View Full Version : Could anyone issue their support against the New Rules?

11th July 2012, 17:53
Hello everyone,

As I am sure many of you are aware the New rules will cause many thousands of families to break up as well as British people living away from the UK with non EU Spouses to be banned from their country unless they split up their family if they need to move back home.

Well MPs have put a commons Motion in place against the changes, however we need more MPs to sign up and wanted to ask everyone to write to their MP, simply follow this link


Here is my Letter to mp MP and if people wish to use this please do,

Dear MP,

I would like to ask you to join other MPs to oppose the inhumane restrictions on families and to add your name to the Early day motion 297, please see link below


Yours Faithfully,

Below I have listed more information on these changes, if you wish to read through them please do;

Here I outline a few points in relation to the Immigration changes.

• 1 Flat rate minimum of £18600 regardless of where the sponsor lives. A flat 18600 is wrong. Its a one size fits all approach.

• There's no recourse to public funds anyway. So why have a minimum income threshold.

FACT - the Sponsored Spouse CAN NOT claim any benefits as they have no recourse to public funds until they get their ILR and it is a fact that the presence of a UK Citizens Sponsored spouse CAN NOT increase the sponsors housing benefit nor any other benefits, if anything if the Immigrant Spouse does work the sponsors housing benefit will decrease and look at the statistics the vast majority of immigrant spouses go straight into the working environment hence also contributing to the UK Economy.

• Having it both ways i.e. Benefits dished out to the unemployed don't even remotely match the £18600 threshold set for sponsors. What I and some are saying is that the government shouldn’t really have it both ways.

• Burden on the tax payer at £18600 per annum. At that level the sponsor is making net payment in tax and national insurance.

• Ms. May is correct in quoting the wording of the Human Rights Act which incorporates the European Convention on Human Rights into British law. It is a qualified rather than an absolute right. However, measures that qualify should be proportionate, i.e. there is a need to justify that in effect the economic well-being of the country is being protected by these restrictions and that the means to do it are not disproportionate and quite clearly the restrictions that a sponsor must earn 18,600 are not only disproportionate but also made in error as a UKs Sponsors Immigrant spouse is not entitled to any public funds, the UK Citizens Immigrant spouses presence CAN NOT increase ANY public funds for the UK Citizen regardless of that the minimum income threshold is set at hence the economic well-being of the country is not affected.

Teresa May claims the current Maintenance requirement of £5,795 is not adequate to prevent burden on the UK taxpayer. However, no evidence has been provided, statistics or figures to support exactly how much welfare has been taken as a result of the increase in the UK sponsor’s benefits due to the presence of the Migrant spouse to even determine if it is proportionate to increase the Maintenance threshold to £18,600 in terms of protecting the Welfare of the UK Economy?

Teresa May has also not provided any evidence i.e. figures or statistics to support her statement that the UK national spouse who marries a non-EEA nationals gets increased benefit payments as a result of the marriage and which exact benefits they are?

In relation to the Human Rights Act which states (v) If so, is such interference proportionate to the legitimate public end sought to be achieved?

May wants judges always to answer ‘yes’ to question (v) in every single case, that every applicants whose spouse earns less than 18,600 will affect the economic well-being of the UK and it is proportionate for every case. But in law they cannot Judges can not say that. Our judges remain independent and must carry out an independent assessment! By May dictating to Judges is explicitly abrogating the independence of the judiciary. Not so long ago the UK Govt was attacking Mugabe regime for doubling up as judges, are they acting any different from the Mugabe/ Gadaffi Regimes?

The 18,600 threshold was calculated by a group of economists called the Migration Advisory Committee who are a group of right wing Tories. This is the income level at which a British family would not receive any public funds in the form of income-related benefits (including tax credits).

A British Citizens Migrant Spouse has No Recourse to Public funds and CAN NOT access any tax credits, any housing benefit etc whether the UK Sponsor is earning more or less than 18,600? Nor can the sponsor be entitled to any additional public funds or housing benefit due to his Spouses presence either, therefore there being NO burden on the UK Tax payer whatsoever. Hence making there no need for a Minimum earning threshold of 18,600.

• Under New Rules a British Citizen who receives DLA is not required to meet the new minimum earning threshold however many people with disabilities do not receive DLA.

This is another major hole in the new rules in that not every disadvantaged or disabled person receives DLA, as DLA is only for specific problems which a disabled person has. Not only that but someone who receives DLA for instance may lose it one week and the next week his spouse applies for ILR and how can this person be expected to go from being disabled and unable to work to receiving 18,600 per year immediately potentially? Hence his family spit apart, potentially his/her spouse being arrested by border control, split apart from her/his children after living here for 5 years and being put in a detention centre back to a country they have not lived in for 5 years!

• How can if be fair or propionate that that for example,any EU National ie a Greek national, working in London, may have his Cambodian wife, and her extended family join him on a EEA family permit. They become immediately eligible to benefits, there is no maintenance test, she may work or not, and there is no jeopardy at 30 and 60 months. His family may stay as long as he does. The Greek citizen can do this as of right. The British citizen’s spouse/family/fiance has to meet all of these requirements and the British Citizens Spouse/family/Fiance does not have any of these rights that the Greek Nationals spouse/fiance has?.

Thank you

11th July 2012, 18:30
being that i live in scotland, im asuming it is not my msp(as msp deals with matters more to do with scotland) but my mp who represents me in house of commons ?? can you please advise i want to get it right,

Your Member of Parliament
Your Banff and Buchan MP represents you in the House of Commons. The House of Commons is responsible for making laws in the UK and for overall scrutiny of all aspects of government.

11th July 2012, 18:33
Good point, I am not sure who your MPS is?

Is it not here?


11th July 2012, 18:35
Yellowcloud et al - are there any reasons not to make an appointment to see your MP at their local surgery allowing you express your concerns face to face over the table ?

11th July 2012, 18:41
this is what it says of msp, for my post code
Your Aberdeenshire East MSP represents you in the Scottish Parliament. The Scottish Parliament is responsible for a wide range of devolved matters in which it sets policy independently of the London Parliament. Devolved matters include education, health, agriculture, justice and prisons. It also has some tax-raising powers.Alex Salmond (SNP)

but for mp says
Your Banff and Buchan MP represents you in the House of Commons. The House of Commons is responsible for making laws in the UK and for overall scrutiny of all aspects of government.Eilidh Whiteford (SNP)

im thinking mp as they deal with the main issues thats the way i read it, where msp deals with the scotish side of matters
what you think?
both snp and mp are of scotland they are both snp

11th July 2012, 18:47
this is what it says of msp, for my post code
Your Aberdeenshire East MSP represents you in the Scottish Parliament. The Scottish Parliament is responsible for a wide range of devolved matters in which it sets policy independently of the London Parliament. Devolved matters include education, health, agriculture, justice and prisons. It also has some tax-raising powers.Alex Salmond (SNP)

but for mp says
Your Banff and Buchan MP represents you in the House of Commons. The House of Commons is responsible for making laws in the UK and for overall scrutiny of all aspects of government.Eilidh Whiteford (SNP)

im thinking mp as they deal with the main issues thats the way i read it, where msp deals with the scotish side of matters
what you think?
both snp and mp are of scotland they are both snp

Seems like Immigration rules are dealt with by the UK government in the House of Commons and not by the Scottish parliament?

11th July 2012, 18:49
thats what i thought , but wanted a second opinion to be sure thanks, il shall do my deed :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th July 2012, 18:50
Yellowcloud et al - are there any reasons not to make an appointment to see your MP at their local surgery allowing you express your concerns face to face over the table ?

Believe you me I have tried but his secretary refuses to allow me to do this and just tells me he will pass the message on but he is very busy!!!

11th July 2012, 18:51
this is what it says of msp, for my post code
Your Aberdeenshire East MSP represents you in the Scottish Parliament. The Scottish Parliament is responsible for a wide range of devolved matters in which it sets policy independently of the London Parliament. Devolved matters include education, health, agriculture, justice and prisons. It also has some tax-raising powers.Alex Salmond (SNP)

but for mp says
Your Banff and Buchan MP represents you in the House of Commons. The House of Commons is responsible for making laws in the UK and for overall scrutiny of all aspects of government.Eilidh Whiteford (SNP)

im thinking mp as they deal with the main issues thats the way i read it, where msp deals with the scotish side of matters
what you think?
both snp and mp are of scotland they are both snp

Imagine - it's an early day motion in the House of Commons Westminster - Whiteford's your woman

11th July 2012, 18:53
Imagine - it's an early day motion in the House of Commons Westminster - Whiteford's your woman

not literaly i hope :icon_lol: dont think my gal would be pleased :icon_lol:

thanks Ded:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th July 2012, 18:53
Believe you me I have tried but his secretary refuses to allow me to do this and just tells me he will pass the message on but he is very busy!!!

Demand a meeting if the secretary refuses tell them you will be taking the matter up with the leader of the MP's Parliamentary Party, The Local Press/Radio/BBC /Spreading it all over the internet etc etc

This might help


11th July 2012, 19:00
Believe you me I have tried but his secretary refuses to allow me to do this and just tells me he will pass the message on but he is very busy!!!

Who is your mp yellowcloud?

11th July 2012, 19:05
Who is your mp yellowcloud?

I hope Yellowcloud doesnt live in Middlesbrough :)

A veteran politician branded 'Britain's laziest MP' said yesterday that he hasn't held a surgery for his constituents for 14 years because he fears being attacked.

Sir Stuart Bell, 73, said that after a member of the public 'attacked him twice' during surgeries he decided to hold meetings only by appointment.

The Labour MP for Middlesbrough denied being idle after a newspaper investigation found that of 100 phone calls made to his office by reporters posing as constituents, not one was answered by his staff.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2034920/Labour-MP-Stuart-Bell-tries-justify-holding-surgery-14-YEARS.html#ixzz20L2aZy8c

The suckers keep voting him in :icon_lol:

11th July 2012, 19:13
thats mine sent :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th July 2012, 19:15
As you know I am waiting for a response from Mr Green but I have asked my mp to sign it anyway.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th July 2012, 19:17
I hope Yellowcloud doesnt live in Middlesbrough :)

A veteran politician branded 'Britain's laziest MP' said yesterday that he hasn't held a surgery for his constituents for 14 years because he fears being attacked.

Sir Stuart Bell, 73, said that after a member of the public 'attacked him twice' during surgeries he decided to hold meetings only by appointment.

The Labour MP for Middlesbrough denied being idle after a newspaper investigation found that of 100 phone calls made to his office by reporters posing as constituents, not one was answered by his staff.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2034920/Labour-MP-Stuart-Bell-tries-justify-holding-surgery-14-YEARS.html#ixzz20L2aZy8c

The suckers keep voting him in :icon_lol:

I would find out where he lives and kick the :censored: door in. :laugher:

11th July 2012, 19:34
he should be sacked and made to repay the earings hes had for doing nothing

11th July 2012, 19:41
UK Poliltical database http://ukpolitics.telegraph.co.uk/ some interesting info here on MP's inc some address's, expenses, previos occupation, education

11th July 2012, 19:56
OK, I have written again to my MP to request a meeting! :)

11th July 2012, 21:56
I have written three times now to my MP
The more I understand the more reasons I find for opposition.
It's just not right IMO

I have not made an effort for a face to face meeting, but I will consider that.

So far I did not receive a single reply, I feel that in itself is reason enough for a meeting in the "surgery" hours.

Keep the faith.

11th July 2012, 22:04
Good luck Yellowcloud. I hope fairness prevails.

11th July 2012, 22:45
they dont reply because they dont consider anyone is worth:NoNo:

11th July 2012, 23:59
Good luck Yellowcloud. I hope fairness prevails.

Thanks, I will do my best but if everyone else helps too by writing to their MPs and if no response like mine, request an appointment as is your right or go to the surgery.

12th July 2012, 16:21
In particular we need you to contact the Shadow Immigration Minister, Chris Bryant, and urge him to put his name to this. You can write to him at bryantc@parliament.uk

12th July 2012, 17:46
I,m in a real mess then lol as my bloody MP is Vince Cable he is MP for Twickenham the part of London I come under so i,m sunk before I start as he is so far up Camerons :action-smiley-081: that I will have no chance.

12th July 2012, 17:52
I,m in a real mess then lol as my bloody MP is Vince Cable he is MP for Twickenham the part of London I come under so i,m sunk before I start as he is so far up Camerons :action-smiley-081: that I will have no chance.

I think you'll find the opposite is true Jack - Cameron regards him as the ni**er in the Cabinet woodpile - he's a Labour fellow traveller

12th July 2012, 18:10
In particular we need you to contact the Shadow Immigration Minister, Chris Bryant, and urge him to put his name to this. You can write to him at bryantc@parliament.uk

I have already emailed him 2 months ago no reply. The way its going I think my Mrs is better off where she is. Lets face it do I really want to bring her to this sh**hole?

12th July 2012, 18:18
I have already emailed him 2 months ago no reply.

As one would expect from a publicity seeking lightweight like him. He's adept at getting his snout in the expenses trough

Chris Bryant, the MP for Rhondda, has split more than £92,000 of expenses between three properties in Wales and London in the past five years.

In 2004, he attempted to claim £58,000 to overhaul his second home in Porth, Wales, after allegedly complaining that most properties in his constituency were "terrace or mine owners' houses".


The way its going I think my Mrs is better off where she is. Lets face it do I really want to bring her to this sh**hole?
Sadly you are probably right Andy

12th July 2012, 18:48
I,m in a real mess then lol as my bloody MP is Vince Cable he is MP for Twickenham the part of London I come under so i,m sunk before I start as he is so far up Camerons that I will have no chance.

Not many people realise this but it is your right to request a meeting with your MP. I would urge everyone who is not getting a response from their MP to write to them to request an intervew with them.

An example of the one I wrote to my MP.


(Your address and name)

(MY MP Name) MP

The House of Commons



Dear My MPS name MP,

I am writing to request a meeting with you to discuss my concerns about the new Immigration Rules restricting families from being together. It would be most convenient if we could arrange the meeting any afternoon after 3pm.

I would like to discuss the new changes to the immigration rules with you and that I am very unhappy with the way the break up and keep apart families.

I look forward to hearing from you with a suggested time for our meeting.

Yours sincerely,

12th July 2012, 19:10
I hope you get a reply mate.

13th July 2012, 00:18
Andy, cheers mate.

If anyones interested in seeing how the UK now fares to other country's immigration restrictions check this out


13th July 2012, 18:08
An interesting article which


the OBR states that migrants actually benefit the UK Economy and remember the reason T May brough in these changes was because she said she can interfere with the Human rights of British citzens on the basis of the

economic well-being of the country.


13th July 2012, 22:21
There will be a way round this for us yellowcloud its just finding it.

Arthur Little
13th July 2012, 23:53
Lets face it do I really want to bring her to this sh**hole?

:anerikke: ... who can blame you, Andy? Sh:censored:hole, notwithstanding, it OUGHT to be your RIGHT to do so! :angry:

14th July 2012, 00:32
Ahh Green rejects the findings of the OBR


SAying that

"fails to take account of the costs of immigration."

"Uncontrolled migration places unacceptable pressure on the UK's public services, infrastructure and jobs market," he told BBC News.

However, the economy has benefited - by £6billion a year - from the influx of migrant workers.

The money raised from new workers paying income tax and VAT goes directly to the Treasury to be spent on essential services including schools, hospitals and transport.

Plus last year, 207,000 British citizens - one every three minutes - left the country while 510,000 foreigners arrived to stay for a year or more.

I would like to see the figures of costs of immigration, together with the fact that on average 207,000 British citizens leave the UK each year, that £6billion a year is generated by migrant workers to the UK economy together with OBRs findings and see the full picture.

14th July 2012, 00:40
:anerikke: ... who can blame you, Andy? Sh:censored:hole, notwithstanding, it OUGHT to be your RIGHT to do so! :angry:

It is still (should be) your right to live in your own country with your own wife, no matter where she is from and it should not be constringent upon money or wage at all. Australia and New Zealand and Canada do not have a maintenance requirement at all.

16th July 2012, 00:07
I,m in a real mess then lol as my bloody MP is Vince Cable he is MP for Twickenham the part of London I come under so i,m sunk before I start as he is so far up Camerons :action-smiley-081: that I will have no chance.

Jack did you get a reply from Vince Clark


Would be great to get him onside and if we can get his name to this it would be amazing!!!


Jack it is your right to request a meeting with him as he is your MP! also you can see him at his surgery, for the sake of others families you would be helping so much if you could do this.

This is a copy of my letter I have sent to various people who can help.


I would like to ask you to join other MPs to oppose the inhumane restrictions on UK families and if you can help in any possible way and to add your name to the Early day motion 297, please see link below


Please could you also pass this onto other MPs who would be willing to put their name to this or can help in any way?

In short these new rules prevent a UK Citizen from having family life in the UK with their non - EU Spouse if they earn less than £18,600, British citizens with non-EU Spouses living abroad who can not make that much for 6 months in the UK will be exiled from their country or leave their family behind. An EU Citizen ie a Greek person can bring his or her NON EU Spouse to live in the UK without having to meet any of these new restrictions but the UK Government has put these unfair restrictions on its own citizens.

Damien Green tell us that they government can do this as the Human rights act is a qualified right, which is true but Green argues they can interfere with the Human rights act in this case on the basis to protect the Economic well being of the UK, however he has shown no figures to support that spouses/fiances or families effect the UK Economy negatively and in fact I suspect that family migrant/spouses/fiances have a positive effect on the UK economy. Greens other argument is that the UK sponsors benefits could increase due to the presence of his/her migrant spouse however many UK Sponsors don't claim any benefits and no not receive an increase in their benefits due to the presence of their migrant spouse and again Green has not shown how much benefit has been increased due to the presence of the Migrant Spouse or compared to how much migrant spouses/fiances have contributed to the UK economy which I suspect would be far higher than ANY possible increase in any benefits that might have occurred to the UK Sponsors benefits due to the presence of his NON EU Spouse. It must also be noted that the Migrant spouse is NOT entitled to claim ANY public funds and does not receive any as is the stipulation in their visa.

For case studies please see link


Yours Faithfully,