View Full Version : GB National Anthem

5th August 2012, 17:07
Has anyone noticed that the GB national Anthem doesnt sound quite right??

Sounds a bit awfull at the midway point...................but im glad we are hearong it SOOOOOOOO many times ....Cmon GB:)

5th August 2012, 17:14
I wonder where dedworth is after slagging off Giggs for not singing the national anthem, from what i've seen on TV most British medal winners didn't :doh

and at least Murray had a try and wore the Union Jack not bad for a Scot :D

5th August 2012, 17:45
Mrs Lastlid sings it every time.....practice for the new Life in the UK Test, should she take it and not the original one....:D

5th August 2012, 18:03
Time they replaced that miserable dirge . :NoNo:

I vote for a Beatles Song. :)

Any suggestions ? :D

5th August 2012, 18:14
Time they replaced that miserable dirge . :NoNo:

I vote for a Beatles Song. :)

Any suggestions ? :D

'hey Jude' :icon_lol:

there can only be one choice the ' unofficial 'anthem of England :rolleyes:

Jerusalem Hymn

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountain green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among those dark satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.


5th August 2012, 18:18
the queen or the anthem:D

shes got a ticket to ride:icon_lol:

5th August 2012, 19:40
Nothing involving religion PLEASE ! :NoNo:

Some people on here might like 'Get Back' by The Beatles though. :icon_lol:

5th August 2012, 20:11
I notice that Mo Farah didn't sing during the national anthem just now, so I guess Dedworth would have him shot. :icon_lol:

5th August 2012, 20:15
Do you mean MOHAMMED Farah ? :)

5th August 2012, 20:17
Do you mean MOHAMMED Farah ? :)

Yes. The Somali pirate...:D

5th August 2012, 20:19
Did you notice his fat daughter ?

Surprising. :Erm:

5th August 2012, 20:29
How about ANARCHY IN THE UK? :icon_lol:

5th August 2012, 20:32
Did you notice his fat daughter ?

Surprising. :Erm:

I noticed his large wife....

5th August 2012, 20:32
How about ANARCHY IN THE UK? :icon_lol:


5th August 2012, 21:17
How about ANARCHY IN THE UK? :icon_lol:

Beatles ! :ReadIt:

5th August 2012, 21:58
Time they replaced that miserable dirge . :NoNo:

I vote for a Beatles Song. :)

Any suggestions ? :D

Anarchy in the uk!:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th August 2012, 23:29
I loved it when everyone started singing Hey Jude after the Olympic cycle race, and there was Paul McCartney in the audience, so of course he just had to have a good old singalong. :wiggle:

Wouldn't get that anywhere else. :icon_lol:

6th August 2012, 10:52
I loved it when everyone started singing Hey Jude after the Olympic cycle race, and there was Paul McCartney in the audience, so of course he just had to have a good old singalong. :wiggle:

Wouldn't get that anywhere else. :icon_lol:

Wimbledon and Sir Cliff


Arthur Little
6th August 2012, 11:30
;) Scotland has, of course, adopted its very OWN National Anthem ... "O Power of Scotland ..." :Kilt:

6th August 2012, 11:36
;) Scotland has, of course, adopted its very OWN National Anthem ... "O Power of Scotland ..." :Kilt:

Presumably at the next Olympics, Scotland will be competing separately?

Arthur Little
6th August 2012, 11:50
Presumably at the next Olympics, Scotland will be competing separately?

Personally - and sincerely - I hope NOT! :nono-1-1: ... each of the four countries that form our once-proud Nation NEEDS the other - particularly those that are joined at their landward boundaries.

Arthur Little
6th August 2012, 11:54
landward boundaries.

Oops ... :icon_sorry: ... forgot you're an 'islander' - by residence.

Arthur Little
6th August 2012, 12:03
Besides ... "President Salmond" sounds a bit too "fishy"! :D

6th August 2012, 12:21
Oops ... :icon_sorry: ... forgot you're an 'islander' - by residence.

Well, as things stand, I am 100% English and really only a visitor to the IOM. But anyhow, I agree, I hope we all stick together. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th August 2012, 12:33
;) Scotland has, of course, adopted its very OWN National Anthem ... "O Power of Scotland ..." :Kilt:

oh and i thought it was o flower of scotland :doh

7th August 2012, 20:33
God Save the Queen is an awesome anthem, but yes it sounds out of tune at the Olympics. But no complaints here that we are hearing it so many time! Long may it continue!

As for anthems though, As the UK or GB, God Save the Queen has to stay, but I wish as England we differed. Land of Hope and Glory is my choice

8th August 2012, 10:04
God Save the Queen is an awesome anthem, but yes it sounds out of tune at the Olympics. But no complaints here that we are hearing it so many time! Long may it continue!

As for anthems though, As the UK or GB, God Save the Queen has to stay, but I wish as England we differed. Land of Hope and Glory is my choice

Im glad I had at least one reply to the original question :doh

8th August 2012, 10:22
You should know by now that most of these threads have a tendency to meander off onto magical mystery tours covering almost every unconnected subject known to man. :icon_lol:

Magical Mystery Tour...hmm, now there's another good Beatles tune. :Erm:

8th August 2012, 10:52
You should know by now that most of these threads have a tendency to meander off onto magical mystery tours covering almost every unconnected subject known to man. :icon_lol:

what are you having for tea tonight Graham :rolleyes:

8th August 2012, 11:28
Looks like sausages again.

My son is given the good varied diet and I just eat what needs eating. :cwm3:

8th August 2012, 11:45
Looks like sausages again.

My son is given the good varied diet and I just eat what needs eating. :cwm3:

BTW, is there such a thing as Philippine sausage(s)? No smut please...

8th August 2012, 12:55
Yes, they're awful fatty things. Yuk ! :vomit-smiley-011:

8th August 2012, 13:18
my misses is working 4pm to 2am, so i'll have to make something myself, nothing new there :rolleyes:. but feeding the kids is a problem :cwm24:

8th August 2012, 13:21
Have to be strict from the start with kids.

Make them eat what's put in front of them, and all of it.

I suppose that comes from (me) having parents who grew up with rationing.

Never had any problems with ours...would eat stuff even I wouldn't :icon_lol: . (The Filipino input).

8th August 2012, 13:31
i dont think my kids know you can eat fruit :NoNo:

i cant say much thou, i eat more sweets than them :xxparty-smiley-004:

8th August 2012, 13:40
Has anyone noticed that the GB national Anthem doesnt sound quite right??

Sounds a bit awfull at the midway point...................but im glad we are hearong it SOOOOOOOO many times ....Cmon GB

8th August 2012, 13:43
Does any member know more than the first line ? :Erm:

Arthur Little
8th August 2012, 17:27
oh and i thought it was o flower of scotland :doh

It IS Stewart :D ... just thought "Power" sounded better - with Scotland being [more or less] self-governed since devolution.

8th August 2012, 17:38
Well, this thread certainly takes the biscuit for going off on a tangent :icon_lol::icon_lol:

In fact I can't even see a tangent :D


BTW I say keep the National Anthem just as it is.

8th August 2012, 18:00
I was quite good at Trigonometry. Very logical...and spatial. Left-hander you see. :)

13th August 2012, 16:52
I was quite good at Trigonometry. Very logical...and spatial. Left-hander you see. :)

A tribe of Native Americans generally referred to their woman by the animal hide with which they made their blanket. Thus, one woman might be known as Squaw of Buffalo Hide, while another might be known as Squaw of Deer Hide. This tribe had a particularly large and strong woman, with a very unique (for North America anyway) animal hide for her blanket. This woman was known as Squaw of Hippopotamus hide, and she was as large and powerful as the animal from which her blanket was made.
Year after year, this woman entered the tribal wrestling tournament, and easily defeated all challengers; male or female. As the men of the tribe admired her strength and power, this made many of the other woman of the tribe extremely jealous. One year, two of the squaws petitioned the Chief to allow them to enter their sons together as a wrestling tandem in order to wrestle Squaw of the Hippopotamus hide as a team. In this way, they hoped to see that she would no longer be champion wrestler of the tribe.
As the luck of the draw would have it, the two sons who were wrestling as a tandem met the squaw in the final and championship round of the wrestling contest. As the match began, it became clear that the squaw had finally met an opponent that was her equal. The two sons wrestled and struggled vigorously and were clearly on an equal footing with the powerful squaw. Their match lasted for hours without a clear victor. Finally the chief intervened and declared that, in the interests of the health and safety of the wrestlers, the match was to be terminated and that he would declare a winner.
The chief retired to his teepee and contemplated the great struggle he had witnessed, and found it extremely difficult to decide a winner. While the two young men had clearly outmatched the squaw, he found it difficult to force the squaw to relinquish her tribal championship. After all, it had taken two young men to finally provide her with a decent match. Finally, after much deliberation, the chief came out from his teepee, and announced his decision. He said...
"The Squaw of the Hippopotamus hide is equal to the sons of the squaws of the other two hides"

13th August 2012, 17:11