View Full Version : Philippines may soon own vast gas-rich area

31st August 2012, 14:42
Benham Rise

"The Philippines will gain 13 million hectares in additional territory, an area slightly smaller than Luzon, should the United Nations approve next year the government’s claim on a region off the coast of Isabela and Aurora, Environment Secretary Ramon Jesus Paje said on Monday.
Paje said the undersea region, called Benham Rise, could turn the Philippines into a natural gas exporter because of the area’s huge methane deposits.
Studies conducted by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for the past five years indicate large deposits of methane in solid form, Paje said after a Senate budget hearing.
The government is only awaiting a formal declaration from the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea (Unclos) that Benham Rise is on the country’s continental shelf and therefore part of its territory, Paje said."

31st August 2012, 16:39
This looks to be a formality. Not contested by the Chinese. :icon_lol: An area as big as Luzon.

"BENHAM’S RICHES The Philippines is the only claimant to 13 million hectares of an undersea region that contains huge natural gas deposits."

31st August 2012, 16:55
This looks to be a formality. Not contested by the Chinese. :icon_lol: An area as big as Luzon.

"BENHAM’S RICHES The Philippines is the only claimant to 13 million hectares of an undersea region that contains huge natural gas deposits."

More in your field of experience lastlid, but isn't methane in solid form quite tricky (expensive and dangerous) to extract ?

31st August 2012, 17:58
More in your field of experience lastlid, but isn't methane in solid form quite tricky (expensive and dangerous) to extract ?

Quick answer to that is I haven't seen it done. But there are often ways of getting around things - rather like applying for a spouse visa....:icon_lol: On expense, other cost factors have to be weighed up and if those other costs are low then the bigger costs are more absorbable. New technologies often help with what initially seems the impossible. Of course the availability of alternatives and the price of gas and said alternatives are also factors.

In the Philippines, if it is there in large quantities and at shallow depths then it will be all the more enticing.

31st August 2012, 18:51
Here's a good write up on Japanes Fire Ice :D Seemingly the Japanese didn't do well when god dished out oil and gas reserves, a bit like the Germans......and so they are looking at this stuff rather keenly.


31st August 2012, 19:28
Here's a good write up on Japanes Fire Ice :D Seemingly the Japanese didn't do well when god dished out oil and gas reserves, a bit like the Germans......and so they are looking at this stuff rather keenly.


Interesting write-up.
I could see Japan getting involved with Philippines on this kind of project.

I only raised the issue because in a previous life in Japan I came into contact with a project connected with solid (frozen) methane and got the impression the project got closed due to unsolved technical issues.
Had some great times with their engineers though :D

31st August 2012, 19:31
Interesting write-up.
I could see Japan getting involved with Philippines on this kind of project.

I only raised the issue because in a previous life in Japan I came into contact with a project connected with solid (frozen) methane and got the impression the project got closed due to unsolved technical issues.
Had some great times with their engineers though :D

Well, it is rather similar, in a way to fracking for shale gas. In time it will be possible to carry it out safely.

31st August 2012, 19:35
Well, it is rather similar, in a way to fracking for shale gas. In time it will be possible to carry it out safely.

Yes, I agree. If the benefits (profits) are enticing then solutions can usually be figured out :rolleyes: