View Full Version : An excellent idea

4th July 2012, 14:10
Benefits cheats should be shamed by having their photo pinned to every lamppost in their street, an official at the Department for Work and Pensions said.

Benefits cheats cost British taxpayers more than £1 billion a year and Terry Moran, Director General, Chief Operating Officer at DWP wants to disgrace these bogus claimants.

'If I had my way I would put their photograph on every lamppost in the street where they live because it is a very distressing thing for genuinely disabled people to see the reputation of disabled people damaged in the way that [it] is by those people,’ Mr Moran said at the Civil Service Live conference in London.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2168628/Benefits-cheats-photos-displayed-street-punishment-says-DWP-official.html#ixzz1zeuuMJw8

A shame more Civil Servants don't have this type of attitude

4th July 2012, 18:05
There aren't enough lamposts in my area:icon_lol:

4th July 2012, 18:14
There aren't enough lamposts in my area:icon_lol:

Very good :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
4th July 2012, 18:23
Benefits cheats should be shamed by having their photo pinned to every lamppost

Terry Moran, Director General, Chief Operating Officer at DWP wants to disgrace these bogus claimants.

Terry Moron must be taking the piss ... these layabouts are more likely to :piss2: against a lampost!

4th July 2012, 18:52
I'd like to see not their photos but the actual convicted benefit fraudsters attached to the lampost with one of these


4th July 2012, 18:55
A lot of the cheats will look at it as mark of respected in their council estate and the lamppost will me a trophy mounting area where they can check out there mates. A bit like the Asbo, that was a status symbol between the chav boys and that did not work.
i am afraid there is no way around the dredges of society, there will alway be the people that will sponge off the rest of the working classes. Stop there dole and benefits and they will just steal and rob more.
The thing that gets me is we are getting the scumbags and criminals from eastern europe robbing the people and cheating our over generous welfare state. :cwm23:

Arthur Little
4th July 2012, 19:11

Place HEAD There? ^ :cwm24:

:yikes: ... you're ALL :heartshape1:

4th July 2012, 19:15
Place HEAD There? ^ :cwm24:

:yikes: ... you're ALL :heartshape1:

They're stealing off the public and keeping my taxes high funding the benefits culture

4th July 2012, 19:50
A lot of the cheats will look at it as mark of respected in their council estate and the lamppost will me a trophy mounting area where they can check out there mates. A bit like the Asbo, that was a status symbol between the chav boys and that did not work.
i am afraid there is no way around the dredges of society, there will alway be the people that will sponge off the rest of the working classes. Stop there dole and benefits and they will just steal and rob more.
The thing that gets me is we are getting the scumbags and criminals from eastern europe robbing the people and cheating our over generous welfare state. :cwm23:

I was going to post to similar effect. Yes, it depends on the street. For some it would be a status symbol. :icon_lol: