View Full Version : Anyone had a Fiance Visa Interview? Possible questions?

22nd June 2012, 19:48
Just wondering if anyone knew of a list of Fiance Visa questions or if anyone has had a Fiance Visa interview before that can shed some light on what to expect and what questions they got asked?

My Fiance has submitted a FIance Visa application and has not been asked to goto an interview but she maybe and wanted to find out about the process etc ahead of time?

Thanks in Advance

22nd June 2012, 20:11
hardly anyone is asked to attend an interview anymore, so i would worry about it, if it ever happens, which i doubt :rolleyes:

22nd June 2012, 20:26
Yep, joe is right. I haven't heard of anyone being requested to attend any interview for many years.

When my wife applied years ago in 2002, she was requested to attend an interview at the British Embassy in Tokyo. They asked many probing questions about our relationship, personal details about me and also many personal details about my parents etc. Also if she had met them or spoken to them and what was discussed. She was also asked why she will go to UK.

All of these questions are now required to be submitted and evidenced in detail via supporting documents. That's the main reason why many applicants supply such a volume of paperwork and photos etc.

By the way, good luck with the application.