View Full Version : about Catholic Church Wedding

30th July 2012, 02:37
Good day everyone!:)
This is my second time to post here :D
Just want to ask if anyone knows about this issue regarding wedding. Can a divorced guy have church wedding the second time around? :Erm:


30th July 2012, 05:51
Well we had some problem like that b4 and we went to our church and ask the priest about it and they said as long as the guy was married in any church our catholic church will acknowledge it and the only way for us to get married in church will be to file a church annulment at Vatican :yikes: or wait for 2 years.....

30th July 2012, 09:33
oh no! seems like a long process.
no dream wedding then, but it would be fine because I know that Ive got my dream husband-to-be anyway. And I think that's what matters most :)
Thanks Leen, by the way.

14th August 2012, 06:28
For what it's worth, I have been previously married and divorced and did get married in a Catholic Church in the Philippines. The Priest was cool about everything. BUT, my previous marriage was not a "church wedding".

Good luck!


14th August 2012, 11:00
We got married in a Catholic Church in Cebu last year, and it was a little complicated and time consuming, but worthwhile. I had not been previously married, but my wife has been and was annulled in the courts in Phils.

If either party has married in a Church before (any denomination) then as mentioned above an annulment is required from the Vatican.

If the previous marriage was a civil wedding then you should be fine to get married in the catholic church.

16th September 2012, 17:51
what were your requirments to get maried in the catholic church ' did you have to atend marriage guidance lessons also show proof of baptism holy ccommunion and confirmation