View Full Version : Just joined Filipino UK

7th August 2012, 11:00
I'm craving (much) for Goldilocks today. While searching online, I stumble upon this website. Quite cool...

7th August 2012, 16:43
welcome to the forum:Wave:

8th August 2012, 09:25
I'm craving (much) for Goldilocks today. While searching online, I stumble upon this website. Quite cool...

:Hellooo: Hi there Jen, welcome here to the forum:Wave:

Hope you'll stay and share some thoughts

Eyes O'Donnell
8th August 2012, 09:40
:meet-1: :Hellooo: a very warm welcome to this very friendly forum :)

10th August 2012, 18:49
I'm craving (much) for Goldilocks today. While searching online, I stumble upon this website. Quite cool...

Im craving the same at the moment. I have it in my cupboard but that isnt mine its for MOY. Ahuhuhu.

Welcome anyway to the FORUM!!

Arthur Little
11th August 2012, 12:44
While searching online, I stumble upon this website.

:xxgrinning--00xx3: ... lucky find Jen! :welcomex:.

Arthur Little
11th August 2012, 13:42
I'm craving (much) for Goldilocks today.

Hmm ... food for thought ... :Erm: ... "Goldilocks and the 3 Bares" :erotic4::erotic4::erotic4:???

Bear with us ... nurse your cravings ... then "hey presto :wizardkl: and - [hopefully] - porridge!" :hubbahubba:

Arthur Little
11th August 2012, 13:52
.......... porridge! :hubbahubba:

Quite cool ...

... well ... :yeahthat: ... but oats are usually NICER hot! ;)

11th August 2012, 14:23
welcome to the forum :Hellooo: