View Full Version : ILR has a limit?? now??

10th August 2012, 18:04
For those who just there ILR back..
we are curious as to why my friend;) who just had her ILR approved..and there is a validity date on it for approx of 10 years is this new law..??:rolleyes: any idea:rolleyes:

10th August 2012, 18:49
hiya sars..as i cant send you pm here i would post so forgive;)
if i rem you recently applied for ILR :)
Anyway my question is i have my friend ILR result and there is a validity for 10 years i thought ILR is no limit??:rolleyes::rolleyes:
i am curious as to whats like in your case..is the BRP itself has date limit/ILR??
ANY idea;)

10th August 2012, 18:59
hello MOy, yes Ive check my Biometric card and the validity is 2022 I applied 2012 ..it doesnt matter anyway as i plan to have my citizenship before it expires:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th August 2012, 19:03
ah ok..:) thanks for reply sars..i could be a matter of renewal for card itself lolz.. after 10 years ;)

10th August 2012, 19:11
:rolleyes:is the date the same :rolleyes:as the date when their :rolleyes: passport expires :rolleyes:

10th August 2012, 19:21
the expiry date is the expiry of the card, not the expiry of your leave which is indefinite.
you might need to update your photo after 10years, :rolleyes: even thou you will not look 10yrs old Ros:D

10th August 2012, 19:23
:rolleyes:is the date the same :rolleyes:as the date when their :rolleyes: passport expires :rolleyes:
ILR card said that ILR is valid until 20 May 2022. ;)

10th August 2012, 19:31
just like a driving license or passport Ros they have expiry dates, time to renew your Pic :D

10th August 2012, 19:44
Basically, just like the passport ...needs renewal :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th August 2012, 20:19
the expiry date is the expiry of the card, not the expiry of your leave which is indefinite.
you might need to update your photo after 10years, :rolleyes: even thou you will not look 10yrs old Ros:D

nyahaha joe the joker :omg: i might not look 10 years old but i am indefinitely 10 years or more younger than you :action-smiley-081::laughter::icon_lol: thats am sure..and correction its not my ILR result A friend ask me and i dont have idea as me myself is in waiting time am afraid lolz:icon_lol:
but thanks for reply my mentor:cwm24::Rasp: as usual:Cuckoo:

10th August 2012, 20:28
just like a driving license or passport Ros they have expiry dates, time to renew your Pic :D

its not mine joes:bigcry: a friend ask me and i got no idea as me myself is curious and on waiting list:cwm3::cwm24: few months now no result i think im denied :doh:cwm3:

10th August 2012, 20:34
basically just like the passport ...needs renewal:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:


Arthur Little
10th August 2012, 22:52
Slightly :icon_offtopic: ... since it concerns my *Pensioner's Bus Pass - as opposed to a Biometric Residence Permit. Anyway, in MY case, the *said concession is valid up until 19 September 2014 ... i.e. the date of my 70th birthday (which just happens to be round about the time the proposed Referendum on Scottish Independence is due to be held!). Presumably, my bus pass will then be renewed - unless:

(a) I have "pegged~out" :cwm24: before then ... or

(b) Newly-elected, 'President' Salmond decides to issue forth a decree to the effect that such a privilege - hitherto granted to aged denizens :oldlady: :olddude: of the resurrected Nation north of Berwick-upon-Tweed - is one of many the Scottish Parliament can no longer afford.

:anerikke: ... I cannot make up my mind as to which would be the lesser of the two evils!! :NoNo:

10th August 2012, 23:01

Arthur Little
10th August 2012, 23:57

:thankyou: for your appreciation of my jocular post, Ross. ILR IS - as the first word implies - Indefinite Leave to Remain. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Btw ... don't panic ... NEITHER of your two latest threads (the one relating to your friend's Residence Permit ... nor its follow-up message to Sars) have disappeared.:nono-1-1:I've simply merged them as they're BOTH inter-connected.