View Full Version : Where is there a prodominantly white are in England?

28th June 2012, 16:25
Anybody know?:xxgrinning--00xx3: Sorry it should read area.

28th June 2012, 16:30
Anybody know?:xxgrinning--00xx3: Sorry it should read area.



28th June 2012, 16:50
Careful guys. ;)

28th June 2012, 17:10
there you are....


28th June 2012, 18:03
Aberdeen :xxgrinning--00xx3:

IOM :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You been on the beer Lastlid?

28th June 2012, 18:07
there you are....

Quite old that map but thanks anyway.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th June 2012, 18:49
Well that maps not really much use unless you know the area. You can do an awful lot with stats and figures.

Looking for example at my local area, it is in the same shade of pink as Craven - another area I know. Craven is mostly rural, it's around Skipton, trust me it's lily white.
My local area, especially the town I live in, there is a mini population explosion of.....a certain ethnic group. They are however concentrated in one district, although this district is expanding.
Travel though a very short distance, and you come to little towns and villages which are ethnically homogeneous.

I find looking at that map, that I cannot believe certain areas of rural Wales are not nearly 100% white British. Knowing Lleyn and Cardiganshire though, I suspect some of this might be down to locals taking offence at being called "British"

Travel around there, note the graffiti saying "settlers out", watch out for them burning wicker men and go figure ;)

28th June 2012, 18:59
You been on the beer Lastlid?

Nope. :D I gave up alcohol a few years ago and dont do drugs either.

But if you extended the area to include the UK and Islands then that post #2 above would be accurate....

28th June 2012, 20:14
I think I am correct in saying, that Scotland is very much like the very north of England on that map. Arthur will no doubt confirm either way?

28th June 2012, 20:14
Inside the Snowdome, Milton Keynes.

Now, what do I win?

28th June 2012, 20:21
There is a bit in this document....but it is a little old....


28th June 2012, 20:24
Isle of Wight

28th June 2012, 20:26
Isle of Wight


28th June 2012, 20:27
This DOES seem a strange thread considering the ethnicity of our loved ones. :Erm:

28th June 2012, 20:29
This DOES seem a strange thread considering the ethnicity of our loved ones. :Erm:

I agree. Point taken, Graham.

28th June 2012, 20:45
Doesn't go into skin colour but this article tells how the authorities have drastically underestimated the number of immigrants in certain areas (obviously they don't include the hordes of illegals :angry:)

Number of immigrants in some UK 'hot spots' has doubled, according to revised figures

London's immigrant community is 16 per cent higher than thought - at almost one million

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2165787/Number-immigrants-UK-hot-spots-doubled-according-revised-figures.html#ixzz1z7ROS77f

28th June 2012, 21:11
I think the real Londoners have all moved out to Essex or similar now, haven't they ?

Those who SHOULD be 'Cockneys' all now appear to converse in that horrible Jamaican Patois/'Estuary English'.

Sadly, London's heritage is floating away down the Thames. :NoNo:

28th June 2012, 21:45
I think the real Londoners have all moved out to Essex or similar now, haven't they ?

Those who SHOULD be 'Cockneys' all now appear to converse in that horrible Jamaican Patois/'Estuary English'.

Sadly, London's heritage is floating away down the Thames. :NoNo:

Partly right Graham but there are still a large amount of us who remain here proud of our accents and made sure our children never grew up speaking that horrible patois you refer to. I have no problem with that west indian accent as long as its coming out of a west indian mouth.
Londons problems stem from the 60/70's when immigrants were never really encouraged to integrate but instead allowed to form their own communities. This has now been added to with the massive influx of Eastern Europeans who all seem to have taken up residence in the Capital. Makes you wonder how the Teenagers will be talking in 10 years time .

28th June 2012, 21:56
This DOES seem a strange thread considering the ethnicity of our loved ones. :Erm:

:Erm: Its just a question thats all.

28th June 2012, 21:59