View Full Version : visa or not

15th July 2012, 10:57
what would you do if after 6 months of getting all papers for visa and you didnt get the minimum £18,600 would you put in for the visa and hope for the best or just use the amount it costs to get a fiancee visa and go stay with your wife/partner in phil as i worked out im only going to get about £14000 as my work pay sometimes goes up and down i know some will say take a part time job 2 but were do you get time to rest i cant work all hours to reach this amount is it realy going to be worth trying and wasting the money if we havent a chance of meeting this :furious3:amount

15th July 2012, 11:07
Do not submit any settlement visa application if you do not meet the stated financial requirement as you will be refused as being 'clearly ineligible'.
That would just be a waste of money.

No offence Hawk, just my view on what will happen.

Think of a better way to spend your money.

15th July 2012, 16:19
if you earn the £14000 can the shortfall be made up with a percenatage of the required savings ,which are stated as the required amount instead of earnings, in other words a slice of both?

15th July 2012, 16:33
i dont think the case worker can use their discretion at all, if you dont meet the criteria you will be refused.

15th July 2012, 16:59
if you earn the £14000 can the shortfall be made up with a percenatage of the required savings ,which are stated as the required amount instead of earnings, in other words a slice of both?

Yes, that's correct.
In this case the shortfall is £4600
Means required savings of 2.5 x £4600 = £11250
That is on top of the minimum £16000
So to meet the income shortfall needs savings of £27250 which must be held for 6 months prior to application.
And that level needs to be shown again at FLR application time 30 months later (held for 6 months prior to application)

Not an easy option, but one that some folks may be able to use.

15th July 2012, 17:19
Yes, that's correct.
In this case the shortfall is £4600
Means required savings of 2.5 x £4600 = £11250
That is on top of the minimum £16000
So to meet the income shortfall needs savings of £27250 which must be held for 6 months prior to application.
And that level needs to be shown again at FLR application time 30 months later (held for 6 months prior to application)

Not an easy option, but one that some folks may be able to use.

thats a lot of dosh :doh:NoNo:

15th July 2012, 17:33
Yes, that's correct.
In this case the shortfall is £4600
Means required savings of 2.5 x £4600 = £11250
That is on top of the minimum £16000
So to meet the income shortfall needs savings of £27250 which must be held for 6 months prior to application.
And that level needs to be shown again at FLR application time 30 months later (held for 6 months prior to application)

Not an easy option, but one that some folks may be able to use. Nice one Terpe :xxgrinning--00xx3: Simply put so no one can misunderstand.

Hawk, look, just my opinion here :)..take Terpe's advice and spend the application fee more wisely.

Looking at your financial situation, even if visa would of been allowed, I still wouldn't of applied.

Your wife would of had to work here as well to make ends meet..nothing to do with quality of life, its just survival. Definitely not what she expected.

Like many you would probably ended up like ships in the night doing shift work. No way to live :NoNo:

Better to do like some are on here is to make a way over in the Philippines...be it part time living here to start off then at a later date move over.

Good Luck Hawk :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th July 2012, 20:19
i know what you mean its just nuts that others can have more rights than us and dont even need prove they have a single penny to hand or savings and get more help from uk gov than uk born its like were more than 3rd rate citizens and the gaps getting bigger as more come here were pushed theirther down the line

15th July 2012, 20:52
Ok, here's my take on it:

It's damned hard trying to stay in the Phils for any length of time unless you have a regular income from the UK....or elsewhere.

Lots of daydreamers making plans and lots of people losing money out there all the time and coming back with their tails between their legs. :NoNo:

When it came to supporting my family in our house in the Phils (wife already had settlement visa) and planning and saving for bringing them all back to the UK, including my 2 stepchildren on dependants' visas, I had to work VERY hard in Hong Kong.

- 7 days a week over a period of 2 years, long hours, appalling conditions with short holiday breaks in the Phils. This is what OFWs do all the time (except for much less money).

You have to decide what you need to earn, what you need to save and direct your life towards that, letting nothing stand in your way, moving location and job if necessary.

YOU will only have to hack it for 6 months. :)

15th July 2012, 22:05
Ok, here's my take on it:

It's damned hard trying to stay in the Phils for any length of time unless you have a regular income from the UK....or elsewhere.

Lots of daydreamers making plans and lots of people losing money out there all the time and coming back with their tails between their legs. :NoNo:

When it came to supporting my family in our house in the Phils (wife already had settlement visa) and planning and saving for bringing them all back to the UK, including my 2 stepchildren on dependants' visas, I had to work VERY hard in Hong Kong.

- 7 days a week over a period of 2 years, long hours, appalling conditions with short holiday breaks in the Phils. This is what OFWs do all the time (except for much less money).

You have to decide what you need to earn, what you need to save and direct your life towards that, letting nothing stand in your way, moving location and job if necessary.

YOU will only have to hack it for 6 months. :)

Good post Graham...After all, you are a bigger than most authority on this moving here, moving there subject.

I wasn't being flippant in my suggestion Graham....the shock of coming here is enough without having to worry about counting the money each shopping day.

.This is after all the land of milk and honey, which is what many think it is when in fact for many its a daily round of drudgery..far from the thoughts they had on the plane coming over here.

15th July 2012, 23:16
Very true mate.

Fast as you earn it here they're taking it off you anyway. :NoNo:

15th July 2012, 23:30
Very true mate.

Fast as you earn it here they're taking it off you anyway. :NoNo:

we getting poorer here loosing everything we worked for, whats the point, flogging yourself to death,
i guess the option of moving to phil instead depends on what life style your willing to settle for, simple cheap and affordable, or try live a life style you have in uk or some try more,and its proberbly thats the reason why they dont last:Erm:

16th July 2012, 00:10
I'll tell you something now...for all the people who are getting down about these new rules.
A little of my story:

(Sorry...story deleted...decided it was too personal.)

So there you have it.
If you want something badly enough and certain people mean enough to you, NOTHING will stand in your way.

16th July 2012, 00:22
I'll tell you something now...for all the people who are getting down about these new rules.
A little of my story:
If you want something badly enough and certain people mean enough to you, NOTHING will stand in your way.


respect :xxgrinning--00xx3: