View Full Version : Which visa is applicable?

14th August 2012, 21:06
Hi, i am wondering if someone may be able to help. I am a british citizen and my boyfriend is filippino. We have currently been together for 5 years and are expecting our first baby in october this year. We would like to know what visa we should be applying for for him to be able to stay here with me and the baby in the UK and be able to work? He has been granted a visitor visa allowing him to stay for 6 months, he will then return to the Philippines where we would like to get applying for him to be able to stay perminantly? A while ago he was offered a very good job here in the UK but the company was not able to sponsor him and told him to apply again when he was able to obtain a working visa or when he is eligible to work in the UK. Any advice or help would be greatly accepted :) thankyou kindly.

14th August 2012, 21:32
:Hellooo:Hello Ju321, welcome here to our forum :Wave:

Put quite simple, you (as sponsor) will firstly need to earn a gross income of £18600

I realise it sounds very harsh and materialistic, but basically if you cannot comply with that requirement then any visa application will ultimately fall to refusal, and no-one wants that.
For any kind of visa success you will need to provide evidence of either living together in a relationship akin to marriage, or you would need to be married.
As I'm sure you know, a visitor visa is not going to allow your b/f to settle here in UK

Under the new rules, you are the sponsor. You must provide evidence of gross income to £18600 per year.
Sorry to say that no form of 3rd party support is counted by UKBA nor is any form of proposed employment offer in favour of your b/f

If you are able to provide evidence of income and living together akin to marriage then your chances are very good.

Please take a look here (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/39740-All-New-Guide-How-to-apply-for-a-Spouse-Partner-Visa)

and also here (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/39869-All-New-Guide-How-to-apply-for-a-Fiance-Visa)

Hope that helps.
Don't be shy to post specific questions, all here will help.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th August 2012, 16:28
Hi, Thankyou for relplying, as myself and my boyfriend both met by working on a cruise ship i am currently unemployed as i am expecting our baby i am at the moment receiving money from the government until i can return to work so i would not be able to prove i am earning £18,600 but i do have savings and my boyfriend will live with myself and my family until he has secured his job, is this still not enough for them even if we provide very strong evidence in all other areas of the application? if this is not the case, do you have any other suggestions of what other visas or options we could do? Thankyou for your help :)

15th August 2012, 17:00
Hi Ju321, did you follow the links I provided for you?