View Full Version : Latest E mail from British Embassy Manila

20th July 2012, 01:17
Greetings from Manila. It seems I have brought the rain with me. This is an Email my wife has just received from the British Embassy. My interpretation is that they will not be reviewing the decision made by the ECO and instead we will have to go to full hearing in the UK. I think I now need to look for some expert assistance with our case and would be grateful for any recommendations anybody may have.

Dear Applicant,

You may wish to be aware that your appeal paper has been forwarded to the appropriate authorities in the United Kingdom via diplomatic bag leaving Manila on 18/07/2012.

Any enquiries related to your appeal must be made direct to the Appellate Authorities in the United Kingdom at the following contact details

20th July 2012, 02:21
sorry to hear , never rains but it pours, keep your chin up marco, love will find a way,

20th July 2012, 06:58
It looks to me as though its a good sign marko. At least you will have your say.

20th July 2012, 07:02
Sympathies once again. What a pain in the :action-smiley-081: your application has turned out to be. But hopefully you will succeed in the end.

20th July 2012, 07:03
Its got me thinking though. I will get legal assistance to put my application in. You will be ok marko. Keep your spirits up.

20th July 2012, 07:18
Just keep strong and keep fighting I had the same troubles with my wifes visa and had to go to a hearing in Glasgow I was in and out in 5 mins ,and I still had to wait 6 weeks on the answer of was it yes or no but my solicitor had told me on the day of the hearing that it will be a straight forward yes but you still like to see it in writing,

20th July 2012, 10:56
the HO still might withdraw the refusal or not even turn up at he hearing, but your slowly getting their Marco.

1st August 2012, 07:44
I received the same letter from the British Embassy,my husband and I are really so devastated that the ECM didn't overturn the decision.Now, my husband and my sister in the UK are preparing for the oral hearing on September.Hope and pray we both succeed.Good luck to us.

1st August 2012, 08:03
:Hellooo: alan/maleiya correct me if I'm wrong that my understanding to your post is that after your hearing, you've waited 6 weeks for the result/decision? When they've sent me a letter (tribunal) it say's there that after the full hearing I should receive the decision within 10 working days of the full hearing.Is anybody have an idea on this?

2nd August 2012, 02:05
I received the same letter from the British Embassy,my husband and I are really so devastated that the ECM didn't overturn the decision.Now, my husband and my sister in the UK are preparing for the oral hearing on September.Hope and pray we both succeed.Good luck to us.

Hi Eahjay may I wish you the very best of luck with your appeal hearing.
Have you got any professional help and will somebody be representing you.

2nd August 2012, 03:02
Thanx bigmarco.best of luck to you 2.my husband's good friend whose a solicitor for more than 30years is my representative.do you have your schedule hearing?