View Full Version : Another Worry:(

14th July 2012, 17:14
Good day everyone. I've just read the new upcoming change of immigration (EEA) rule effective on Monday. I am so anxious about it. I came to the UK in a fiance visa and We just got married last July 10, 2012 :) My husband is an Irish National who holds an Irish passport. We are hoping that this month I'll be applying for an EEA Residence Card but as what I've read in the UKBA website we are so worried about the new rule.

My question is, Am I going to be affected by the new immigration rule if I apply for my residence card after July 16?

I hope someone will help me with this matter.

Many thanks!

14th July 2012, 18:01
Hi Gretta,

I posted on this subject recently.
It might help you:-

Gretta please contact UKBA to check if there are any transition exemptions.
Enquiries about regulation cahnges can be made in writing to the UKBA European Operational Policy Team by emailing EuropeanOperational@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk

There are so many changes in policy recently. They way that they have been done is very complicated with no simple links between the various rules and documents.

Your case is not easy to figure out because you did not enter UK on the EEA route.
You actually entered under UKBA rules.
So I'm not sure you can be counted in the EEA transitional exemptions.

Please let the forum know what UKBA tell you as there are other members in a similar route.

Good luck