View Full Version : savings

2nd August 2012, 20:03
we are all saving hard, weather its for the future, car or just for a rainy day, what can you save a month and where do you put it, yes you have your isa, bonds and so on, but what happens if you fill your isa rate per year, where else do you put your cash,

2nd August 2012, 20:08
Spread it about - have a look at Investec High 5 Issue 2 http://www.investec.co.uk/products-and-services/banking-services/personal-savings-accounts/investec-high-5-issue-2.html

2nd August 2012, 21:48
we are all saving hard, weather its for the future, car or just for a rainy day, what can you save a month and where do you put it, yes you have your isa, bonds and so on, but what happens if you fill your isa rate per year, where else do you put your cash,

Sorry to say but cash doesn't cut it these days. More research needed mate!!!

Investors going to Germany with zero or negative returns for safety

Look to growth investments.

2nd August 2012, 23:18
I was able to save 7p this month. :cwm3:

2nd August 2012, 23:25
I was able to save 7p this month. :cwm3:

Sounds like the Pikey shelf's been a bit bare at Tesco lately :icon_lol:

2nd August 2012, 23:25
I was able to save 7p this month. :cwm3:

what on ? :Cuckoo:

2nd August 2012, 23:26
I resorted to making flour and water pancakes for a snack tonight.

They tasted crap. :rolleyes:

2nd August 2012, 23:30
bland:cwm3: and drink ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, tap water ?:icon_lol:

2nd August 2012, 23:34
I also have a freezer full of 17p and 28p 'reduced' loaves of bread.

Just hoping I have enough marge now. :doh

I just love seeing how much I can buy for pennies. :D

2nd August 2012, 23:40
bland:cwm3: and drink ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, tap water ?:icon_lol:

Of course, but fortunately I managed to get some of that double-strength concentrated squash stuff at a bargain price too (didn't realise it was double-strength until the first glass polished my fillings to a sheen and left me practically unable to talk for 5 mins). :cwm24:

2nd August 2012, 23:42
now single strength i can drink undiluted :D

3rd August 2012, 00:03
I may have to call upon my stock of Fairy Liquid bottles with a few drops left in the bottom soon, plus other things in the emergency cupboard...before the packaging becomes as out of date as the contents. :rolleyes:

3rd August 2012, 00:15
We're also having carrots with everything at the moment, because I managed to grab about 2 kilos of them for 12p. :)

The Tesco own brand 54p sausages however were revolting, but I forced them down.

Their cheap cream crackers are like eating a piece of dry flavourless cardboard, so I'm considering making my own by toasting some flour and water mix under the grill (a trick I learned during my miss-spent youth).

3rd August 2012, 00:22
Their cheap cream crackers are like eating a piece of dry flavourless cardboard, so I'm considering making my own by toasting some flour and water mix under the grill (a trick I learned during my miss-spent youth).

good tip, might come in handy someday:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
3rd August 2012, 23:54
I also have a freezer full of 17p and 28p 'reduced' loaves of bread.

Just hoping I have enough marge now. :doh

I just love seeing how much I can buy for pennies. :D:icon_lol: :xxgrinning--00xx3: