View Full Version : "Perils of a long distance relationship"...

7th July 2012, 21:16
God bless Skype. We never let the day go by without a chat - but today Kay was moving house - computer packed , so no Skype.

Tried the phone - dozens of times.

Tried texts. No response.

Alarm and despondency set in...:NoNo:

Finally I get a text - "Call me now!"

The Sprog, aged three and three quarters, had taken advantage of the confusion to "borrow" Mummy's phone, play with it, thereby putting it on "Silent", and then hide it in a packing case...:doh

7th July 2012, 21:24
Yep. Its not as if you can drive round and knock on the door.

On the occasion this sort of thing happened to me I usually contacted my wife's mother or my wife's sister.

7th July 2012, 21:28
those was the days, trying to make contact by phone, soooooooooooooooooooo stressful for me but to em just one of those things,

7th July 2012, 21:40
When my wife got rushed into hospital for an emergency cesearean when my son decided to arrive 6 weeks early I found myslef panicing a little.

We had been talking on webcam in MSN Messenger until late in the night ( for me ) as it was my birthday, she bought me a cake and we were laughing and enjoying our time together online. Then when I had to go to sleep we said our goodnight's and that was that. She had already been complaining about pains in her stomach earlier that day and had already been to the local hospital who said it was normal during pregnancy, but then about 3am for me I get a call saying that my wife has been rushed to hospital with a bad bleed. By this time I was going mad trying to find out what was going on, but no one would pick up their phones or get back to me. Eventually, I get a call telling me my baby has been born and my wife is in emergency recovery. :yikes::yikes: I can't explain how I felt not being able to get in contact with anyone, those few hour of not knowing if either of them were ok was pure hell.

I guess the moral of this story is: make sure you have EVERYONE'S phone number. If you have to get in contact in an emergency it doesn't matter who you get hold of, you just need to be able to get a message out there. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th July 2012, 21:46
what happened to the cake steve, did charie eat the lot, plus you had my number you could have rung me:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

7th July 2012, 22:54
what happened to the cake steve, did charie eat the lot, plus you had my number you could have rung me:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Let's just say that when I got there 4 days later, there wasn't much cake left and to be honest, I wasn't really too worried about the cake at that point. :icon_lol:

Yes buddy, I had your number, I'll remember to call it when I need advice on 'how not to let my wife talk me into buying an iphone 4' :doh:icon_lol::icon_lol:

8th July 2012, 00:31
I did in fact get hold of Kay's elder sister Mel.

This usually gets me before the firing squad, as it did once before when she was ill, on the grounds of "I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!!!" (and, depending on the time of the month, I may also get "I don't need a **** man around to get under my feet!!!")

Today was no exception. ;)

Needless to say, the ringback on her mobile phone is Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger!"

I am of course besotted with her...