View Full Version : new build or build your own

9th July 2012, 20:25
if you had the money what would you go for, a new build or self build, say you had just over 3 million peso for a house, or lot and house, just remember though a lot and house could be added to so you could just start of small or even buy the land till you are ready,is 3 million enough :rolleyes:

9th July 2012, 20:35
Another good thread starter Steve.

Personally, I would say DIY but ONLY if you know something about construction and are going to be on-site every day almost supervising. Means you will probably need to either speak the lingo or have Emma do fine translation.

Otherwise, bite the bullet and keep well away until it's finisnished. Or buy fully completed if you like it:)

Hundreds of stories around if you search, some funny, some make you cry. But always interesting and educational

9th July 2012, 20:46
Peter why are you saying that Emma should do the fine translations, is it because i am a little kuripot:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

9th July 2012, 20:51
Peter why are you saying that Emma should do the fine translations, is it because i am a little kuripot:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

I know you like that word Steve. I'm saying nothing. Don't want to come between husband and wife.

9th July 2012, 21:46
Its personal choice steve at the end of the day. From what you have been saying you would like a house near the beach and all the trimmings. There is some nice places in bohol but I dont think you will get what you want for p3million. Double it sounds about right. As for me I dont mind the simple life as long as I am with my wife and stepdaughter. Nice subdivision place for me.

9th July 2012, 22:11
I rented while having my own built.

I believe the ex gets a reasonable income from renting out the property (restaurant, shop and 4 bed accomo' over) that I designed, paid for and had built. :cwm3:

9th July 2012, 22:37
Do please bear in mind, gentlemen, that you won't own it.

Your wife will.

Personally, I would rather have my money in a nice, safe, bank, otuside the Philippines, and pay rent.