View Full Version : Oh my god!

21st July 2007, 16:29
Many parts of Britain are really underwater, cars, houses, train tracks are submerged... it so scary!:bigcry: I hope this won't happen to our town.

21st July 2007, 16:34
I live 800ft up a mountain, couldn't care less about those below :D

21st July 2007, 16:37
Many of the areas that have flooded have had the problem in the past and hopefully your hubby should be aware either from local knowledge or from the search when he bought his house.

Thats why many of the new bulid estates all over the UK your never see locals buying as they know they are being bulit on a flood plain (an area near normal a river which has been left unused so if it floods no one affected)

21st July 2007, 16:38
I live 800ft up a mountain, couldn't care less about those below :D

Have you checked its not a volcano:omg:

Mrs Daddy
21st July 2007, 16:40
The prime minister will help them Financially anyway thats what he said in the news this afternoon:yikes::omg:

21st July 2007, 16:44
What will do first if there's a flood coming to your town?

1. Bring my three piece leather sofa in the second floor.
2. Our 45" tv, my laptop.
3. then get my kids
4. And forget the hubby!

21st July 2007, 18:53
The prime minister will help them Financially anyway thats what he said in the news this afternoon:yikes::omg:


And the pink pigs have been fed, watered and on the runway, ready to take off.........:xxgrinning--00xx3:

If you believe what a Prime Minister says.... you believe anything...:NoNo:

21st July 2007, 19:09
no floods in sunny manchester, thanks to the mancs who had the manchester ship canal built :D, oh notice scouser keith its not the liverpool ship canal, all our sewage and rain goes to help flood liverpud :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st July 2007, 19:50
no floods in sunny manchester, thanks to the mancs who had the manchester ship canal built :D, oh notice scouser keith its not the liverpool ship canal, all our sewage and rain goes to help flood liverpud :xxgrinning--00xx3:

....and the Cumbrians :piss2: in your water :woohoo:

21st July 2007, 19:51
The prime minister will help them Financially anyway thats what he said in the news this afternoon:yikes::omg:

Pay high insurance premiums every year, and the insurance gives you some money back.....don't pay any insurance and the tax payer gets the bill :NoNo:

It's called gambling, if you do not take out insurance and you lose something, then you have LOST, you do not win a prize....simple.

21st July 2007, 20:33
What will do first if there's a flood coming to your town?

1. Bring my three piece leather sofa in the second floor.
2. Our 45" tv, my laptop.
3. then get my kids
4. And forget the hubby!

good luck moving the sofa and tv on your own, us hubbys have our uses you know.

21st July 2007, 20:34
Pay high insurance premiums every year, and the insurance gives you some money back.....don't pay any insurance and the tax payer gets the bill :NoNo:

It's called gambling, if you do not take out insurance and you lose something, then you have LOST, you do not win a prize....simple.

Im sure they will raise the tax added on the insurance premiums to pay for those who couldn't be bothered to get any and let the goverment bail them out.

21st July 2007, 21:27
What will do first if there's a flood coming to your town?

1. Bring my three piece leather sofa in the second floor.
2. Our 45" tv, my laptop.
3. then get my kids
4. And forget the hubby!

BBC (BrainBreadCrumbs) News:

A hubby has been forgotten by his wife over the roof of their home, he is now waiting for her wife to pick him up! If anyone saw his wife please tell her that he can't get sleep without watching his favorite football game on their 45" tv drinking beer on their three piece leather sofa and their kids whining and rolling all over the floor and his lovely wife by his side!!!
