View Full Version : Grooming fiend guilty of child rape x 30

21st June 2012, 23:00
The ringleader of a gang of Asian men who groomed young white girls for sex can finally be unmasked after he was found guilty of 30 child rape charges.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2162725/Ringleader-Rochdale-sex-grooming-gang-guilty-30-counts-child-rape.html#ixzz1yT3LMsd7

I hope this vomit inducing piece of dirt gets some serious beatings in jail :angry: - yet another sound reason for the re-introduction of the rope

21st June 2012, 23:22
only 19 yrs,:NoNo: thats not enough for 1 rape let alone 30,
i hope enough shoe lace to hang himself oddly finds its way into his cel,
someone do the world a favour

22nd June 2012, 00:59
Yep that equates to about 8 months per rape. Detained indefinitely should of been the sentence here in the absence of the rope. I do hope it is 19 years of hell and that he manages to have the smirk wiped off his face permanently preferably with the same sort of treatment he inflicted on his victims.