View Full Version : Go Compare countdown

30th June 2012, 22:59
Seen this on the adverts over the last few days. No one really knows what it is a countdown to. Some say the death of the really annoying opera singing man.... or new ad campagne.

Any thoughts? :Erm:

30th June 2012, 23:37
Yep I think he's going to get it. Generally regarded as one of the most annoying ads I'm sure it's the end for him. But how will they do it ?

30th June 2012, 23:55
we will just have to wait and see :D

1st July 2012, 08:43
Steve.r, can I say you hqave got a lot better looking:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Nice photo.

1st July 2012, 09:13
Steve.r, can I say you hqave got a lot better looking:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Nice photo.

Surprising what a dress does Mick :hubbahubba::icon_lol:

Ako Si Jamie
1st July 2012, 10:45
This ad has been going for three years. Surely it's time to give the nation a much deserved break from the most annoying ad in living memory.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st July 2012, 13:33
I wouldn't say it was the most annoying, there is far worse, but it's defo up there!

Arthur Little
1st July 2012, 15:05
Seen this on the adverts over the last few days.

Mmm ... :yeahthat:'s been all over the larger than life advertising billboards here in Perth also.

No one really knows what it is a countdown to. Some say the death of the really annoying opera singing man.... or new ad campaign.

Looks likely to be the latter, Steve :rolleyes: ... 'Go Compare' Compere, aka Gio Compario :Jump: - played by leading Welsh Opera tenor, Wynne Evans - is very much alive

Any thoughts? :Erm:

Mmm ... :iagree: the ad can be a bit "jarring" :23_111_9[1]: on the nerves - but it seems to be a favourite of a friend of mine for reasons best known to himself. :anerikke:

Arthur Little
1st July 2012, 15:43
Seen this on the adverts over the last few days.

D' you mean the TV ads though, Steve :rolleyes: ... yes?

Must admit, I get :piss2:ed~off with most of them at the best of times.

Mind you, for non-sporty types like me, :iagree: they did, at least, provide some light relief from the constant deluge of events such as *Wimbledon - following hard on the heels of *Euro 2012 :xxsmilie_fussball: - and the next sufference, the *Olympics on BBC ... ***ALL partly responsible for the postponement/rescheduling of many of my regular favourites.

1st July 2012, 17:09
I HATE this ad!!!! :cwm23: