View Full Version : Dirty Harry

24th August 2012, 09:36
For those who've not bothered looking at foreign websites


24th August 2012, 09:55
been following it for 3 days now and hubby says it's no big deal he's human after all but like i said he got a reputation to look after....he should be more careful:rolleyes:

24th August 2012, 10:07
So, he's just like any other heterosexual guy who likes to have fun....and thank goodness for that.:rolleyes:

Apparently the Sun have considered it in the public interest to publish the pics today. It should be called 'The Scum'. :NoNo:

24th August 2012, 10:09
What is he were a Princess and not a Prince? Would people think something different? Is it OK for a guy, but not for a girl?

(I'm OK with Harry having fun myself, I am more annoyed about the money grabbing girlies who decided to take/sell the photos).

24th August 2012, 10:15
Yes, it's ok for a guy but not for a girl. :)

24th August 2012, 10:20
I just wonder what his father thinks...... :Erm: anybody heard from James Hewitt :Erm::Erm::icon_lol:

24th August 2012, 10:42
media should give the guy a break..he's on his holiday and I'm sure there are others who did this too..whether he's a prince or not, privacy should be respected..those girls who took the photos are only wanting money from these..and the prince's security should have protected him from these girls..as what witnesses have said, the prince's security aid were partying and some were asleep too http://www.tmz.com/2012/08/23/prince-harry-naked-photos-pictures-private-security-royal-family-pissed/ :NoNo:

24th August 2012, 10:46
Yep..security should be fired. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th August 2012, 10:47
Once upon a time a prince asked a beautiful princess, “will you marry me?” and the princess said, “No!”.

And the prince lived happily ever after and rode motorcycles and dated cute skinny girls and hunted and raced cars and went to naked bars and dated women half his age and drank beer, Jack Daniels and Captain Morgan and drank the milk from the box and never heard bitching and went to rock concerts and kept his apartment and his favourite jeans and never got cheated on while working and all his family and friends thought he was cool as hell and he had tons of money and left the toilet seat up.

The end.

24th August 2012, 12:31
it's no big deal for me and husband either...let him experience what other regular lad do and not just this boring royal formalities :)

24th August 2012, 13:21
I just wonder what his father thinks...... :Erm: anybody heard from James Hewitt :Erm::Erm::icon_lol:

i wonder how many of the UK population believe that to be true :rolleyes:

24th August 2012, 13:31
Lovely...his mother will be looking down loving it...you cant beat a bit of hedonism :D..especially when fully loaded...no better time for it....it sells papers...look back to prince Edward and the divorcee Mrs Simpson...this is just fun...what if he a woman well, he's not so the question not relevant :D....fill your boots Harry...you know it makes sense :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th August 2012, 13:40
i wonder how many of the UK population believe that to be true :rolleyes:
You mean it's not true :Erm:

24th August 2012, 13:49
i wonder how many of the UK population believe that to be true :rolleyes:

To be honest I find it distasteful and disrespectful saying such a thing....considering this has so far been a jovial thread....lets leave the gossiping to the washing women.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th August 2012, 13:52
Lovely...his mother will be looking down loving it...you cant beat a bit of hedonism :D..especially when fully loaded...no better time for it....it sells papers...look back to prince Edward and the divorcee Mrs Simpson...this is just fun...what if he a woman well, he's not so the question not relevant :D....fill your boots Harry...you know it makes sense :xxgrinning--00xx3:


24th August 2012, 14:03
Meanwhile, in other news.... :)


Arthur Little
24th August 2012, 14:50
:anerikke: ... personally, I haven't got a problem with his lifestyle. Hell no ... as someone who married at an early age and was widowed at 47, I lived my "lost teenage years"/[very] early twenties in my 50s (not boasting ... honestly!) I'd be the last person to criticise the lifestyle of any normal, hot~blooded young male. And yes ... I've even been to Las Vegas - except I didn't stay in a $5,000-a-night (or £5,000 ... who cares?) hotel :nono-1-1: - more like "dossed down" :NEW5: on one of many overnight, American 'Greyhound Buses' en route ... as had been my wont while traversing the States from New York to Seattle (including a trip across the Canadian Border to Vancouver) then south to San Francisco, LA , Arizona & the Grand Canyon and, finally, Vegas itself over the course of 3 weeks, albeit travelling ALONE! But then ... I'm an ordinay mortal - NOT Royalty! :NoNo:

Tbh :rolleyes: ... what I would take issue with - and object most strongly to - are the crass actions of *those so-called friends of Harry in seizing the opportunity to capitalise on photographs that compromise the Prince's privacy. Privacy is something we're ALL entitled to - be we prince or pauper - and, to expose the "naked :erotic4: truth" in such a way, is nothing short of despicable.

Quite frankly, with "friends" like *them, :rolleyes: WHO needs enemies???

Arthur Little
24th August 2012, 15:35
Btw ... Las Vegas may be the 'Gambling:REGamblMoney01HL1: Capital' of the world :rolleyes: ... but it's hardly "Sin City" (as labelled by the "gutter" press!) :nono-1-1: ... I've long-believed that dubious honour belonged to Cincinatti.

24th August 2012, 16:00
To be honest I find it distasteful and disrespectful saying such a thing....considering this has so far been a jovial thread....lets leave the gossiping to the washing women.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes it is disrespectful to both him, his mother and father.
I have no doubt if there was one shred of truth in that statement Hewitt would have sold the story long ago because he sold just about everything else.
As for Harry good luck to the guy I understand he's off to Afghanistan soon so why not unwind and have some fun.
Just a shame that he associates with someone who would see this as an opportunity to make some money by selling a picture.

Arthur Little
24th August 2012, 16:42
Btw ............. "Sin City" (as labelled by the "gutter" press!) :nono-1-1: ... I've long-believed that dubious honour belonged to Cincinatti.

Cincinatti, Ohio! :rolleyes: ... possibly my belief is linked to an experience I HAD there one dark night on my return from the 'Wild West' to NY.

Having a few hours to put off before my next connection was due, I decided (somewhat unwisely, perhaps) to roam around the - by stark comparison with Las Vegas - dimly~lit side streets adjacent to the bus terminal.

Suddenly ... I was confronted by what can only be described as a "ghostly" apparition! :gost: And all I could see were ... what appeared to be whites of the eyes ... and a set of equally-white teeth grinning at me from a shop doorway ... :yikes:!

:anerikke: ... well ... the "apparition" turned out to be nothing more than a (probably harmless) lone bystander, loiterer ... whatever ... of Afro-American origins. Nonetheless, it was scary at the time and, despite being a BIG bloke, I deemed it prudent to beat a hasty retreat ... :Bolt: ... discretion being the better part of valour!

24th August 2012, 16:53
I hadn't realised you'd been such an adventurer Arthur. :)

Arthur Little
24th August 2012, 17:11
Just a shame that he associates with someone who would see this as an opportunity to make some money by selling a picture.

:yeahthat:'s precisely the point I had been making earlier. #17 refers! Otherwise ... WHO cares, really? :anerikke:

24th August 2012, 17:25
Btw ... Las Vegas may be the 'Gambling:REGamblMoney01HL1: Capital' of the world :rolleyes: ... but it's hardly "Sin City" (as labelled by the "gutter" press!) :nono-1-1: ... I've long-believed that dubious honour belonged to Cincinatti.

It is sleazy Arthur I guess a lot of it goes on in the back streets etc. I had 4 nights there in 2008 and walking along the Strip any time of day or night you had to swat away dozens of wetbacks thrusting cards for massage, live shows etc in your face.

24th August 2012, 17:39
Who gives a toss?:icon_lol:

Arthur Little
24th August 2012, 17:50
I hadn't realised you'd been such an adventurer Arthur. :)

Never thought of myself as being "a dark horse" before, Graham ... :anerikke: ... but there you go!

Actually, I later bought a small portable typewriter and filled 50-odd pages of manuscript with a [somewhat embellished ;)] account of my adventures in the US.

Thereafter ... further down the line ... I gave the completed draft to my daughter & son-in-law to transfer onto computer (I didn't have one then!) and they, later still, very kindly, returned it to me - suitably captioned and duly bound in book form, at Christmas, 2003.

Appropriately entitled "A Little Goes A Long Way" it's now one of my most highly-prized possessions ... even though it will unlikely ever be published. :D

24th August 2012, 18:05
" A little goes a long way"

I'm sure some woman said that to me once. :Erm:

24th August 2012, 19:04
sowing the royal oats:icon_lol:

at least it shows he's hetrosexual :D going by the fact it was'nt an all male nude party :icon_lol::icon_lol:

Arthur Little
25th August 2012, 11:37
sowing the royal oats:icon_lol:

at least it shows he's hetrosexual :D going by the fact it was'nt an all male nude party :icon_lol::icon_lol:

:gp: ... quite literally! :icon_tonguew: And obviously the girlies thought so!!

25th August 2012, 15:19
This is just nuts really

The only "story" in this - is a terse reminder to any young guy to know who your real friends are.
As I am - I can imagine friends posting pics like that of me on Facebook, should I get drunk and naked enough - but I'm not a public figure, and this makes it funny. Most guys like having the pee taken by other guys, it's a male thing.
IF though I was famous, I am pretty sure none of my close friends would post it. THAT is the difference.

As for Sun readers having the "right" to see these pictures, it beats me why any of them would really want to. Do they really need in their lives to be looking at pics of a 27 year old military guy having a laugh and getting his kit off? Hmmmmm

So called friends! He needs to be more careful, but it's not the first time he's in the end not given a stuff what anyone thinks and just done what he likes. Only human and all that, and really what is the result - he's one of the more popular members of the royals, so it's hardly harmed him.

As for the crazy rumours of who his father might be, well come on - just have a look at this picture, check out his eyes, ,the brows and the stare, then compare to Prince Charles. There's no doubt to me of his parentage.


Arthur Little
25th August 2012, 16:01
This is just nuts really

:anerikke: ... "nuts" :icon_tonguew: certainly come INTO the picture, right enough ... HIS "nuts"!!

25th August 2012, 16:16
The eyes have it. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Go back to The Duke of Edinburgh and look at his too. :)

25th August 2012, 16:19
Incidentally, both the Duke of E and the Queen share the same great great grandmother....Queen Victoria. :)

Arthur Little
25th August 2012, 16:20
:anerikke: ... "nuts" :icon_tonguew: certainly come INTO the picture, right enough ... HIS "nuts"!!

:anerikke: ...isn't that what all the fuss is about? :yeahthat: ... and, of course, the fact he's [currently] 3rd in line to the British throne! ;)

Arthur Little
25th August 2012, 16:48
As for the crazy rumours of who his father might be, well come on - just have a look at this picture, check out his eyes, ,the brows and the stare, then compare to Prince Charles. There's no doubt to me of his parentage.


Hmm ... :rolleyes: ... I'd say there's a far greater likeness to his grandfather, Prince Philip - apart from the latter's hair colouring - and [apparent] lifelong tendency towards being much thinner on top.

Arthur Little
25th August 2012, 17:15
:yeahthat: ...isn't that what all the fuss is about? :anerikke: ... and, of course, the fact he's [currently] 3rd in line to the British throne! ;)

And - not entirely unexpectedly - the tabloids are enjoying a field day - "making hay *while the sun shines" :sunshine: ... *which it does do ... MUCH more often in the Western United States than in :Britain:! And it ain't every day there's a scandal ivolving Royalty.

:doh ..."heirs and/or (h)airs and graces", so to speak.

25th August 2012, 17:33
hes young free and single, wish i was in his shoes, my togger, would be exploring more places everyday and everytime it could, as long as there was no cameras around:Sex::Sex:

25th August 2012, 18:27
I just wonder what his father thinks...... :Erm: anybody heard from James Hewitt :Erm::Erm::icon_lol:

Looks nothing like his brother (not even close)
Has a full head of hair and not even slightly receding (William is virtually bald)
Spitting image of a certain "CAD" who had a well documented affair with his mother

The older he gets it just seems more obvious to me

I dont have a problem with what he does in private hotel rooms

25th August 2012, 23:07
I disagree.

IMO he looks facially very similar to Prince Charles...especially around the eyes (and the Duke of Edinburgh).

There are lots of brothers where one has a full head of hair and the other has male pattern baldness....as with myself and my brother.

25th August 2012, 23:20
Strangely enough, ginger runs in the Spencer family - his mothers side - but let's not let some genetic facts stand in the way of a good conspiracy theory huh ;)

26th August 2012, 00:10
I disagree.

IMO he looks facially very similar to Prince Charles...especially around the eyes (and the Duke of Edinburgh).

There are lots of brothers where one has a full head of hair and the other has male pattern baldness....as with myself and my brother.

Just had 2 babies 12 months apart...our first is of fair complexion with blonde hair...our 2nd baby is obviously darker with black hair...both got my tall nose and mommy's cupid lips...does that mean different fathers...really do me a favour...ever our Asian doctor said these things do happen....funnily enough we met a family in Starbucks last Tuesday..the wife was British and her husband half Filipino...there sons both fair haired while daughter was blonde....the lady said that one of her son's had black hair like our resent edition but turnt fair after 2 years.

Like its been said earlier by Ian..if there was any truth in the rumours things wouldn't of turnt out like they have.

Remember some of us have babies, had babies or probably still looking for the right partner to have babies...how would you feel about trolls casting those same aspersions about you...The mother..Princess of Hearts is dead..she cant defend herself....I remember watching those boys at her funeral as it were yesterday.

26th August 2012, 00:24
Yep, totally agree with what you're saying...and that it is in bad taste questioning the man's parentage. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I got used to funny looks, what with my kids being so VERY different in appearance. :icon_lol:

What the hell, it's certainly never bothered them.

26th August 2012, 01:03
harry looks like his grandfather

26th August 2012, 01:09
Nice one Graham...nice family picture too :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I must practice what I preach...im not compelled to read stuff I dont like :rolleyes:

Apologies folks :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th August 2012, 07:10
I disagree.

IMO he looks facially very similar to Prince Charles...especially around the eyes (and the Duke of Edinburgh).

There are lots of brothers where one has a full head of hair and the other has male pattern baldness....as with myself and my brother.

Well down here in the smoke i have never met anyone who thought he was NOT the cads son

I really think some of you need to get some new glasses ;)

Are you trying to tell us he looks nothing like that cad?

26th August 2012, 10:42
Cad? is that really how people in London still talk? I thought that word was only used in novels by Jilly Cooper ;)

26th August 2012, 13:20
Up here we still say what a load of crap :rolleyes:

27th August 2012, 00:33
Cad? is that really how people in London still talk? I thought that word was only used in novels by Jilly Cooper ;)

That is what the papers decided to call him when he tried to sell the love letters he received from Diana

27th August 2012, 00:35
Up here we still say what a load of crap :rolleyes:

you are good at posting pics on here :)

William Harry and the Cad side by side please

27th August 2012, 03:10
Well down here in the smoke i have never met anyone who thought he was NOT the cads son

I really think some of you need to get some new glasses ;)

Are you trying to tell us he looks nothing like that cad?

Load of old :censored:. If there was any truth in that your Cad would have sold the story years ago. In my bit of "The Smoke" most people wouldn't dream of entertaining such :censored:.

27th August 2012, 12:31
You sir, are a cad and a bounder!

We shall take our debate to the polo fields, top hole

Arthur Little
27th August 2012, 18:07
IMO he looks facially very similar to Prince Charles...

... :anerikke: ... well, of course, it's not unheard of for individuals APPEARING to develop the facial features of the people they live with over time ... often picking up their mannerisms as well.

Likewise, children who grow to resemble ADOPTIVE parents ... in spite of there being no biological connection(s). ;)

Thirdly - albeit conversely - as you've indicated, Graham - siblings who share the same parentage ... yet whose physical (and frequently, behavioural) traits turn out to be completely UNALIKE! :anerikke:

Arthur Little
27th August 2012, 18:11
So ... :anerikke: ... WHERE do we draw the line? Unless there is ready access to DNA samples ... which, of course, physicians moving in Royal circles will - in the event of even the slightest doubt - have long since taken GREAT pains to make damned sure there ISN'T!

27th August 2012, 18:15
At the throat ? ....going by the some of the comments on this thread. :icon_lol:

28th August 2012, 00:33
So ... :anerikke: ... WHERE do we draw the line? Unless there is ready access to DNA samples ... which, of course, physicians moving in Royal circles will - in the event of even the slightest doubt - have long since taken GREAT pains to make damned sure there ISN'T!

This debate will go on for years and who really knows what the truth is............;)

I base my remarks on what i see not what i know.......

There was a clip on the news with charles william and harry all together and joking around
he does not look or act like them at all and in fact from that clip you would not have even thought he was not even related to them

28th August 2012, 00:43
Load of old :censored:. If there was any truth in that your Cad would have sold the story years ago. In my bit of "The Smoke" most people wouldn't dream of entertaining such :censored:.

The cad is probably not aware of it as well and if he did ever mention it he would be dealt with fast

its much nicer driving along at 125mph in an aircon cooled cab and not having to stop every 5 minutes :Hellooo: