View Full Version : whats wrong with my laptop

8th August 2012, 19:44
any laptop buffs on here, my pages seem to be all pushed together, when i open a page all the words seem to be pushed together and i have to click the page a few times for it to open so i can read it, just like when i open on here so many lines will be repeated and squashed together

8th August 2012, 20:05
have you updated adobe flash , and java ?

try this its safe to use and will scan for anything out of date on your lap top


8th August 2012, 20:08
Never come across that before. :Erm:

Just enter it as a (short) question on google search.

- like...'why are words pushed together on the page ?'

Just searched myself, and so far, nothing.

8th August 2012, 20:12
should i

8th August 2012, 20:14
Never come across that before. :Erm:

Just enter it as a (short) question on google search.

- like...'why are words pushed together on the page ?'

tried that but i cant read what they say:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

8th August 2012, 20:14
Never come across that before. :Erm:

Just enter it as a (short) question on google search.

- like...'why are words pushed together on the page ?'

Just searched myself, and so far, nothing.

Or you could try : "whyarewordspushedtogetheronthepage?" :D

8th August 2012, 20:16
tried that but i cant read what they say:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

ooops. :laugher:

8th August 2012, 20:18
That's why you should always have a backup computer...even if it's a wind-up one (like this one :cwm3:).

8th August 2012, 21:00
New reading glasses reqired??? :Cuckoo:

8th August 2012, 21:08
Have you expanded the page ???? maybe it is on 'plus' %

Look down at the bottom right just above the clock in the corner. does it say 100% if not click the arrow icon next to it and return it to 100%

Just a thought.......

Oh.... mate, if you didn't buy that nice new iphone for Emm, you could have a nice shiney new laptop... and no problems :xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol:

8th August 2012, 21:13
to tell the truth steve, thats why i have been a little quite on here, it does my head in trying to clear the pages, but it seems to be a little better tonight, and Ems iphone is being paid for with the help of Em, new laptop is on its way once i convince myself i need one:xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th August 2012, 21:32
I'm sure you don't need a new laptop steve...just a solution. :)

If I can make this old heap of scrap work perfectly after 9 years...:icon_lol:

Ooops....sorry computer. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. :icon_sorry:....and I have just given you a nice new graphics card...the one I bought 3 years ago and forgot to return to PC world...that I thought wouldn't fit....but now find that it does. :rolleyes:

8th August 2012, 23:04
Steve - what browser are you using? on the Menu there should be a HELP option and then ABOUT which shows the version number.

Just bear in mind there is a scam going on at the moment where some idiot calls you and says they are from Microsoft and calling about fixing your PC.. ive had a few calls recently so beware.

8th August 2012, 23:04
PS whats your number I'll call you!! :laugher:

9th August 2012, 01:27
not green are they, falling down the page :yikes: the matrix :icon_lol:

9th August 2012, 02:45
You can try a system restore, which will back date your laptop to a date that you nominate before it went loopy. I would try a few other things first as this would be a last resort for me as you will lose any information on the laptop that was added from the date you restore it from to the present day.

9th August 2012, 02:48
Just bear in mind there is a scam going on at the moment where some idiot calls you and says they are from Microsoft and calling about fixing your PC.. ive had a few calls recently so beware.

I have had this call a few times as well, they do not do their research very well as i only use a Mac at home. :icon_lol:

9th August 2012, 16:10
I have had this call a few times as well, they do not do their research very well as i only use a Mac at home. :icon_lol:

I had an Indian on recently trying to do this scam - it threw him when I told him I'd had his colleague on the day before, the PC was running worse than ever and I wanted a refund :D

9th August 2012, 16:22
Whats wrong with my wifes iPad and her Samsung Galaxy Ace. :D Both are playing up. Fortunately we can send the iPad back to Apple for a replacement.

9th August 2012, 20:29
I had an Indian on recently trying to do this scam - it threw him when I told him I'd had his colleague on the day before, the PC was running worse than ever and I wanted a refund :D

Yeah they have been Indian in my experience.
The thing is these people just 'war dial' and quite a few people have been scammed. It makes PC World look like saints!

9th August 2012, 23:27
Yeah they have been Indian in my experience.
The thing is these people just 'war dial' and quite a few people have been scammed. It makes PC World look like saints!

I had the same call about a year ago googled the scam and it seems there's a town in India where it is the main earner

9th August 2012, 23:44
Oh, you mean a bit like Grattans Shopping Catalogue in Bradford ? :icon_lol:

...or Vauxhall/Bedford in Luton ? :rolleyes: