View Full Version : talking loud

22nd July 2012, 13:17
am i going deaf, or has Emma spoken loud all the time, this morning Ems phone went off just after 5am, i wll go down stairs she said and all i could hear going down stairs was hello hello hello, anyway its her sister on skype talking to her, well she might as well stayed in the bedroom, the voice got louder and louder, laughing, it sounded like she had a foghorn and is shouting in my ear, woke up the kids and one of them is in the attic, anyway my question is this does your partner talk louder when talking to the family

22nd July 2012, 14:12

22nd July 2012, 20:11
I do CONFESS I talk loud when I am chatting with me family back in Davao. :Erm::Erm: Dont know why? :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

22nd July 2012, 20:42
dont worry steve its not just you ....... my husband always complains that as well,when im talking to my mom and kids on video call..... i just told him i have a modulated voice and a live speaker in my diaphragm...:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

22nd July 2012, 21:07
It's noticeable, but not much. But she certainly doesn't take after her family! Her Mum was apparently shy and speaking on "medium" while I was there. I could hear her from the otherside of Manila!!!!

23rd July 2012, 12:54
not all filipinas are loud...i'm a filipina and i have to remind my partner to lower down the volume...all the time.

23rd July 2012, 13:38
Steve buddy, they all talk loud because of the noise of the motorbikes screaming by with no silencers and the dogs barking and the rooster crowing away and the houseful of relitives partying ..... know what I mean :icon_lol:

23rd July 2012, 14:08
http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/3912/shout.gifit IS a long way from here to the Phils ! :D

23rd July 2012, 14:21
my husband always thinks that I'm talking with an enemy whenever I speak on phone with any filipino family or friends:D...huh?? Helloooooooooo! ! ! you alright hunnie ? ? :icon_lol:

23rd July 2012, 15:49
my husband always thinks that I'm talking with an enemy whenever I speak on phone with any filipino family or friends:D...huh?? Helloooooooooo! ! ! you alright hunnie ? ? :icon_lol:

I hope he doesn't think that when you talk to me! :omg: :icon_lol:

23rd July 2012, 17:24
my husband always thinks that I'm talking with an enemy whenever I speak on phone with any filipino family or friends:D...huh?? Helloooooooooo! ! ! you alright hunnie ? ? :icon_lol:


So true for me too. :icon_lol::icon_lol:

Even after all these years I still have to check sometimes. Is she angry or what?
Then suddenly she'll laugh and I know all is well.
But it can be scary :D