention to the present :crazy: anomalous System that permits EEA nationals to bring their spouses here FREE GRATIS - while simultaneously charging those born and bred in Britain financially crippling fees for the same privilege. You'll most probably get fobbed off with that "old chestnut" about the "right to freedom of movement among EEA Member States". But what about the rights of the Brit in his/her own country?

Anyhow ... you're an intelligent guy - well-accuistomed to dealing with politicians like Mrs May. ;)

:68711_thanx: ... you'd be doing ALL of us a great favour! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st June 2012, 13:23
I've just sent this eMail to Mrs May

I’ve copied below a piece from the UKBA website news pages


The 40-year-old was not detained but must report regularly to us while arrangements are made for his removal.
On 23 May, 2 more restaurants in Blandford were raided - Bay Leaf on West Street and Spice India on East Street.
At Bay Leaf, a 33-year-old Bangladeshi man was arrested after checks revealed he had entered the UK illegally. He remains in immigration detention pending his removal.
At Spice India, a 30-year-old Bangladeshi man was arrested after he was found to have overstayed his visa. He was later released to report to us while arrangements are made to remove him from the country.

Am I stupid in thinking that to avoid deportation these people need merely to move towns and fail to “report” ? Are there any figures available eg for 2011 showing how many people released on so called “immigration bail” go missing after failing to report
I’d be grateful to hear your comments on this as it would appear that releasing them in this way means more time, effort and money is wasted having to apprehend them again.

Well done Dedworth :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Respect to you.

23rd June 2012, 20:30
I've just sent off another email to her

The practice of allowing overstayers and illegals their freedom on “immigration bail” appears to be widespread. Following on from my email of 21 June the UKBA website reports on raids in Aberystwyth :-

Earlier on the same day, Neat Nails on Pier Street was visited and 2 Vietnamese women were found working illegally.
The first, a 28-year-old, had stayed in the country illegally after her claim for asylum was rejected, while a 23-year-old had stayed in the UK after her visa expired.
The pair must report regularly to a local police station while outstanding immigration applications are dealt with. If they are found to have no right to remain in the UK they will also face removal.
This statement is laughable saying one is a failed asylum seeker and the other an overstayer yet states “If they are found to have no right to remain in the UK they will also face removal” – I’d have said it was blindingly obvious they had no right to remain in the UK
I look forward to hearing from you about this farcical policy

23rd June 2012, 22:21
I've just sent this eMail to Mrs May

I’ve copied below a piece from the UKBA website news pages


The 40-year-old was not detained but must report regularly to us while arrangements are made for his removal.
On 23 May, 2 more restaurants in Blandford were raided - Bay Leaf on West Street and Spice India on East Street.
At Bay Leaf, a 33-year-old Bangladeshi man was arrested after checks revealed he had entered the UK illegally. He remains in immigration detention pending his removal.
At Spice India, a 30-year-old Bangladeshi man was arrested after he was found to have overstayed his visa. He was later released to report to us while arrangements are made to remove him from the country.

Am I stupid in thinking that to avoid deportation these people need merely to move towns and fail to “report” ? Are there any figures available eg for 2011 showing how many people released on so called “immigration bail” go missing after failing to report
I’d be grateful to hear your comments on this as it would appear that releasing them in this way means more time, effort and money is wasted having to apprehend them again.

Nice one Dedworth. It will be interesting to see her reply. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th June 2012, 08:54
:) Since you're so "chummy" with the woman :rolleyes: ... why not send her a follow-up email protesting against the effect the new Minimum Income Levels are likely to have on decent, law-abiding, albeit lower-earning taxpayers wishing to bring non-EEA partners to the UK - yet could, soon, be unable to do so as a consequence of the forthcoming legislation - while the sort of people you mentioned in your earlier communication (a Trusted Member's ex for one!) appear to be able to roam about freely without being apprehended and deported forthwith.

Oh ... and when you're at it ... you might care to redirect her attention to the present :crazy: anomalous System that permits EEA nationals to bring their spouses here FREE GRATIS - while simultaneously charging those born and bred in Britain financially crippling fees for the same privilege. You'll most probably get fobbed off with that "old chestnut" about the "right to freedom of movement among EEA Member States". But what about the rights of the Brit in his/her own country?

Anyhow ... you're an intelligent guy - well-accuistomed to dealing with politicians like Mrs May. ;)

:68711_thanx: ... you'd be doing ALL of us a great favour! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Superb Arthur. :D