View Full Version : Manchester United shirts - spelling mistakes

21st August 2012, 10:50
Is that Man United's latest signing? Sub 'Andesron' carries shirt gaffe in Everton defeat

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2191328/Anderson-Andesron-shirt-Manchester-United-Everton.html#ixzz24AlsOaG8

What a shower :icon_lol::icon_lol:


Show's the player short on brain cells for putting it on :icon_lol:

21st August 2012, 10:53
You see advertising and newspaper headings with spelling mistakes now . BBC and newspaper websites, subtitles on TV etc. :NoNo:

Hardly surprising since the schools consider it of little importance whether the kids they turn out for university entrance can spell or not. :rolleyes:


21st August 2012, 11:50
Is that Man United's latest signing? Sub 'Andesron' carries shirt gaffe in Everton defeat

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2191328/Anderson-Andesron-shirt-Manchester-United-Everton.html#ixzz24AlsOaG8

What a shower :icon_lol::icon_lol:


Show's the player short on brain cells for putting it on :icon_lol:


Arthur Little
21st August 2012, 12:35
You see advertising and newspaper headings with spelling mistakes now . BBC and newspaper websites, subtitles on TV etc. :NoNo:

:gp:, Graham! :olddude: ... becoming INCREASINGLY hard of hearing nowadays, I find myself relying more and more on television subtitles - which seem to be particularly bad in their misrepresentation of the spoken word - thereby rendering the text, for the most part, incomprehensible.

Arthur Little
21st August 2012, 13:11
Hardly surprising since the schools consider it of little importance whether the kids they turn out for university entrance can spell or not. :rolleyes:


:rolleyes: ... AGAIN - from an :olddude:'s [possibly biased] point of view - :iagree:

Arthur Little
21st August 2012, 13:52
Perhaps it's an "age :D thing" ... :anerikke: ... who knows? But my pet aversion isn't so much to do with misspelling, as the modern trend of writing, typing and/or printing long/ish passages of prose - without due regard for proper punctuation in the appropriate places.