View Full Version : To be or not to be???

27th July 2007, 23:46
Hello everyone!!! This is flo I'm a residence here in UK but Im not sure if I want to be a British citizen? My husband said its up to me if I decided to but right now I still want to be a filipino citizen:Rasp: of course there's also advantages of being a Briton diba....you can go to any EU countries freely and benefits (not that im after for it) etc.. Well, let see in the near future may be I change my mind:NoNo: I know I need to take the test now:Brick: Thanks to everyone reading my post :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2007, 23:50
I think it's just a case of weighing up the POSITIVES and the NEGATIVES . . . and seeing what is most important to you . . .

also . .. do you plan to both stay in UK, or do you plan to move away eventually - maybe to retire in Phils? ummm

i have no experience or advice to offer, just random musings :D:D:D


28th July 2007, 02:09
as bigtom said, it depends on what your plans are..

i take it if you need to take the test and your married, your on a 2 year spouse visa ? .. if so, like you said you need to take the test :xxgrinning--00xx3:and before you apply for ILR, or if you don't you need to apply for FLR for 2 years.

whats wrong with dual nationality ? .. then your free to go and do what you want without any restrictions. ILR has restrictions on how long you can leave the country, and also you stll can be refused entry clearance by an immigration officer at the airport:cwm24:

28th July 2007, 09:52
Hi Flomike!:)
the decision is yours but if i were you,if i have the chance now to become a british national, i would. unluckily i am 1 year here yet. you can give up filipino citizenship, have british nationality, and then you can reacquire filipino citizenship afterwards by having dual nationality. Dual nationality right now is quite a debate in Philippines. the issue is, how can a dual national serve 2 masters, to whom would you be more loyal, stuff and stuff....the gov't might abolished it one day. so i think you should grab the chance while it's still allowed by the philippine gov't. it's just my suggestion. :)

28th July 2007, 10:44
the RP government sounds quite strict!

28th July 2007, 11:10
no, you can have your dual citizenship since last year.keep your filipino npassport vaild. don't forget to renew it sixth month before it expire. when you go back to phil with your british passport bring with you your valid filipino passport.its easier to travel anywhere in the world with british passport no problem in any immigration port of call. go get your british citizenship.

28th July 2007, 12:51
Hello everyone!!! This is flo I'm a residence here in UK but Im not sure if I want to be a British citizen? My husband said its up to me if I decided to but right now I still want to be a filipino citizen:Rasp: of course there's also advantages of being a Briton diba....you can go to any EU countries freely and benefits (not that im after for it) etc.. Well, let see in the near future may be I change my mind:NoNo: I know I need to take the test now:Brick: Thanks to everyone reading my post :xxgrinning--00xx3: hi flomike you can have a dual citizen if you want thats what im gonna do in the future, of course we still have a filipino blood hehehehe :Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

28th July 2007, 14:18
India had the same issue they didn't allow dual nationalship and found so many people said sod it i'll be a yank or a brit etc and then lost so many of their top people. They went down the road of dual nationalship i think in 2000 or so. A lot of indian couples in the uk who had been here for years the husband would be a brit and the wife would keep her indian nationality with british ilr in case they needed to go back.

Joe hit it on the head ILR is no definte gurantee you will be allowed in to the uk or if you have to return to phill for a few years in the future (who knows) you may have to reapply to come back to the Uk. If you move out of the UK and later in life decide to return it maybe impossible to do so if requirments tighten even more.

Like others say grab dual nationalship while you can, but i think the phill goverment knows it needs to keep the ofws feeling welcome to come home otherwise they may be forced to retire in their adopted countries and phill will lose their spending power.

28th July 2007, 14:43
yes andypaul :xxgrinning--00xx3:

you don't know what changes will happen to immigration law next year, and with the pressure on the gov building up nearly daily to control immigration, who knows what changes will happen in the future, natualization might become more difficult and expensive to gain. ILR, what will happen if they change it, say from 2years outside the UK TO 1, or change it so its only valid for a time period, the tories have already said they want to limit non europeans moving to the uk, i'm sure labour will try to, as non europeans are the only easy target in controling immigration..

my wife and stepson will be applying for naturalization as soon as they can..

28th July 2007, 15:20
yes andypaul :xxgrinning--00xx3:

you don't know what changes will happen to immigration law next year, and with the pressure on the gov building up nearly daily to control immigration, who knows what changes will happen in the future, natualization might become more difficult and expensive to gain. ILR, what will happen if they change it, say from 2years outside the UK TO 1, or change it so its only valid for a time period, the tories have already said they want to limit non europeans moving to the uk, i'm sure labour will try to, as non europeans are the only easy target in controling immigration..

my wife and stepson will be applying for naturalization as soon as they can..

I am still thinking what I am going to do with the citizenship issue. If I am going to apply my Italian citizenship what more benefits I could have when after three years I can get a British citizenship. I still don't know if I have to give up for Filipino citizenship or Italian. but I am more to give up the Italian citizenship than my Filipino citizenship cause I know that someday I would want to go back and live in my homeland....Anyway this is just a thought out from my head...

28th July 2007, 21:01
I still don't know if I have to give up for Filipino citizenship or Italian. but I am more to give up the Italian citizenship than my Filipino citizenship cause I know that someday I would want to go back and live in my homeland....Anyway this is just a thought out from my head...

Call me silly but I will ask it anyway...:doh Is there such a thing as Triple Citizenship?:Erm: Just asking:rolleyes:

28th July 2007, 21:58
as bigtom said, it depends on what your plans are..

i take it if you need to take the test and your married, your on a 2 year spouse visa ? .. if so, like you said you need to take the test :xxgrinning--00xx3:and before you apply for ILR, or if you don't you need to apply for FLR for 2 years.

whats wrong with dual nationality ? .. then your free to go and do what you want without any restrictions. ILR has restrictions on how long you can leave the country, and also you stll can be refused entry clearance by an immigration officer at the airport:cwm24:

I am a permanent residence now here in the UK or is that ILR in another term? Yeah I know that I am not allowed to leave the country not morethan 2 years though my me and my husband plan in the near future is to stay in the Phils for 6 months and 6 months here! I didn't know that there's a chance that I might refuse to entry here for sure my husband will be like a rambo in the airport just incase it happens:furious3: Well, with so many changes happen now in immigration I might think that British citizenship next year just that I am too lazy to read that book its so boring But thanks for the advice I appreciate it guys:Hellooo:

28th July 2007, 22:07
Hi Flomike!:)
the decision is yours but if i were you,if i have the chance now to become a british national, i would. unluckily i am 1 year here yet. you can give up filipino citizenship, have british nationality, and then you can reacquire filipino citizenship afterwards by having dual nationality. Dual nationality right now is quite a debate in Philippines. the issue is, how can a dual national serve 2 masters, to whom would you be more loyal, stuff and stuff....the gov't might abolished it one day. so i think you should grab the chance while it's still allowed by the philippine gov't. it's just my suggestion. :)

thanks for the advice hilda_danao
I'll think that citizenship next year after our holiday in the Phils this Christmas:Rasp: about dual nationality I believe if you give up your filipino nationality that's it diba that's the choice you've made and stand for it! And they said you can't do things at the same time:Erm:

28th July 2007, 22:11
I think it's just a case of weighing up the POSITIVES and the NEGATIVES . . . and seeing what is most important to you . . .

also . .. do you plan to both stay in UK, or do you plan to move away eventually - maybe to retire in Phils? ummm

i have no experience or advice to offer, just random musings :D:D:D


salamat tom:)
your effort is morethan appreciated:Hellooo: My husband wants to semi retire in the Phils may be in 10 years time so like you said I have to weigh in what's the good and bad and if i have the decision by next year I'll post it here:)

28th July 2007, 22:19
hi flomike you can have a dual citizen if you want thats what im gonna do in the future, of course we still have a filipino blood hehehehe :Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

Yes vbkelly....you're right there pinoy tayo!!!! If decided to be a Brit that's it but of course whatever happens I'll always be a pinoy in spirit:BouncyHappy:

28th July 2007, 23:38
I am a permanent residence now here in the UK or is that ILR in another term? Yeah I know that I am not allowed to leave the country not morethan 2 years though my me and my husband plan in the near future is to stay in the Phils for 6 months and 6 months here! I didn't know that there's a chance that I might refuse to entry here for sure my husband will be like a rambo in the airport just incase it happens:furious3: Well, with so many changes happen now in immigration I might think that British citizenship next year just that I am too lazy to read that book its so boring But thanks for the advice I appreciate it guys:Hellooo:

If its a case of just wheter to take the exam due to the fact you have to revise and not money or a big problem with having dual nationality.
Do it is my advice many on here have taken it and not found it to tough.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I think they have already made it so that phills that have lost/given up phill nationality can still hold propety and business in phill in some form (im sure i read that somewhere) the phills goverment can't afford to anoy the huge wallet of the ofw masses, they will work out some way of allowing you to invest your money in the country.

Like Joe says the rules are only going to get tougher not easier for non europeans regarding visas so while its relatively simple start reading that book it might save your hubby having to wear a headband shooting people in heathrow:ARsurrender:

29th July 2007, 10:10
I am a permanent residence now here in the UK or is that ILR in another term? Yeah I know that I am not allowed to leave the country not morethan 2 years though my me and my husband plan in the near future is to stay in the Phils for 6 months and 6 months here! I didn't know that there's a chance that I might refuse to entry here for sure my husband will be like a rambo in the airport just incase it happens:furious3: Well, with so many changes happen now in immigration I might think that British citizenship next year just that I am too lazy to read that book its so boring But thanks for the advice I appreciate it guys:Hellooo:

how long have you been living in the uk ? , you mean you need to take the test before you can apply for naturalization/Citizenship?..
when you have ILR the uk is suppose to be your permenant home, the entry clearance officer can still question you if you have ILR, as you still are 'subject to immigration control' and even refuse you entry if you leave the uk, but i've no idea how often this happens, but it can, other users might have experience of this, when they've come back to the uk, i think rarely thou. , if your in and out of the uk for 6 months a time, maybe they would ask you about if the uk is your permenant home, unless its to do with employment. but yes upto 2 years you should be fine, but then i've read about people who have been refused entry after more than 2 years outside the uk, and have had to go back to thier country and apply for a spouse visa again, but i think there is a form you can fill in instead.

but if your planning to go in and out the uk for 6 months a time, maybe you would make your life easier by applying for naturalization.

29th July 2007, 22:26
Hi joe, been here for 3 years now I just had my residency last year before the new law in taking exam for spouse visa takes effect that's why Im quite lucky bec I didnt' go through that process but if I want to be a British citizen I must take the test:( Yeah Im going to make a decision next year and condition my self in reading as Im not fond of reading Thanks for the nice advice:)