View Full Version : final interview

17th August 2012, 19:48
i just got a call from one of the hotels in london.they're inviting me for a final interview.i have to give a 15 minute presentation of my favorite organization which i believe delivers exemplary customer service.
i'm going to present the hotel i worked before which really inspired me to continue my career in the hospitality industry.but i'm thinking wouldn't be awkward that i'm presenting my favorite hotel employer while i'm applying for a job with them?
i got to thinking that they also want to have ideas from my presentation...
hmmm...what do you guys think?

17th August 2012, 20:03
Wow, 15 mins presentation, that's a big ask imo
What job position is it for?

Anyways, I don't see anything wrong at all in drawing on your past experience.
In such presentations passion and honesty are key. They're looking for reasons to hire you instead of others. Nothing beats inspiration and motivation.
Go for it girl :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Just my 2 centavos

17th August 2012, 20:08
thanks terpe:D
working hard to get that hr officer position.i think 15 minutes might not be enough since they also ask how they might also adopt them and how...anyway, i'm putting up 3 main reasons with 3 bullet points each...i'm not going to touch anything technical (finance or ceo stuff).
thanks for the 2 centavos!!!!

17th August 2012, 20:22
I wish you all good luck dizzy. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Be honest, be inspiring and be passionate.
But don't be too long.

I still feel 15 minutes is much too long, but you have to work with whatever you told to work with.
From my personal experience I never needed that long or that much information to make up my mind.

If they really demand 15 mins try to keep it 'punchy' all the way through but get that final 3 mins to include and emphasise the reasons why you and your ideas are irresistible for the position.

22nd August 2012, 16:43
had my final presentation yesterday. was fun and a great feedback in return. gm and hr manager asked questions since they were interested of my ideas.overall i'm very happy i was able to really pull it off...i hope there's good news on friday =:please:

22nd August 2012, 16:54
Good luck dizzy.

22nd August 2012, 16:56
thanks andy:Hellooo:

22nd August 2012, 19:15
had my final presentation yesterday. was fun and a great feedback in return. gm and hr manager asked questions since they were interested of my ideas.overall i'm very happy i was able to really pull it off...i hope there's good news on friday =:please:

Well done to you dizzy :Jump:
Sounds like you made a positive impression.

I hope you get what you want. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
To get paid for doing something you love doing is one of life's best blessings.
Happened to me for over 30 years. :)

22nd August 2012, 20:56
welcome to the forum dizzy!!
as far as I'm aware the hotel industry doesnt usually care about your past work experiences because they are working on their ''own'' brand standards, they are usually open to new ideas but it should be in line with the brands objectives and of course UK /European law.
good luck

22nd August 2012, 21:26
good luck for friday

Arthur Little
23rd August 2012, 01:46

good luck for friday

Yes ... best of luck, Dizzy! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd August 2012, 09:04
Goodluck :Wave:

23rd August 2012, 10:41
thank you all for your best wishes!!!! i really appreciate it!!!!

24th August 2012, 12:21
yahoooo!! i got the job! hr manager told me the salary offer which is good. i asked her the other benefits and she asked in return what i want...hmmmm...i would have just said a lot of things but i told her what you're offering for this kind of job. well from a big hotel she should have sent me a job offer by email.
anyway, she told me the benefits blah blah blah...i requested for 3 days to think about it. she sounded a bit down. but hey! in my experience we send a job offer to the successful candidate to go through and for them to have a chance to ask questions and think it over.
hr manager sounded a bit surprised when i requested for the 3 days. she even asked if there are more interviews in line for me. i said yes and hope she understands. she does of course....but...i don't know...i just don't feel excited...just a jumble of feelings...

24th August 2012, 13:13
get your first foot on the ladder and move on up and forward :xxgrinning--00xx3:, it will be easier once your working to get a better job after you have some UK experience.

24th August 2012, 16:17
well, she wasn't happy about it. i don't know why but asking about company benefits seems a big booboo...now i'm not sure if the job is still for me...:doh

24th August 2012, 16:48
Congratulations dizzy

In this economic climate personally I think you would be mad not to take it

24th August 2012, 16:52
hehehehe...i know but because of asking about company benefits she's having doubts if i'm the right person to work for them...

24th August 2012, 17:28
i am proud to be landed on any job that i am now..which i already have..:D

be proud girl;) i know you are:D

24th August 2012, 20:32
hehehehe...i know but because of asking about company benefits she's having doubts if i'm the right person to work for them...

Not trying to be smart dizzy, but why didn't you ask those kind of questions at one of the interview stages?
They must has asked if you had any questions.

Just my thoughts .... no offence intended.
I'm very happy you have an job offer, and like others have said better to accept than refuse unless you were not too serious about this one :Erm:

24th August 2012, 20:42
i wanted to ask during the final interview as i see it the right time to bring it up but since they told me they have to think about offering me the job or not i stopped myself...since i was sure they would be the ones to bring it up thus the job offer letter.that's how it goes with my past experience.once they do bring it up of course i'll ask about it.but she just said you got the job and here's you're salary. as a hr person myself it wasn't the way to do it...and what's wrong with asking about company benefits anyway? at least i didn't bring it up during my first interview which would give them the impression i'm only after their company benefits...read it in any hr websites...before rushing to say yes to the job, asking about company benefits is normal...

24th August 2012, 21:19
Not trying to be smart dizzy, but why didn't you ask those kind of questions at one of the interview stages?
They must has asked if you had any questions.

Just my thoughts .... no offence intended.
I very happy you have an job offer, and like others have said better to accept than refuse unless you were not too serious about this one :Erm:

:D:xxgrinning--00xx3: i know whats in your mind terpe..good input he he:D

24th August 2012, 21:24
i am proud to be landed on any job that i am now..which i already have..:D

be proud girl;) i know you are:D


24th August 2012, 21:25
:D:xxgrinning--00xx3: i know whats in your mind terpe..good input he he:D

In which case you'll know how proud I am that you found gainful employment.
I fully understand how difficult it is in UK right now.
So good for you dear friend. Keep up the good work:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th August 2012, 22:29


24th August 2012, 22:30

24th August 2012, 22:31
In which case you'll know how proud I am that you found gainful employment.
I fully understand how difficult it is in UK right now.
So good for you dear friend. Keep up the good work:xxgrinning--00xx3:

very true..my friend i was lucky its my first time for a job and first interview ever since i landed on this land they call it:D:cwm24: HONey and chocolate plus clotted cream and scones for tea:omg::icon_lol::Rasp:

24th August 2012, 22:31

you get it:cwm24::D

24th August 2012, 22:34

24th August 2012, 22:41

am sure you are ..YES:D:Jump:

24th August 2012, 22:45
:Erm: no...not really getting it...

24th August 2012, 22:49
i really don't understand what you're trying to get at...:Erm:

24th August 2012, 23:16
anyway, goodnight everybody and thanks for the replies...just sharing and trying to figure out what happened to me today:rolleyes:

25th August 2012, 07:23
what probably happened was that they expected you to accept the job offer and be :Jump: and you didn't and now might have seen less keen on it to them ?

28th August 2012, 18:56
hehehehe...i know but because of asking about company benefits she's having doubts if i'm the right person to work for them...

not a good start dizzy:NoNo:...If I am the employer I would also think that you are over fuzzy and not interested with the job ( UK / European Employment is way too far than the PH employment , you need to do lots of training or you should be able to study or graduate here before you get the job that you really wanted or in simple word '' a job with a higher position '')...btw, which ''BIG'' hotel is this?? if you accepted the job you would normally have induction training and handbook in which you will read and know all about the company benefits etc...

29th August 2012, 20:02
:xxgrinning--00xx3: well said sars:D