View Full Version : A year here

11th August 2012, 04:20
Hi Everyone
Rina has been here nearly a year - but the reason for my post is today she has gone into labour and the next chapter of life starts.
At some point today our son will enter the world and I'm really excited.

It 0419 been up a couple of hours in touch with hospital. They must be busy as they have told me to call when the contractions are 2 mins apart.

I just wish everything goes well and mother and baby are healthy, and that they are both blessed in all ways possible.


11th August 2012, 05:21
Many Congrats mate & hope all goes well! Nice anniversary present! see you all soon!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th August 2012, 08:20
:Jump: all the best to your family Tone :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Eyes O'Donnell
11th August 2012, 08:42
Congrats on the new addition!! :baby1: I’m sure the little guy is a cutie :)
God bless

11th August 2012, 08:55

11th August 2012, 09:49
Congrats Tone and Rina! :baby1::Jump: Show us some baby photos after the labor! :D

11th August 2012, 10:29
Hey, well done to you both Tone....enjoy ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Doesn't seem 5 minutes since my 'little' one was coming into the world. :)

11th August 2012, 10:30
fantastic news tone, well done for all of you,

12th August 2012, 13:58
Hi guys
Thanks for your kind wishes.

Our son Zayne was born this morning at 11am 7lb 12oz's.
Rina ended up in labour for 60 odd hours it was a nightmare! We have both been up around 40 straight hours now and despite being fully comatosed I can't sleep cos my son is so great.
Son and mother have some battle scars but they will heal in time and Zaynes will no doubt turn out rather well.

Thought I'd let you know how it's gone, had some scares especially when the hospital have too many people and not enough beds or staff.


12th August 2012, 14:01
Wow ! Congratulations to you both ! :Jump::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Also glad to hear that mother and baby are fine...a big one for a Filipina. :cwm24:

Time to get some shuteye...maybe the last for a while. :D

12th August 2012, 14:05
congrats to you all and welcome Zayne,:)

Arthur Little
12th August 2012, 22:52
:Hellooo:, Tone ... I wanted to wait until after the BIG event - the safe arrival of your bouncing :BouncyHappy: baby boy - before posting my Congratulations. Marvellous news, and well done to you, Rina & Zayne. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Doc Alan
12th August 2012, 23:13
Great news, congratulations :Hellooo:.

13th August 2012, 00:36
Congratulations! :baby1:

13th August 2012, 08:11
Congratulations to you both! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th August 2012, 10:37
Fantastic news Tone congratulations to you both.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th August 2012, 12:48
Thanks guys hoping we will be allowed to bring Zayne home today. He is fragile but a bundle of joy, it's really quite amazing the elation you feel when you see new life starting. I unashamedly cried my eyes out as the Dr fished him out as Rina had no energy to push him any further. When Zayne cried a whole world of joy hit me.. Think it's amazing and obviously Rina is ok and quite amazing.


13th August 2012, 12:58
Thanks for the update Tone, and all the best to you, your partner and Zayne. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It IS life-changing, but sometimes life with them seems to run along at breakneck pace, so treasure every moment. :)

My 'baby' will be getting his 'A' level results this Thursday. :cwm24:

13th August 2012, 13:09
Congratulations, wonderful news.

13th August 2012, 13:21
Thanks guys hoping we will be allowed to bring Zayne home today. He is fragile but a bundle of joy, it's really quite amazing the elation you feel when you see new life starting. I unashamedly cried my eyes out as the Dr fished him out as Rina had no energy to push him any further. When Zayne cried a whole world of joy hit me.. Think it's amazing and obviously Rina is ok and quite amazing.


the only reason i rush home (apart from hating my job :rolleyes:) is to see little joe :Jump::xxgrinning--00xx3:

your in for some fantastic times Tone :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th August 2012, 14:42
Yehey Congratulations Guys :Jump::Jump::Jump:

13th August 2012, 16:58
Thanks guys - Joe I also have a 15 year old son I know what you mean. The thing with my older son was when he was 2 me and his mum divorced and ever since not allowed to see him much.
Now I can see him whenever but his mum in the early years did as much as she could to stop me seeing him. Society calls us the absent parent and that's how I always felt.
With Zayne I've got the 2nd chance and I'm going to embrace that with everything I got.:xxgrinning--00xx3:


13th August 2012, 21:18
Hi guys
Thanks for your kind wishes.

Our son Zayne was born this morning at 11am 7lb 12oz's.
Rina ended up in labour for 60 odd hours it was a nightmare! We have both been up around 40 straight hours now and despite being fully comatosed I can't sleep cos my son is so great.
Son and mother have some battle scars but they will heal in time and Zaynes will no doubt turn out rather well.

Thought I'd let you know how it's gone, had some scares especially when the hospital have too many people and not enough beds or staff.


Sincere congratulations to you both Tone:Jump:

And a big welcome to the world Zayne :Jump:

Children are a real joy. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th August 2012, 21:34
Congratulations to both of you....

13th August 2012, 21:57
Wonderful!!...Congratulations Tone and Rina:xxgrinning--00xx3:!!

13th August 2012, 22:05
How did I miss this :doh

Congratulations to you both, I know how exciting it is for you.. so happy for you. :Jump::Jump:

Now photos photos photos..................

13th August 2012, 22:55
Congratulations Tone and Rina!! Welcome to your baby boy!!!:Jump::)

13th August 2012, 23:02
congrats to both of you and welcome baby boy

14th August 2012, 05:33
Well done to the pair of you:xxgrinning--00xx3:
And welcome to a new life for all of you.

14th August 2012, 06:47
congrats to you tone, your wife Rina and welcome baby Zayne.

15th August 2012, 20:43
Thanks again everybody, now home and boy all I can think of is him!
I had to go to a meeting and once finished raced home so I could see him.
Rina is doing well she is struggling with pain - all this has made me love her more and that's amazing cos I didn't think that was possible!

15th August 2012, 20:50
good news tone, life is good for those of us who thought it could get no better:)

17th August 2012, 19:58
Thanks Steve - so true.
Incidentally Rina arrived here today a year ago - how fast hat year has gone by!
Married and with child I never would have believed it 18 months ago.

17th August 2012, 21:50
Big congratulations Tone....we know what you 2 going through right now ...we had a baby son born this May and another son born last May :D We'll see what the stork brings next May.

Welcome to the forum :rolleyes: belated I know.


Arthur Little
17th August 2012, 23:20
We'll see what the stork brings next May.

:omg: ... at your age, :D Mark? You ARE getting "broody"! :cwm24:

17th August 2012, 23:22
Congratulations Tone, Rina and baby Zayne, wonderful news! :baby1:

18th August 2012, 00:07
:omg: ... at your age, :D Mark? You ARE getting "broody"! :cwm24:

I'd have a house full but wife is '' tired of being continually pregnant'' so looks likes that's it.