View Full Version : Religious child abuse in Germany...and elsewhere

17th July 2012, 12:31
As an Atheist I have to admit that this report is most interesting, since I have always regarded circumcision on religious grounds as tantamount to child abuse, no different from female circumcision/mutilation (then there's the brain-washing of course :rolleyes:).

I see that in an ironic twist, both Jews and Muslims are uniting in their opposition to this new law banning it in Germany, that will take possibly years to repeal.


17th July 2012, 13:09
i watched a tv program about this the other day,

a Jewish guy was saying its not abuse, its in the bible and gods will it should be done, yet god made man in his own image :rolleyes: perfect :D

its abuse unless you can give consent :NoNo:

17th July 2012, 13:21
The Philippines has the solution - wait till the boy is a teenager and make circumcision without anaestic a right of passage to manhood...

17th July 2012, 13:34
i watched a tv program about this the other day,

a Jewish guy was saying its not abuse, its in the bible and gods will it should be done, yet god made man in his own image :rolleyes: perfect :D

its abuse unless you can give consent :NoNo:

Clearly the 'rights of the child', protection of minors etc, doesn't extend to physical mutilation and brainwashing. Where does the age of consent figure in such matters ?
Medical issues fair enough, but this is completely different.

Strange world. :NoNo:

17th July 2012, 13:37
If I recall correctly, the Catholic Church preserves, as a relic, the one part of Our Lord which was left behind when he Ascended into Heaven - only problem is, there seem to be not one but two Holy Foreskins!

17th July 2012, 15:51
if god meant us to be circumcisid, then we would be born that way:Erm:

17th July 2012, 16:01
Don't know about the bloke in the clouds, but certainly our bodies seem to have a way of naturally evolving over many millenniums into a configuration that is 'fit for purpose'.

Our little fellow being provided with a bonnet to keep out the weather and undesirable visitors being one of the results of this process, I would venture to suggest. :)

Doc Alan
18th July 2012, 16:04
I’m unable to make judgements on religion, politics or culture on this forum.
However, male circumcision ( what some may call male genital mutilation ) does have medical implications.
• In adults it reduces the risk of male HETEROSEXUAL HIV infection ( by at least half ), genital herpes and oncogenic ( cancer causing ) human papilloma virus (each by about a third ). Female partners of circumcised men appear to have reduced risk of sexually transmitted infections such as human papilloma virus and trichomoniasis.
• Neonatal male circumcision protects from infant urinary tract infections, and infections related to the penis. It’s a simple procedure with complication rate less than 1% ; if delayed to age 18 or more the complication rate is increased, and many will have had sex by that age. Parents already make informed consent to other preventive procedures such as vaccination – not completely without risk.
• Sexual dysfunction is not usually an issue with circumcised males and their female partners.

Female circumcision ( also called female genital mutilation ) is vastly different. It’s widespread in Africa and also immigrant communities in Europe and North America. It has SEVERE medical, psychological and psychosexual consequences. Young girls may die, for example, from infections such as tetanus, or haemorrhage. Reconstructive surgery can improve their lives but women rarely have access to this.

18th July 2012, 17:16
I would humbly suggest that this (increased risk of various afflictions in males) is more likely a result of lack of personal hygiene...as well as dubious and unnatural sexual behaviour, some would say.

A good daily scrub is a sensible habit to adopt.

You only have to observe dogs and cats to appreciate the lengths they go to in this regard. :)

Arthur Little
18th July 2012, 17:17
Hmm :rolleyes: ... I once knew of a case involving a 10-year-old boy whose circumcision was carried out in conjunction with a hernia repair - purportedly because his :icon_tonguew: hadn't appeared to be developing at the *normal rate (whatever *that is!) for a lad of his age. However, as I reached my teens, I began to suspect that the procedure may, in actual fact, have been done in order to satisfy the mother's obsession with cleanliness and hygiene. ;)

Arthur Little
18th July 2012, 17:39
Our little fellow

:laugher: ... speak for yourself!

18th July 2012, 17:43
I would humbly suggest that this (increased risk of various afflictions in males) is more likely a result of lack of personal hygiene...as well as dubious and unnatural sexual behaviour, some would say.

A good daily scrub is a sensible habit to adopt.

You only have to observe dogs and cats to appreciate the lengths they go to in this regard. :)

yes but im not double jointed :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

18th July 2012, 17:43
:laugher: ... speak for yourself!


18th July 2012, 17:49
i watched a tv program about this the other day,

a Jewish guy was saying its not abuse, its in the bible and gods will it should be done, yet god made man in his own image :rolleyes: perfect :D

its abuse unless you can give consent :NoNo:
It may of been willed to be done in the very early books of the bible, definitely not in the later books.

People who still practise this antiquated act must also believe that all gays and lesbians must surely be put to death..as is what the old testaments state.

18th July 2012, 17:51
I'm still waiting for a god-fearing rich person to give me some money. :cwm3:

18th July 2012, 17:52
It may of been willed to be done in the very early books of the bible, definitely not in the later books.

People who still practise this antiquated act must also believe that all gays and lesbians must surely be put to death..as is what the old testaments state.

that would keep the population down by about a third or is it half :icon_lol: