View Full Version : Do I need a CENOMAR to get married in the Philippines?

2nd July 2012, 21:31

I'm planning on getting married in October. I'm going over in August to get my CNI from the embassy and then to apply for the marriage licence in butuan. I'm only out in August for two weeks.

I was reading on the British Embassy checklist that I need a CENOMAR. Is this true?
I know I can do it online but it's going to take 6-8 weeks to be delivered. Can i get one in Manila in person? How long does it take?

I know my fiancée needs one along with her birth certificate. Also, it says in the checklist that she needs a passport? Is this true?

I Ve got a big headache! Hope someone can help..


2nd July 2012, 21:36
Order the Cenomar online and have it sent to your fiancees address. Thats what we did. Through the NSO website. You will have to get your fiancee to pay for it (unless they allow credit cards online now). It took just a matter of a few days only....

She will need a passport to get her visa.

You do need a CENOMAR....there has been a rule change.

2nd July 2012, 21:43

Looks like they take credit cards now?

2nd July 2012, 21:56

So she doesn't need a passport for id in order to get married?

2nd July 2012, 22:00

So she doesn't need a passport for id in order to get married?

That's something I cant answer, though I know that there are other possible options for ID. Hang around and someone will answer that.....

2nd July 2012, 22:15

2nd July 2012, 22:34
No passport to get married. We got married in Cebu in May.

I got my Cenomar delivered to my wife in the philippines. I filled out the online form and my wife paid for it there.
The only photo ID my wife used was postal ID. This can be obtained very easy. My wife is only now applying for her first passport in her married name.

Hope this helps.

2nd July 2012, 22:42
Thanks Roy that is reassuring.

Will probably need some more advice at some point. This is one complicated process!

2nd July 2012, 23:21
Looking at the small print, it appears that my girlfriend would need a passport?

c below

• birth certificate
• CENOMAR with details matching those on birth certificate and, if name/etc on birth certificate differs from passport, another CENOMAR matching the details on the passport. This will not be required for widowed/annulled applicant
• If applicable, original passport
• If divorced, present the original divorce decree absolute
• If annulled, please present the following documents:
O Advisory of Marriage Record (CRS Form 5) in lieu of a CENOMAR
O Certificate of Finality and full court documents, including decision
O Marriage certificate, with proper annotation declaring the marriage null and void
• If widow/widower, present death certificate of deceased spouse, and include the following documents:
O Advisory of Marriage Record (CRS Form 5) in lieu of a CENOMAR
O Marriage certificate with proper annotation declaring, if applicable, the presumptive death of spouse

Also my girlfriend is 21, so she will need to bring written parental consent to the embassy?

3rd July 2012, 06:52
Looking at the small print, it appears that my girlfriend would need a passport?

c below

• birth certificate
• CENOMAR with details matching those on birth certificate and, if name/etc on birth certificate differs from passport, another CENOMAR matching the details on the passport. This will not be required for widowed/annulled applicant
• If applicable, original passport
• If divorced, present the original divorce decree absolute
• If annulled, please present the following documents:
O Advisory of Marriage Record (CRS Form 5) in lieu of a CENOMAR
O Certificate of Finality and full court documents, including decision
O Marriage certificate, with proper annotation declaring the marriage null and void
• If widow/widower, present death certificate of deceased spouse, and include the following documents:
O Advisory of Marriage Record (CRS Form 5) in lieu of a CENOMAR
O Marriage certificate with proper annotation declaring, if applicable, the presumptive death of spouse

Also my girlfriend is 21, so she will need to bring written parental consent to the embassy?

My wife required parental consent as she was 23. Her mom came and signed at the city hall, not the embassy.

3rd July 2012, 07:45
Why do you think she needs a passport? Just because you are getting married, does not necessarily mean she wants to move to the uk. There are other ways of providing ID :doh

3rd July 2012, 08:24
If you apply for the CENOMAR online for delivery overseas, you can pay by credit card and yes it takes 4-6 weeks.

The best option is to apply for yours and your fiances online for delivery in the Philippines, (ensure you provide her cell phone number and delivery address), then you'll get a reference number and she will have to pay for the CENOMAR locally at a bank. It will take a few days for it to be delivered. Ours was delivered the next day.

Arthur Little
3rd July 2012, 13:31
No passport to get married.

:iagree: ... that's what I'd have thought. :anerikke: ... I mean the fact that the vast majority of people do have a *passport in this age of foreign travel, is neither here nor there, *its main function being to enable them to travel abroad. Whereas, a birth certificate, for example, can be used for MOST practical purposes by those who don't.

3rd July 2012, 13:57
just ring NSO delivery 7371111 for the cenomar they'll ask for some info name, b-day,b-place etc.and they will give you a reference number and will tell you where to pay,it will deliver to you in 2-3 working days.I used NSO service delivery w/ my b-certificate,cenomar and same as my marriage certificate.

3rd July 2012, 17:42
because in the small print checklist (that the embassy produces) for the finance. It says to bring 'passport if applicable'.

3rd July 2012, 18:32
'passport if applicable'. if she does not have one, you have answered your question

3rd July 2012, 18:34
because in the small print checklist (that the embassy produces) for the finance. It says to bring 'passport if applicable'.

If it is an embassy document that you are quoting from, just to be sure, just send them an email. But word it in such a way that they cant possibly come back with the wrong answer. Or even give them a call. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd July 2012, 19:50
All your fiancee need for the Embassy is cenomar, birth cert, photo ID, passport is the one most people think of when you need photo ID but a driving license or postal ID will do, If your fiancee is only 21 then she might still be in study so student ID will do.

Parental consent is required at city Hall not Embassy, a letter might not be good enough, you might have to have her parents there with photo ID as well.

3rd July 2012, 19:53
Parental consent is required at city Hall not Embassy, a letter might not be good enough, you might have to have her parents there with photo ID as well.

Yes, in our case the mother in law had to make an appearance at city hall and give her written consent to the authorities there.

4th July 2012, 00:56
Thanks everyone

Arthur Little
4th July 2012, 17:18
Thanks everyone

:) That's what we are HERE for. :welcomex: to this helpful and informative site ... and best wishes with your forthcoming plans. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st July 2012, 17:33
you need to get a cenomar in the philippines also so they know you have not married there before. I had to get one before i got the CNI from the british embassy in Manila. They gave us a few days to get it thankfully because when i arrived for the appointment in Manila i did not know i had to have this. Also when you apply for the cenomar from the local municipal you have to attend marriage counselling

2nd August 2012, 00:19
Your fiance need a passport and a copy of it when you're going to get a CNI, it's one of the requirements. You will appear together with your fiance in the embassy. Hope you have your local CNI so that you can get your replacement here in just an hour or less. My husband and I just made it last June 22 of this year. Hope that two weeks is enough for you to prepare the wedding.. Good luck!

14th August 2012, 09:14
Hello Criddle-

I got married in April, just after the CENOMAR rule came in. Actually went to the British Embassy and there were two other couples who were told their applications would be delayed because they weren't aware of the new rules and had to go away and get the CENOMAR for the UK bridegroom.

If your future wife has a relative near an NSO office who can go and apply for it and then have it delivered to them, then it will only take 2-3 days. It doesn't have to be you who applies. Do make sure that they have the spelling of all your names, your father and mother's too, exactly right so there aren't any queries about the final document once you get it.

Your wife will need two IDs when you go to the Embassy. One she will need to leave with security, and the other she will need to take inside with her. My wife left her Barangay ID on the door, and took her passport in. You will only need your passport.

The Consular advice does say 'passport if applicable' for a future spouse, but I would take it that a passport is essential for her. Especially as after that they say that the details on her birth certificate must match those on the passport!

In short, I wouldn't leave anything to chance. And take photocopies with you of everything. They'll keep those and give you back your originals, hopefully with a nice letter signed by the Consul saying there is no imediment to you marrying.

Good luck! :)