View Full Version : 21 year old Pinay marries 80 year old man

Ako Si Jamie
7th August 2012, 21:18
And he's not a Westerner :icon_lol:


7th August 2012, 21:28
And he's not a Westerner :icon_lol:



7th August 2012, 21:57
I think there is a word missing somewhere...RICH ? :Erm:

Arthur Little
8th August 2012, 02:00
Well ... :anerikke: ... SHE'S bound to feel old age :D creeping upon HER :do_it: in the middle of the night! But that being the case, the :olddude: is likely to "snuff it" ere long!

8th August 2012, 10:25
Arthur, I think in his case it would more likely be a case of shuffling rather than creeping. :D

8th August 2012, 15:22
For me, in terms of logic it doesn't sit right.
But then love is not a logic.
In terms of emotion, it only just sits fine.
But then she's not my daughter. (does that make me a hypocrite?)

It's a real nice story though with a proper courtship and family blessing,
so, super happy days of love to them both. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th August 2012, 15:46
Even I think it's slightly creeepy. :cwm24:


8th August 2012, 16:21
Well, here's one good example of the Large Age Gap thread..only the guy is not a westerner..:rolleyes: In that thread, some said that an old westerner having a relationship with a very young Filipina wouldn't be bothered of the age gap as the guy's just probably lonely or something like that and are allowed to love no matter what..and with this news, some is suggesting the guy is probably rich or the relationship might be creepy. :rolleyes: Whether the guy is a westerner or not, I think it's creepy being in that very large age gap relationship. :omg: Just my opinion. :D

8th August 2012, 16:54
Diversity is the spice of life :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th August 2012, 18:04
Not saying I wouldn't say no, if I was 80. :D

I'd be happy if I was just 'capable' at that age...and alive. :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
8th August 2012, 18:20
Arthur, I think in his case it would more likely be a case of shuffling rather than creeping. :D

Aye :rolleyes: ... you're probably RIGHT ...

... :D shuffling off his mortal coil. :cwm24:

8th August 2012, 18:28
Deary me :icon_lol:

No, I'm speechless, ok

8th August 2012, 18:54
Its an example that shows women do indeed have a shelf life....and us men flower forever more:xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th August 2012, 19:02
Oh well, doesn't have to wait long till he dies and she gets to bring in the house and choose the boyfriend she always dreamed of.

8th August 2012, 19:04
Oh well, doesn't have to wait long till he dies and she gets to bring in the house and choose the boyfriend she always dreamed of.

Or the one she's already got. ;)

8th August 2012, 20:08
well they do say your as young as the girl your with if he snuffs it on the job least he will die happy :do_it::laugher::laugher:

8th August 2012, 20:39
This is definitely a man's thread. :icon_lol:

8th August 2012, 20:54
Love:D is blind:rolleyes: i suppose

8th August 2012, 21:00
Love:D is blind:rolleyes: i suppose

Yes, but marriage opens our eyes :D

8th August 2012, 21:11
Yes, but marriage opens our eyes :D
well true but i would chose:Rasp: to be blinded:action-smiley-081::icon_lol:

8th August 2012, 21:50
well true but i would chose:Rasp: to be blinded:action-smiley-081::icon_lol:

Great answer Moy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

In the words of Robert Browning "Love is energy of life"

7th September 2012, 22:09