View Full Version : 15 Filipino Students Facing Deportation

1st September 2012, 22:12
15 Filipino Students Facing Deportation As London University Struck Down By UKBA

"Fifteen university students from the Philippines are facing deportation after the London Metropolitan University (LMU) has had its license revoked following weeks of leaks to the press by the UKBA. They are among a total of 2,000 foreign students who are affected.

This is the first time a university has had its ability to sponsor students from outside the European Union totally withdrawn by the UK Borders Agency (UKBA)."


1st September 2012, 22:13
Well, rules is rules. :ReadIt:

2nd September 2012, 00:32
This establishment appears to be a "Sham" University run by academia fraudsters intent on lining their own pockets as they work their way towards a fat public sector pension. Criminal charges please. The Filipinos will only face deportation if they have fraudulently entered the UK - if they meet the educational and visa requirements they can join another course.