View Full Version : An Inspection of the UK Borders

20th July 2012, 13:43
I'm assuming it's ok to post this here.

Inspection Report on UKBA New York 2011.


And this, despite the criticisms, is a good report!

From: http://icinspector.independent.gov.uk/about/

About Us

The Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration

The UK Borders Act 2007, section 48 (powers came into force on 1 April 2008) provides the statutory framework for the Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration.

The Chief Inspector is appointed to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the UK Border Agency and Border Force. He reports annually to the Home Secretary and his reports are placed before Parliament.

The Chief Inspector’s annual inspection plan is agreed at the start of each year but the Chief Inspector retains the flexibility to work outside the plan.

The remit of the Chief Inspector does not permit him to consider individual cases. However, he may take note of the key issues of an individual case and use these to inform his wider inspection programme.

The Chief Inspector’s team currently consists of 28 members of staff. There are three inspection teams: Border Security and Casework, International and Thematic.

Main areas for inspection include:

Overall performance
Practice and procedure in making decisions
The treatment of claimants and applicants
Consistency of approach
Discrimination in the exercise of functions
Enforcement powers
The handling of complaints
Country information.

May be be worth writing to the Independent Chief Inspector, individually or as a group???

20th July 2012, 13:55
I'm assuming it's ok to post this here.

Inspection Report on UKBA New York 2011.


And this, despite the criticisms, is a good report!

From: http://icinspector.independent.gov.uk/about/

May be be worth writing to the Independent Chief Inspector, individually or as a group???

I've read a few of this guy Vines reports over the years - under Labour (he was appointed in 2008) he appeared to be a toothless self serving lackey sucking up to his paymasters.

He's bucked his ideas up under the present regime and I think it was he that exposed the practices of cretinous Brodie Clark opening the borders in 2011

20th July 2012, 14:03
And exposed UKBA discrimination Dedworth:


20th July 2012, 14:57
I'm perfectly happy that they are discriminating against people who are statistically the most likely to blow us up and/or attempt to import medieval religious and cultural beliefs and practices into our country, plus also being the least likely to wish to integrate into our society and adopt our traditional way of life. :)

20th July 2012, 15:11
I'm perfectly happy that they are discriminating against people who are statistically the most likely to blow us up and/or attempt to import medieval religious and cultural beliefs and practices into our country, plus also being the least likely to wish to integrate into our society and adopt our traditional way of life. :)

My sentiments exactly Graham - discrimination :laugher: it is risk profiling. Pakistan home to Bin Laden and Mumbai bombers amongst others, untold overstayers and illegals arrested by the UKBA are Pakistani and 90% of terrorists caught here are "British" Pakistani.

20th July 2012, 15:22
'None so blind as those who will not see' . :rolleyes:

20th July 2012, 15:26
Whatever your personal opinions are guys, the point is they're more than likely discriminating in many other ukba's as well.

Re; terrorism don't you think past actions & propoganda tactics by Uk, America & a few others are guilty of acts of terrorism against others & of inciting terrorism? Not to mention helping put dictators in govt in some countries then arming them to the hilt.

I don't condone terrorism in any way, shape or form by anyone or any nation. Just saying it goes way deeper than what meets the eye is all.

20th July 2012, 16:18
Whatever your personal opinions are guys, the point is they're more than likely discriminating in many other ukba's as well.

Re; terrorism don't you think past actions & propoganda tactics by Uk, America & a few others are guilty of acts of terrorism against others & of inciting terrorism? Not to mention helping put dictators in govt in some countries then arming them to the hilt.

I don't condone terrorism in any way, shape or form by anyone or any nation. Just saying it goes way deeper than what meets the eye is all.

The main terror threat comes from Pakistan, what have we ever done to them other than giving them independence in 1947, subsidising their inept and corrupt governments ever since with billions in aid and foolishly allowing their citizens to emigrate here with their baggage of stone age beliefs and practices.

Your point of perceived past misdeeds, dictators, arming them etc etc doesn't wash with me - current participants welcomed to the Olympics include Indonesia, Argentina, South Africa, Israel Kenya, Cyprus, North Korea, Cuba and untold others. Do these countries pose a significant terror threat to us ??

20th July 2012, 17:44
I agree.

Someone has got to run the world...and I'd rather it was us...ok, and the Yanks. :rolleyes:

I would urge all the handwringers to remember all our 'misdeeds' past and present next time they're filling their cars up with petrol and living in a (comparatively now) free country with passports worth more than sheets of bog roll :)

20th July 2012, 18:22
we did arm up and train some of these stonage countrys, put in dictators, and interfered,in order to gain from it,and yes someone should have known better that they would turn on us, and its not only places like pakistan,
uk and america is guilty of war crimes even back to world war 2, all the way through the ranks to government , but somehow we dont stand trial for them, there realy should not be a blind eye turned on this,

yes id rather have uk/ america run this world along with any civalised western country,

its a pity history didnt give us just one civelised race on one planet,

overhall mankind is greedy, and are war mongers, parasites on what could be a wonderful perfect world,

we as a human race have developed technoligy well before we have evolved and grown up enough to use it sensibly,
we are our own worst enemy

20th July 2012, 18:34
I agree we did some stupid things in the interests of greed Stewart.

One of the MOST stupid things we did though was giving out British passports to all and sundry from former colonies. :NoNo:

20th July 2012, 18:54
One of the MOST stupid things we did though was giving out British passports to all and sundry from former colonies. :NoNo:

that i agree with 150%

20th July 2012, 19:06
I'll let you off Stewart, even if you are from Scotland...with you being Bradford born and bred. :D

Hmm....ironic. :Erm:

20th July 2012, 19:15
I'll let you off Stewart, even if you are from Scotland...with you being Bradford born and bred. :D

Hmm....ironic. :Erm:

and an original im not sunburnt :D