View Full Version : bank holidays

26th August 2012, 10:06
wow, its here and no work for a monday, time to charge up them batteries, chill out do nothing just relax, but do you, why do i feel guilty because i cant be bothered to go out with the rest of england and spend my hard earned money, is it i am tight or is it i dont want to get into bother thinking why am i here,anyway we shall see what happens and see where Emma wants to go:rolleyes:

26th August 2012, 10:18
I might go out and sample some of York's free entertainment.

Today we have a flotilla of 200 boats sailing up the river to celebrate the 800th anniversary of our city's royal charter...also carrying the Paralympic torch.

Weather forecast is good too. :)

26th August 2012, 10:21
sounds good Graham and sounds free too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th August 2012, 10:28
Come to think of it....wish I'd gone to watch that £100 million horse racing the other day.

That's free too...outside the area of the stands, as the 'Knavesmire' (race course) is public land. :)

Even the National Railway Museum is free, and we have steam trains running through York on regular timetables now.

Ideal for Kuripots like me. :D

26th August 2012, 15:05
well if it was tuesday i would be happy to and sit in kingston lodge bar and have a good old drink with fellow expats, but as its on a monday and my wife has guests coming i think im cooking so bad luck for me :NoNo: but the brandy will be mixing well with my lge bottle of sprite come 2pm :Cuckoo:

26th August 2012, 15:08
Now you're just sickening me off. :cwm3: :icon_lol:

26th August 2012, 19:09
Working, just to make the rest of you feel better!