View Full Version : So angry at the time

28th July 2012, 09:09
Well just sitting downlast night watching the olympics and the phone goes 8.45 it was, my daughter in tears all upset asking for help, off myself and em shoot up there very quick to see my grandson covered in blood and my daughter in fits crying and blaming herself, while trying to comfort her son and talking on the phone to the 999 service, we take Conner off her and i see the cut in his head about 1 inch long and half as wide, he fell out of bed onto his toys, hes just 21 months old,so we are trying to stop the blood and keeping the cut from site of his mum and all i coould hear was THERE ARE NO AMBURLANCES AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA RIGHT NOW, we shall transfer your call to a phone centre,well you can imagine waht i did then, kept my manners did not want to upset anyone other rthen them on the end of the phone, he told me the same in his carming voice no ambulance available. my daughter lives in the city and we passed 2 of them on the way to the hospital and once there there was another 5 parked up with crews and a fast responce car also,i know in the light of day we cannot expect everyone to drop tools and help, but what would happen if i was not here, she is a great mum, but lacks a little confadance in herself, i am not letting this drop i am going to the local papers about this, we got home just before midnight and yes hes doing well, his head is glued and hes acting like nothing has happened to him,

28th July 2012, 09:36
omg sorry to hear about that stevewool...hope all is well with your daughter and grandson now.

28th July 2012, 10:10
Glad to hear he's ok fella

As for the ambulances thing, well this is a great example of what can happen when you get some chavvy braindead oxygen-thieves who like to make prank calls.
Maybe there were ambulances available, or maybe there weren't, but if any crews were out on a waste of time, it's one crew less for someone who really needs it.

28th July 2012, 10:27
Sorry to hear about that Steve.

It reminds me of when my boy fell off his bike right in front of me and broke his arm. Traumatic for both of us.

An Ambulance SHOULD have been available...no excuses.

They can spare them to run drunken idiots to hospital ! :angry:

28th July 2012, 10:47
Good to hear he is ok now Steve, but we do 'expect' the service we pay for all our lives to be there when we need them.

28th July 2012, 11:03
oh poor little cutie..glad he is ok

28th July 2012, 12:00
So glad he's OK.
But I do understand your anger, frustrations and concern.

How can a 999 call for help not have any response other than no ambulances available?
It's seems crazy. Be interesting to understand why.

Arthur Little
28th July 2012, 15:17
Thankfully, everything's okay with the wee lad, Steve. Having said that, it's no thanks to the Emergency Services. :nono-1-1: Changed days ... because, at one time - hoax call or not - there was an immediate response whenever anyone dialled 999!

Let me give you an example:

35 years ago, or thereabouts - when my OWN kids were nippers themselves - my mum and dad happened to be babysitting for us one evening. Shortly before Iris and I were due to go out, I became aware of my father periodically clutching at his chest, and commented on the fact. Despite his protestations to the contrary, it was clear he was in considerable discomfort.

Suspecting a probable heart attack, I ran out of the house to the nearest telephone kiosk (we didn't have a home phone back then) and called :telephone: an ambulance - while Iris and my mother did THEIR best to make my father as comfortable as possible.

:grosyeux: ... ASTONISHINGLY, by the time I'd managed to return, a couple of paramedics had already reached the car park just down from our house. And ... within less than five minutes ... my dad was on his way to the Cardiac Unit at Perth Royal Infirmary - accompanied by my mum and me.

Turned out my dad had suffered a MASSIVE coronary. But ... thanks to the prompt action of the ambulance crew ... his life was saved, and he survived for another eleven years or so, before succumbing to a second [fatal] cardiac infarction complicated by emphysema.

28th July 2012, 21:42
glad to hear he is ok had same thing with my boy unless your dying or dead its not worth sending a ambulance i told them to get stuffed and got him there myself this is what uk is getting if we were celebs there would have been one available