View Full Version : France clears Roma camp in fresh wave of expulsions

9th August 2012, 19:29
good news for dedworth:D, unless they are on their way here :cwm24:

French police raided a makeshift Roma camp on Thursday, evicting 200 people as the Socialist government quietly follows the former conservative administration's policy of repatriating illegal immigrants.

read more here .. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/08/09/uk-france-roma-idUKBRE8780LG20120809?rpc=401&feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews&rpc=401

9th August 2012, 19:43
If you or I set up camp virtually anywhere, we would be moved on.

So their (French authorities) action seems entirely reasonable to me.

Unfortunately, as anticipated, admitting Romania to the EU tipped over a big bucket of human effluent, which immediately began to spread until it eventually contaminated the whole of Europe.:NoNo:

9th August 2012, 21:43
Vive La France - a robust common sense approach to dealing with filth.

Meanwhile in the UK we favour the softly softly and expensive method referring the criminal scum "to outreach workers and partners for support including assistance to return home voluntarily"

9th August 2012, 22:36
now why cant our gov have the balls 2 do the same

10th August 2012, 00:04
It's amazing over here how we pigeon hole political parties. We would say socialists are pro immigration. But there you have a newly elected socialist President quite prepared to do the right thing for the country. There just is no place in our society for filth like this who don't wish to make a positive contribution, but merely sponge and steal and live like pigs. French politicians clearly have more backbone than our own.

10th August 2012, 10:25
Good article and pictures in the Mail
