View Full Version : Is there a certain level of DLA that is only acceptable for New Rules?

31st August 2012, 03:27
I am trying to help someone out who is disabled and on DIsability Living Allowance and he wants to know if there is a certain level of DLA he needs to recieve in order to qualify for not having to meet the Financial requirements. There are 3 different levels I think of DLA I think?

Care component
Highest rate
Middle rate
Lowest rate

Mobility component
Higher rate
Lower rate

If anyone knows that would be helpful!

2nd September 2012, 10:05
No, it does not matter which level of DLA which is being claimed as long as you can show proof ie: recent award letter to say they are entitled to it, I hope this helps

2nd September 2012, 14:37
marksroomspain thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

4th September 2012, 16:58
Ohh also do you know if Disability Living Allowance can be counted towards meeting he maintenance requirement in a new application ie an Application for a Fiancée or Spouse Visa for instance that is made now? I know it could before the July 9th changes but can it still be? Thats what I cant quite understand?