View Full Version : Fake Bake Blair & Wicked Witch at The Emirates

16th July 2012, 21:30
Along with Millipide and ugly wife.

Arsenal have no class - fancy letting this shower of sh1te in


Tony Blair is in full-on, back-slapping overdrive. As he launches the next wave of his strategy to achieve his public rehabilitation, there is much glad-handing to be done for the perma-tanned former Prime Minister.

Last Wednesday, for example, he and his wife, Cherie, shared the top table with Labour leader Ed Miliband at the party’s annual Sports Dinner fundraiser at Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2174023/Return-Perma-tan-PM.html#ixzz20osGbLpC

16th July 2012, 21:42
What a set of self-serving :censored:s

I thought Bliar was supposed to be sorting out the middle-east. :Erm:

Still needs some work I'd say...or is he just sucking up to the Emirates and earning some commission by further facilitating their take-over of our properties, thus driving prices in London even further out of reach of British citizens ? :NoNo:

18th July 2012, 11:14
Hey, this is the guy who has recently said in an interview that he fancies another crack at being PM.

Well as long as it isn't in the UK :xxgrinning--00xx3:

One thing though I'll say about Blair, this is a guy who knew EXACTLY when to get out. Can almost (only almost though) feel sorry for Gordon Brown, he wants the top job for so long, then just as he get it, it all turns to .... hehe

18th July 2012, 11:35
Hey, this is the guy who has recently said in an interview that he fancies another crack at being PM.

Well as long as it isn't in the UK :xxgrinning--00xx3:

One thing though I'll say about Blair, this is a guy who knew EXACTLY when to get out. Can almost (only almost though) feel sorry for Gordon Brown, he wants the top job for so long, then just as he get it, it all turns to .... hehe

Good post :xxgrinning--00xx3: