View Full Version : Congratulations Myrna

9th July 2012, 19:47
I would like to congratulate Myrna and Arthur Little, as Myrna's application for naturalization as a british citizen was approved and has arrived today in the post :Hellooo:. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th July 2012, 19:53
may i add my congratulations :icon_win:

9th July 2012, 20:02
;) wow british citizenship...

;) fantastic news.
it will take years.. before i can have it but I am :drivingx: for it.

9th July 2012, 20:06
Fantastic news, you have been waiting for so long. Congratulations Myrna and Arthur :xxparty-smiley-050::xxparty-smiley-050::xxparty-smiley-050::xxparty-smiley-050::xxparty-smiley-050::xxparty-smiley-050:

9th July 2012, 20:07
well done Myrna:):)

Doc Alan
9th July 2012, 20:43
Great news :). Congratulations Myrna :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th July 2012, 20:57
Myrna, many many sincere congratulations from both me and Carina. :Jump::Jump::Jump:

We're so so happy on your achievement.

You'll soon be eligible to join that very exclusive club of dual citizens :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'll tell Carina as soon as she gets home from work. She'll be so thrilled.

God Bless all there

9th July 2012, 20:58
Great news for you both. Congratulations.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th July 2012, 21:07

A work colleague was telling me today that he recently gained his UK citizenship in Glasgow. Originally a Cuban student. He said he had to go in and sing God Save the Queen and all that.....and swear allegiance...

9th July 2012, 21:09
Congratulations Myrna and Arthur :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th July 2012, 21:09
Congrats Ate Myrna and Arthur! :) How long did Ate Myrna wait Arthur? Did she use National Checking service?

9th July 2012, 23:21
Well done Mrs L :appl:

I wonder if the oath of allegiance is sworn at the local Town Hall or at Clan HQ - I guess Mr Salmond will be wanting to make a few changes

10th July 2012, 02:14
wow!! tita Myrna..congratulations...hoping that I will received also mine when I apply....but still so many steps pa to do before I get there....just starting on my first step....he he he...ingat and God Bless always to you and sir Arthur....

10th July 2012, 07:31
Many Congrats Mrs L..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th July 2012, 07:36

A work colleague was telling me today that he recently gained his UK citizenship in Glasgow. Originally a Cuban student. He said he had to go in and sing God Save the Queen and all that.....and swear allegiance...

He was telling me about what he had to do to achieve his ILR. He originally came in on a Student Visa. Ended up marrying a Scottish lass.

10th July 2012, 07:52
Well deserved Myrna and Arthur :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th July 2012, 08:36

10th July 2012, 16:16
Congratulation to Myrna and Arthur! Well done, Guys. Party2x!!

10th July 2012, 16:38
Congratulations Myrna and Arthur. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
10th July 2012, 20:43
:olddude: Friends,

Myrna has asked me to convey her heartfelt thanks for all your kind messages of congratulation on the :BouncyHappy: occasion of her attaining British Citizenship.

Accordingly ... she will receive her Certificate of Naturalisation at an Official Awards Ceremony to be held in Perth City Chambers at 11 o'clock on the morning of Thursday, July 26th.

:68711_thanx: once again.

10th July 2012, 21:05
you both deserved the good news well done to the Mrs Arthur :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th July 2012, 21:21
Great news, congratulations to both of you. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
11th July 2012, 00:17
How long did Ate Myrna wait Arthur?

Seventeen weeks exactly, Melissa :rolleyes:... but see below.

Did she use National Checking service?

Yes, she did; she applied on 12 March and - somewhat ironically :rolleyes: - finally received notification of approval on the very day the New Income Levels for Settlement came into force, i.e., yesterday ... albeit the letter was actually dated 28 June, 2012.

Arthur Little
11th July 2012, 01:32

;) Being conscious of the fact that you will become eligible to apply later in the year, I would DEFINITELY recommend using the Service. Here, then, is a bit of background information about it:

Nationality Checking Service

The NCS is a partnership between the City of Edinburgh Council and the Home Office Nationality Group. It is registered with the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner. Its officers are trained and authorised to check and forward completed applications to the Home Office.

The Nationality Checking Team can help reduce the chance that your application is delayed. It does this by:

(i) Checking your forms to ensure everything is completed correctly

(ii) Making sure all the required documents and fees are attached before the application is sent to the Home Office.

The team is able to return all your important documents (such as Passport & Marriage Certificate) rather than you having to submit them to the Home Office.

N.B. The Checking Service Team is not able to give advice or answer queries regarding an application. Any queries should be directed to the Home Office. Alternatively, telephone: 0845 010 5200

The Address & Telephone No. of the Edinburgh Office:

The City of Edinburgh Registrar's Office,
59-63 George IV Bridge,

Phone 0131-529-2600 for an appointment ... and pay the Checking Service fee of £66 at that time. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
11th July 2012, 02:21
you both deserved the good news well done to the Mrs Arthur :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:thankyou:, Ross ...

Great news, congratulations to both of you. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

... and Rory; great news, indeed. :Jump:

Arthur Little
11th July 2012, 02:39
... she will receive her Certificate of Naturalisation at an *Official Awards Ceremony to be held in Perth City Chambers at 11 o'clock on the morning of Thursday, July 26th.

:omg: ... *ANOTHER new outfit!

11th July 2012, 07:51

11th July 2012, 07:56
Congratulations Myrna :xxgrinning--00xx3:

My wife and step son are eligible now but with our holiday back to the Philippines next week, we have delayed the application till later this year.

11th July 2012, 11:12
Woow Congrats Ate Myrna!!

Arthur Little
11th July 2012, 12:07

Congratulations Myrna :xxgrinning--00xx3:

My wife and step son are eligable now but with our holiday back to the Philippines next week, we have delayed the application till later this year.

Woow Congrats Ate Myrna!!

Reema, Rusty and Mari ... your respective congratulatory messages are also much appreciated. :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th July 2012, 15:00
Aww many congratulations to Sir Arthur and Myrna :) God bless you both xxx

11th July 2012, 16:28

11th July 2012, 16:49

;) Being conscious of the fact that you will become eligible to apply later in the year, I would DEFINITELY recommend using the Service. Here, then, is a bit of background information about it:

Nationality Checking Service

The NCS is a partnership between the City of Edinburgh Council and the Home Office Nationality Group. It is registered with the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner. Its officers are trained and authorised to check and forward completed applications to the Home Office.

The Nationality Checking Team can help reduce the chance that your application is delayed. It does this by:

(i) Checking your forms to ensure everything is completed correctly

(ii) Making sure all the required documents and fees are attached before the application is sent to the Home Office.

The team is able to return all your important documents (such as Passport & Marriage Certificate) rather than you having to submit them to the Home Office.

N.B. The Checking Service Team is not able to give advice or answer queries regarding an application. Any queries should be directed to the Home Office. Alternatively, telephone: 0845 010 5200

The Address & Telephone No. of the Edinburgh Office:

The City of Edinburgh Registrar's Office,
59-63 George IV Bridge,

Phone 0131-529-2600 for an appointment ... and pay the Checking Service fee of £66 at that time. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thank you so much for this information Arthur. I will take note of this. Hopefully there will be no changes this year for British citizenship. I will be next in line... :) Once again, Congratulations to Ate Myrna! :Hellooo:

Arthur Little
11th July 2012, 17:26
Aww many congratulations to Sir Arthur and Myrna :) God bless you both xxx

Grace & Adam, we :thankyou: ...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

... and likewise, Angel. :)

stevie c
11th July 2012, 17:46
Great news well done Mryna :Jump:

Arthur Little
11th July 2012, 18:00
Great news well done Mryna :Jump:

Stevie ... :68711_thanx:

And all the best to Florsel, when it comes to her turn for ILR. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
11th July 2012, 18:10
And a special :thankyou: to our good friend - and fellow "Perthite" - Aileen ( acs ) for her kindness in first proclaiming the 'glad tidings'.

11th July 2012, 18:18
The NCS is a partnership between the City of Edinburgh Council and the Home Office Nationality Group. It is registered with the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner. Its officers are trained and authorised to check and forward completed applications to the Home Office.

The Nationality Checking Team can help reduce the chance that your application is delayed. It does this by:

(i) Checking your forms to ensure everything is completed correctly

(ii) Making sure all the required documents and fees are attached before the application is sent to the Home Office.

The team is able to return all your important documents (such as Passport & Marriage Certificate) rather than you having to submit them to the Home Office.

N.B. The Checking Service Team is not able to give advice or answer queries regarding an application. Any queries should be directed to the Home Office. Alternatively, telephone: 0845 010 5200

The Address & Telephone No. of the Edinburgh Office:

The City of Edinburgh Registrar's Office,
59-63 George IV Bridge,

Phone 0131-529-2600 for an appointment ... and pay the Checking Service fee of £66 at that time. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

These fees vary as local authorities can charge whatever amount they want - our rip off Britain Royal Borough .currently want £70 which will be increasing (obviously not in line with inflation) to £74. The London Borough of Sutton in comparision is a bargain £50.00. I might be wrong but I believe you can shop around and do not have to use your own council

Arthur Little
11th July 2012, 20:30
These fees vary as local authorities can charge whatever amount they want - our rip off Britain Royal Borough .currently want £70 which will be increasing (obviously not in line with inflation) to £74. The London Borough of Sutton in comparision is a bargain £50.00. I might be wrong but I believe you can shop around and do not have to use your own council

Yes ... you're RIGHT! :rolleyes: Noticed that myself only last night for the first time - when refreshing my memory on the advantages purported to be gained through the use of this Service.

Tbh, I was more than a little surprised :yikes: to discover the disparities between local authorities in the different fees they charge for more or less the same function.

11th July 2012, 20:36
Personally, I believe that the Checking Service does offer some benefits despite the cost.
Solely based on experience it does seem that when using this service the processing time to decision appears to be significantly less.
Also, it does give a certain level of confidence.
The applicants spouse does not need to surrender their passport.

These benefits seem especially useful for the long wait associated with ILR applications.

Arthur Little
11th July 2012, 21:12
Personally, I believe that the Checking Service does offer some benefits despite the cost.
Solely based on experience it does seem that when using this service the processing time to decision appears to be significantly less.
Also, it does give a certain level of confidence.
The applicants spouse does not need to surrender their passport.

These benefits seem especially useful for the long wait associated with ILR applications.

Oh ... undoubtedly, :iagree:! Regardless of the *variations in fees, *those are fairly put into proper perspective - as mere drops in the ocean - compared with the high costs of Settlement Visas and/or Citizenship. And this is particularly true when one considers the feelings of confidence, satisfaction and peace of mind to be derived from knowing for sure, that one's documents have, at the very least, been presented correctly and the need to surrender one's passport obviated. :xxgrinning--00xx3: