View Full Version : visa and overdrafts

16th August 2012, 17:40
Can I ask.

When applying for a spouse visa after marrying. You can't be using an overdraft. Is that correct. Thanks.

16th August 2012, 19:29
If you search on this site using the word 'overdraft' you will find threads that give more information than I can give in one message! The most important thing is you have funds regularly coming into your account that meet at least the minimum requirement.

16th August 2012, 19:39
Can I ask.

When applying for a spouse visa after marrying. You can't be using an overdraft. Is that correct. Thanks.

The new financial requirement is very clear. That is you must have gross income of £18600 per year.
This is for a couple and increases depending on the number of children.

There is a possibility of exemptions for those on specific benefits.
There is also the potential to use any savings above the £16000 level either completely or to make up any shortfall in income.

There is absolutely no review on affordability of any kind.
No review of overdraft, credit cards, loans etc

Gross income is the only financial factor considered.

Does that help?

16th August 2012, 20:18
Yes it's very helpful. Thank you.

16th August 2012, 20:19
It's just some people here talk about running accounts in the black.

16th August 2012, 20:34
It's just some people here talk about running accounts in the black.

Doesn't make any difference under new rules.
Review the UKBA financial requirements.

16th August 2012, 20:49
I suppose the government are hardly in a position to lecture people about being in debt. :NoNo:

16th August 2012, 21:45
They are not lecturing Graham they are dictating. IF YOU DO NOT EARN THE REQUIRED AMOUNT YOU CAN NOT BRING ANYONE HERE.! But I understand what you mean.