View Full Version : Hahaha...don't we all sometimes wish we could do this ?

4th August 2012, 23:07

US soldiers driving to avoid attack/ambush etc.

Ako Si Jamie
4th August 2012, 23:49
I bet there were a few claims made for whiplash. :icon_lol:

4th August 2012, 23:53
I wish I could do that in my truck sometimes..especially on a Friday afternoon on the M25...honestly, I know our driving test is one of the most difficult tests to pass but, really there are some right muppets out there...mainly of the female variety :NoNo:

4th August 2012, 23:56
I'll second that !

Hell I'm old, but people still get in my blinkin way, dithering about. :rolleyes:

Takes longer A-B than it did 40 years ago !

...and we had about half the power and acceleration, and cars that fell over on corners.:NoNo:

Ako Si Jamie
5th August 2012, 00:48
Talking about female muppets, I was trying to reverse into a parking space the other day.

A car behind me driven by a woman was a few hundred yards away coming towards me. I put the van into reverse with the indicator on and waited for her to either let me park or get past me.

What does she do?

Drives right up to my bumper and waits for about a minute before realising my intentions! :doh:ReadIt:

5th August 2012, 01:02
Women were never intended to drive motor vehicles. :NoNo:

5th August 2012, 11:45
Brilliant. Would love to be able to do that in Central London everyday and get away with it