View Full Version : TO marry in the UK or Philippines?

24th June 2012, 21:17

I read somewhere that is more advantageous to marry your filipina partner here in the UK suggesting that it shows more commitment.

My G/F and I were trying to get a visitor visa for her to come to the UK whilst her divorce (she got married to a USA guy 4 years ago) comes through, but dear old Border Agency refused it on what I think are daft reasons, one being they dont think she is resident in the Philippines! As her divorce should be done within the next month or so we are now thinking we just skip straight to the fiance visa or spouce visa, she would like a PH wedding, but if this causes doubt again we would marry in UK, we been together 2 years and have met 4 times, I love Davao !
Thanks in advance and Im glad I found this forum I just spent 4 hours viewing messages :)

24th June 2012, 21:25
Get married in Phils, its easy and much cheaper. You even get a certificate telling you that you are married... what more proof do you need? (apart from all the requirements of the UKBA :doh)

24th June 2012, 21:28
I don't think it makes a great deal of difference, however having a wedding in the Philippines means her family can attend and if any of your friends/family want to come they have more of a chance of affording it.
Plus a wedding in the Philippines is considerably cheaper, and much easier for her having her family networks and local knowledge to get what she needs to have that dream day.

24th June 2012, 23:28
I think flying all the way to the Philippines to get married with no guarantee of getting your bride into the country shows a fair amount of commitment. :Erm:

Good luck to the two of you anyway. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I got married in the Phils....cos I'm a tight-fisted Yorky. :D

25th June 2012, 00:48
I got married in the Phils....cos I'm a tight-fisted Yorky. :D


25th June 2012, 07:14
The problem getting married in Philippines if the relationship not work hard to get divorce so think about it if you get married and still not able get your wife to the uk will you both be happy having a long distance relationship?

25th June 2012, 07:21
Getting married in the Philippines means one less visa application fee. With the Fiancee route there is the initial visa fee plus the FLR fee. With the Spouse visa there is just the one initial fee.

25th June 2012, 07:25
The problem getting married in Philippines if the relationship not work hard to get divorce so think about it if you get married and still not able get your wife to the uk will you both be happy having a long distance relationship?

I admit that this one bothered me. However, if you know that you fulfil all of the requirements then it should be ok.

25th June 2012, 08:11
The problem getting married in Philippines if the relationship not work hard to get divorce so think about it if you get married and still not able get your wife to the uk will you both be happy having a long distance relationship?
Works for me, not that my wife 'can't' get here, we just haven't done the visa yet. :)

25th June 2012, 08:41
Thanks guys for the advice, I do want to get married there as you mention all her family is there and she really wants the PH wedding close to her family, we done 2 years already of internet chat and our skype cams are open 24/7 even through sleep, I saved most of the chats and contact messages that I could find. Thanks again, when my profile gets active I'll put a pic there of me and her :)

25th June 2012, 09:11

I read somewhere that is more advantageous to marry your filipina partner here in the UK suggesting that it shows more commitment.

My G/F and I were trying to get a visitor visa for her to come to the UK whilst her divorce (she got married to a USA guy 4 years ago) comes through, but dear old Border Agency refused it on what I think are daft reasons, one being they dont think she is resident in the Philippines! As her divorce should be done within the next month or so we are now thinking we just skip straight to the fiance visa or spouce visa, she would like a PH wedding, but if this causes doubt again we would marry in UK, we been together 2 years and have met 4 times, I love Davao !
Thanks in advance and Im glad I found this forum I just spent 4 hours viewing messages :)

:Hellooo: Hi BazJaz, welcome to the forum.

Here's a link that might provide some further food for thought.

Fiance(e) Visa or Spouse Visa? Which is best? (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/36171-Fiance(e)-Visa-or-Spouse-Visa-Which-is-best)

25th June 2012, 09:15
The problem getting married in Philippines if the relationship not work hard to get divorce................

What makes you think that's a problem?

25th June 2012, 09:16
when my profile gets active I'll put a pic there of me and her :)
You can post photos right away, you dont have to wait to be made active. Host your photos on Photobucket and copy and paste the link to the photo. It's easy. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th June 2012, 13:10
i think recently a couple of fiancee visa's have been refused becuase the ECO was not convinced the applicant would get married b4 thier visa expired, becuase they had not sent evidence of the intended wedding.

Arthur Little
27th June 2012, 12:59

I read somewhere that is more advantageous to marry your filipina partner here in the UK suggesting that it shows more commitment.

Hmm ... :rolleyes: ... on the contrary ... I'd say it demonstrates a fairly unchallengeable sense of commitment on the bloke's part - the fact that he's prepared to travel to the other side of the world in order to marry his sweetheart - knowing few of his family and/or friends will be present to lend their support on his BIG DAY. Note I've said "bloke" ... because, in perhaps nine out of ten such cases, it's the man who's a 'westerner' and his bride from South East Asia.

My G/F and I were trying to get a visitor visa for her to come to the UK whilst her divorce (she got married to a USA guy 4 years ago) comes through, but dear old Border Agency refused it on what I think are daft reasons, one being they dont think she is resident in the Philippines! As her divorce should be done within the next month or so we are now thinking we just skip straight to the fiance visa or spouce visa, she would like a PH wedding, but if this causes doubt again we would marry in UK, we been together 2 years and have met 4 times, I love Davao !
Thanks in advance and Im glad I found this forum I just spent 4 hours viewing messages :)

Tbh ... I can't say I'm surprised at your good lady being refused permission to come to the UK as a visitor. :nono-1-1: Visit Visas are notoriously difficult to obtain at the best of times. And when one of the partners is still [legally] married to another, it adds to the complications - in so far as it gives Embassy officials even more reason to suspect the applicant will fail to adhere to the visa's Terms & Conditions. :anerikke:

Based on the expectations of your partner's divorce being finalised within the next few weeks, you [I] are (as you've correctly surmised) left with two choices - namely, Fiancee Visa or Spousal Visa - and, on balance, I would recommend the latter, as it's

(a) in keeping with your girlfriend's hopes and dreams to be married in her own homeland


(b) infinitely more viable economically - as others have already suggested.

Meanwhile, :welcomex: to the filipino/uk forum, Baz & Jaz ... and all the best with your plans. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th June 2012, 16:09
Getting married in the Philippines means one less visa application fee. With the Fiancee route there is the initial visa fee plus the FLR fee. With the Spouse visa there is just the one initial fee.

Correct and on a spouse visa once your wife is here she can take up employment straight away:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st July 2012, 17:43
i got married in Phils . It shows commitment by the guy

21st July 2012, 17:45
I think that on balance, the advantages of marrying in the Philippines outway the disadvantages.

21st July 2012, 18:15
i think recently a couple of fiancee visa's have been refused becuase the ECO was not convinced the applicant would get married b4 thier visa expired, becuase they had not sent evidence of the intended wedding.

It's not that evidence wasn't supplied its that ECO didn't believe it... Engagement rings, receipts, Statements, New Suits, etc Records of discussions and Photographs.... Are not classed as evidence anymore? I am the sole tenant of a house which has space to hold 5, also isn't big enough for the two of us! :NoNo: They have received the tenancy agreement and letters of approval from the landlord... Still got a refusal. :crazy:

21st July 2012, 18:25
This is getting crazy. Who is that prat eco officer? It will be interesting to see how many get through with these new rules.