View Full Version : Any One Need Some Advice In Obtaining Uk Passports Send Me A Message

16th July 2007, 21:20
hello everybody just want to let everybody know if you need any advice on applying for a uk passport whether its a first time application or a renewal do send me a message. i'd be glad to assist anyone. :BouncyHappy:

16th July 2007, 22:00
Why not just share your expertise openly in this forum? after all the boss is paying for it to keep it running.

16th July 2007, 22:13
it's easy right?


its the visa thats difficult :cwm3: :bigcry:

16th July 2007, 22:46
thats why i posted a message through this forum as checklist varies from one person to another. as for the visa i think as long as you are honest with your answers on the application form and you've got the right documentation that shouldn't be that hard....

16th July 2007, 23:06
How? :cwm24:

16th July 2007, 23:31
How? :cwm24:

no hats allowed on the photo :CompBuster:

and no cats :icon_lol:

17th July 2007, 00:45
Fit Wye? :Erm:

17th July 2007, 08:50
They could always use the SEARCH function on here and get most of the info they need! Must be at least 1 relevant post out of 26,000+!!!

17th July 2007, 09:39
hello everybody just want to let everybody know if you need any advice on applying for a uk passport whether its a first time application or a renewal do send me a message. i'd be glad to assist anyone. :BouncyHappy: are you from home office solicitor and how expert you are???

18th July 2007, 21:04
i actually work for the identity and passport service (also know as UKPS before). am i an expert? well lets say i'll do my best to assist you as i deal with passport queries everyday. hope thats answers your questions......

19th July 2007, 10:47
i actually work for the identity and passport service (also know as UKPS before). am i an expert? well lets say i'll do my best to assist you as i deal with passport queries everyday. hope thats answers your questions......

i'm passed needing advice, but for many years puzzled by the visa process..

1) do ther gov ever check the details of the sponsor, thier bank, mortage company,landlord, co-sponsor, or anyone else :Erm:, after 6 visa's ive appiled for , no one in my visa apps was ever contacted about my visa app :yikes:

2) how long does it take to actually process a visa app ? 10 mins ? an hour ?. if they dont check anything , why upto a 3 month wait :Erm:

19th July 2007, 12:22
i'm passed needing advice, but for many years puzzled by the visa process..

1) do ther gov ever check the details of the sponsor, thier bank, mortage company,landlord, co-sponsor, or anyone else :Erm:, after 6 visa's ive appiled for , no one in my visa apps was ever contacted about my visa app :yikes:

2) how long does it take to actually process a visa app ? 10 mins ? an hour ?. if they dont check anything , why upto a 3 month wait :Erm:

I loved to read answers on these two questions as well.

Could there be a claim back like that with bank charges start soon?

I.e as a visa/ passport is required not a luxury and you can't get from elsewhere that the issuing body should charge a reasonable rate. I noticed they put a lot of legal jargon on about the price rises, but i love it if someone took them on and it ended up like the banks having to pay some or all the money back:icon_lol:

19th July 2007, 13:30
yes, we need somone on the inside to tell the truth, like on the beeb whistle blower....

the gov said the prices reflects the processing cost of the visa app, what a load of :censored:, becuase if you pay £950 and go to the peo, you can get ILR same day, or in many cases are told to come back within an :omg:. , yes use the post , you pay less , but can wait 3 months,, so why the big time difference, and if they do the same checks, your app could just be gathering dust for near 3 months if you use the post..

its all crazy :Rasp:

19th July 2007, 13:33
You are talking about Manila, they like longer. When I got my visa stamp on my passport, the British embassy in Madrid, they just let me wait that same day. I submitted my passport at 10 am and got it back at 2 pm. And it was a work permit visa. About ILR, if you want it now, it will cost you. That is the government, they always thinking of how to make money.

19th July 2007, 13:59
thats why i posted a message through this forum as checklist varies from one person to another. as for the visa i think as long as you are honest with your answers on the application form and you've got the right documentation that shouldn't be that hard....

thankyou maybe someday need your help...:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

20th July 2007, 03:47
Originally Posted by proud2bepinay
hello everybody just want to let everybody know if you need any advice on applying for a uk passport whether its a first time application or a renewal do send me a message. i'd be glad to assist anyone.

hopefully in the near future i can ask for advice :BouncyHappy: thanks for ur offer of help :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: