View Full Version : Bank statmensts before applying for spouse visa

20th July 2012, 16:18
Ok guys a question for all you knowledgable people. Before applying for a spouse visa. How much do I need to show I have left at the end of the month?

20th July 2012, 18:30
There seems to be no specific figure, but from what I have seen on here about a couple of grand has been enough in the past.

20th July 2012, 18:36
Thanks laslid. Is that in my current account? Left over every month?

20th July 2012, 18:54
As far as I can make out, basically, you need to keep your current account in the black and then also have a further couple of grand, either in your current account or in a separate deposit account.

In my case I had savings in my deposit account and ran my current account in the black, even at the end of the month. And so I presented 2 sets of bank statements, one set for each account.

20th July 2012, 20:37
Ok mate thanks.

21st July 2012, 07:36
Ok guys a question for all you knowledgable people. Before applying for a spouse visa. How much do I need to show I have left at the end of the month?

Andy, if you cannot tick the box and submit evidence that you have a gross income of £18000 pa, or that that you have savings above £16000 that counter any shortfall or that you are exempt, then the application will be refused. Period
Why not save your money for better day

Here's what is stated on the application form:-

If the total income does not meet the financial requirement you must meet, you can expect your application be refused, unless
(where applicable) you have enough cash savings (Category D) to cover the difference on the basis set out at Part 3F. Please note income from self employment cannot be combined with savings to meet the financial requirement.
For each financial source you rely on to meet the financial requirement you should submit the relevant evidence, as specified in
the policy guidance notes, with your application

The issues around available disposable income being equal or greater than Income Support levels no longer apply.

21st July 2012, 07:43
This being the case, I would imagine (And this is only my interpretation - could be wrong) that since there is instead this minimum income thing, you could frankly have sod all left in your bank account at the end of the month, or even be overdrawn.............but as long as you earn that £18,600+, then that's what counts :doh

And frankly, that is barking, but hey

21st July 2012, 08:21
This being the case, I would imagine (And this is only my interpretation - could be wrong) that since there is instead this minimum income thing, you could frankly have sod all left in your bank account at the end of the month, or even be overdrawn.............but as long as you earn that £18,600+, then that's what counts :doh

And frankly, that is barking, but hey

Well, like I said to Andy, once the £18600p.a. criteria is met then it would seem, from past experiences, that an amount of savings is expected, which I have seen on here to be in the region of a couple of grand minimum.

When my wife applied under the old rules, our Immigration Advisor simply said that I had sufficient in my account without actually specifying a sum, that is because the UKBA didnt specify a sum, however it was made clear to me that an amount of savings was required, and about £2000 seems to be close to the minimum (that I have seen on here).

People on the forum have explained that requirement as something to pay for the airfare with etc etc. I would imagine that this wont have changed for those that have satisfied the £18600p.a. requirement. Obviously for those that cant meet the £18600p.a. requirement, then more savings would be expected by the UKBA.

21st July 2012, 08:32
you could frankly have sod all left in your bank account at the end of the month, or even be overdrawn.............but as long as you earn that £18,600+, then that's what counts :doh

And frankly, that is barking, but hey

I would imagine that if you can tick the box for the £18600 minimum then they will still expect you to demonstrate that you can live within your means. £18600 in per annum and £20000 out per annum problem wouldnt impress them much. Certainly not under the old rules and probably not under the new rules.

21st July 2012, 08:40
I would imagine that if you can tick the box for the £18600 minimum then they will still expect you to demonstrate that you can live within your means. £18600 in per annum and £20000 out per annum problem wouldnt impress them much. Certainly not under the old rules and probably not under the new rules.

If the minimum financial requirement within the rules can be met then savings are not required.

Savings were never really a specified requirement. If they were then an amount would have been stated. There were plenty of applicants who were granted visa's without savings above that required for visa fees and air fares.

Under the 'old rules' the key issues were around 'sufficient funds' and this was largely linked to the Income Support levels and disposable income after accommodation costs etc.

There is no 'means testing' undertaken by UKBA to determine if applicant or sponsor is 'living within their means'

21st July 2012, 08:48
If the minimum financial requirement within the rules can be met then savings are not required.

Savings were never really a specified requirement. If they were then an amount would have been stated. There were plenty of applicants who were granted visa's without savings above that required for visa fees and air fares.

Under the 'old rules' the key issues were around 'sufficient funds' and this was largely linked to the Income Support levels and disposable income after accommodation costs etc.

There is no 'means testing' undertaken by UKBA to determine if applicant or sponsor is 'living within their means'

I see. Then it must have been myth and folklore that an amount of savings was required?

21st July 2012, 10:04
Thanks for your imput guys. I am still waiting for a letter from Mr Green like i said my mp requested a response from him to my situation. I do meet the £18600 minimum income but my problem is my stepdaughter. I dont quite earn enough to bring her here. It just seems crazy to me that part of my earnings are going over to the philippines to support my wife and stepdaughter. Wouldnt the government rather I spend it in this country? I really think if my story went to the press it would embarass this government.

21st July 2012, 10:37
Thanks for your imput guys. I am still waiting for a letter from Mr Green like i said my mp requested a response from him to my situation. I do meet the £18600 minimum income but my problem is my stepdaughter. I dont quite earn enough to bring her here. It just seems crazy to me that part of my earnings are going over to the philippines to support my wife and stepdaughter. Wouldnt the government rather I spend it in this country? I really think if my story went to the press it would embarass this government.

I totally agree with you Andy.
I really think you are in a unique position to make a compelling media story.
The whole situation is a disgrace. imo

21st July 2012, 10:47
Thanks terpe the only thing is I dont know how to approach it. In what order. I have been thinking and it doing my head in. Do I?
Wait for a response from Mr Green? I think I know what the outcome will be. He will say the same as you guys. (If you dont meet the criteria then you will be refused).
But he dosnt know the full story and neither does my mp.
He doesnt know I amk working in a team that saves the government thousands of pounds preventing people from going into hospital nor does he know that my daughter is fighting to protect this country in afghanistan. Amongst other things.

21st July 2012, 15:27
Thanks for your imput guys. I am still waiting for a letter from Mr Green like i said my mp requested a response from him to my situation. I do meet the £18600 minimum income but my problem is my stepdaughter. I dont quite earn enough to bring her here. It just seems crazy to me that part of my earnings are going over to the philippines to support my wife and stepdaughter. Wouldnt the government rather I spend it in this country? I really think if my story went to the press it would embarass this government.

I think you have a very intriguing and ironic set of circumstances. If it isn't any inconvenience to yourself it would be most interesting to see your story in the papers.

21st July 2012, 16:16
If all else fails what have I got to lose mate? And would a paper be interested?

21st July 2012, 16:32
If all else fails what have I got to lose mate? And would a paper be interested? I know what you mean, but it is full of ironies. I actually think they would. Interesting to hear what other members have to say.

Then when it is in the Daily Mail, we will see it as a thread on the forum....:icon_lol:

21st July 2012, 16:39

Im confused about the UK border agency criteria. I applied for my long term gf to visit me in Dec 2012 for three weeks.We got turned down. It seems i did not have enough savings for her visit.Yet i have a regular income well above the required level. All our money is being spent on building a home in phils. We are now married ( july 17th 2012 ). Does that mean having little savings we will get turned down again

21st July 2012, 16:46
I was in similar situation as ur self Andy I knew I earned enough to meet the requirements they had set when we applied but I never really had much savings each month as wad sending my wife and son a good part of my monthly earnings.on the first refusal letter they stated that I never had enough for the flights left on certain months on my bank statements .some month statements would show £400 ,£1200,£1800,left in my account.we gt there in the end so it was a happy ending

21st July 2012, 16:58
I was in similar situation as ur self Andy I knew I earned enough to meet the requirements they had set when we applied but I never really had much savings each month as wad sending my wife and son a good part of my monthly earnings.on the first refusal letter they stated that I never had enough for the flights left on certain months on my bank statements .some month statements would show £400 ,£1200,£1800,left in my account.we gt there in the end so it was a happy ending

Whick kind of confirms what I have seen on here from a few sources. Whilst they don't specify an amount they seem to expect a positive something pounds, for the kind of thing Alan has just mentioned....

21st July 2012, 17:08
Well that puts us in the dark a bit. We dont know what we have got to have in the bank

21st July 2012, 17:18
Well that puts us in the dark a bit. We dont know what we have got to have in the bank

It is a fuzzy area. When I asked my Immigration Advisor how much savings was enough, she said to me that what we / I had was sufficient. She didn't seem prepared to specify exactly how much would be the minimum as it isn't a figure that is specified anywhere. You can see from Alan's post that he didn't have enough, first time around. So those kind of sums might be seen as not enough. Like I say, from what I have read on here, something like 2 or 3 grand seems to be the right kind of figure. Kind of makes some sense as there are flights etc to splash out on after the visa has been granted.

21st July 2012, 17:22
One thing is for certain that we all know. They have the right to refuse. And they do.