View Full Version : re-apply for fiancee visa, advise needed

28th July 2012, 10:10
my bf and i thinking that we would just apply again for a fiancee visa as we cant wait for the appeal to end.

we've been seeing in the uk for 1 yr when i was on a student visa before i came back here in the philippines last june 2011 and within that 1 yr we only have 9 photos taken on separate days as proof of our relationship. luckily just recently my bf successfully retrieved all the text messages he RECEIVED from me from the day we first met until i left the uk and also i retrieved a few text conversation in my BB phone in dec 2010. i was refused on my first application as the ECO stated that the we only have 5 photos as proof of our 1 yr relationship in the uk. with the additional 4 photos coz thats all we got and the text messages , will these ease the doubts of the ECO. are the text messages a great proof of our relationship even though we only have 9 photos to show?

since i left the uk until now my bf and i been apart for already 1yr and 1month. if my bf will explain with evidence that only 11months ago , a month after i left the uk, the reason why has no visit me here because he only started his full time job and with no savings to start with that his priority is to get me back in the uk and so he has to save money for the financial and accommodation requirement. and also if he is to explain that his job highly require his presence as he works as a system and operational planning analyst, are these reasons enough not to get refused again on the grounds that my bf has not sought to visit me here.

and also do you think if i have to include that with my qualification as a nurse with my parents income that they are financially capable to support me to get a job in canada as nurse with an agency who assessed me that i actually qualified to work in canada as a nurse as the country hiring for overseas nurses. my point is in the uk its quite a long process , quite difficult and expensive to get a license as a nurse and the country is in recession. so if the ECO would think that i would only want to marry to get back in the uk to work, why should i choose the uk over canada?