View Full Version : Are visit visas revoked once granted a fiancee visa?

25th July 2007, 10:41
Hello everyone,

Regards to everyone in this really helpful forum. I have been wondering if they revoke visit visas once one is granted a fiancee visa.

I am currently in the UK visiting my fiance and I will be heading home to Manila soon to process the paperwork for us to get married in the UK later this year (fingers crossed).

The embassy fortunately gave me a 2 year visit visa this year, since they saw that i had been in and out of the UK in 2002, 2004, and 2006 respectively. But since anything can go wrong, I basically want to prepare for the worst. We have been reading this forum and are trying our best to keep finances and documents ready (we had to postpone our wedding for a year due to a lack of financial documents in the positive but have fortunately gotten through the wait together and my fiance's finances are now in the positive :xxgrinning--00xx3:with a steady 6 month average of 2000 pounds in the bank) but for some reason I am not granted a fiancee visa, will they revoke my 2 year visit visa too? Because that would mean we won't be seeing each other at all if the fiancee visa is denied:(

Just wondering and worrying. Hope someone can help. We've been waiting too long to have anything go wrong!



26th July 2007, 09:59
hmmmmm, sounds a bit bad, bt im happy that uve been here in uk for a visit 3 times! well thats good,,,, for me i have the feeelings that they are going to grant you a visit,,,,, just spply all the douments all they needed , the proof that ur fiance can afford.......

one thing pray for it, and God will answer you...
God bless,

Mrs Daddy
26th July 2007, 11:51
Hi skye welcome to the forum.:Hellooo: you know what i have the vibrations that you`ll not be denied with you fiancee visa if ever and if ever again i dont think your visit visa will be revoked:) come on girl be optimisitc i think your on the good side,trust me:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th July 2007, 17:16
Hello everyone,

Regards to everyone in this really helpful forum. I have been wondering if they revoke visit visas once one is granted a fiancee visa.

I am currently in the UK visiting my fiance and I will be heading home to Manila soon to process the paperwork for us to get married in the UK later this year (fingers crossed).

The embassy fortunately gave me a 2 year visit visa this year, since they saw that i had been in and out of the UK in 2002, 2004, and 2006 respectively. But since anything can go wrong, I basically want to prepare for the worst. We have been reading this forum and are trying our best to keep finances and documents ready (we had to postpone our wedding for a year due to a lack of financial documents in the positive but have fortunately gotten through the wait together and my fiance's finances are now in the positive :xxgrinning--00xx3:with a steady 6 month average of 2000 pounds in the bank) but for some reason I am not granted a fiancee visa, will they revoke my 2 year visit visa too? Because that would mean we won't be seeing each other at all if the fiancee visa is denied:(

Just wondering and worrying. Hope someone can help. We've been waiting too long to have anything go wrong!



If you don't give them any reason to revoke your visa they will not revoke it. Just be sure to provide them all the requirements they ask for your next application and do some homework and searching. You might find info about how an ECO decide on granting a visa in home office website.

28th July 2007, 04:06
Hello everybody. I am applying for a spouse visa soon and would like an opinion if our finances are sufficient to convince the ECO. I have about P2 million pesos worth of properties in the Philippines (which includes a condominium unit in Makati) and P200 thousand pesos cash in the bank while my British husband has about 4 thousand pounds worth of other assets (insurance and jewelries), 3 thousand cash in the bank, and a suitable one bedroom flat good for the 2 of us.

Thank you in advance for your replies. God bless you all.


28th July 2007, 20:30
Hi Durkhaima :) Your financial condition is more than enough for the ECO to approve your visa:xxgrinning--00xx3: But, let me remind you that this is not all the basis on approving / rejecting your visa application. You still have to satisfy them on the other requiements and supporting documents (marriage contract from NSO, your photographs together especially the wedding day, and stuff like that showing you have really met and plan to live in the UK as husband and wife) . If you have all these, then there are no problems at all. I am saying this because when I applied for my own spouse visa last year, sometime in September, I did not have to prove them about my property in the Philippines nor I showed my bank account. However, my husband did :icon_lol: He provided the mortgage papers, his bank statements starting from 6 months before the visa application, etc. So, with you having these assets (WOW!):omg: is already a bonus. Goodluck!:smileybigtmouth:

30th July 2007, 02:57
Thank you very much Singkit. God bless you.

27th August 2007, 10:47
Thank you very much for all your replies. They are much appreciated!:)

For Durkhaima, I agree with singkit. That's a good amount of money to present but make sure you're also covering whatever else they ask for for your spouse visa. Good luck and keep me posted ok?
