View Full Version : Hello from Norman, appreciate knowledge from all,firstly i am not working can i ??

2nd September 2012, 12:48
Can i still marry a filipina if i do not have work? i am 58 ,stopped work through health, i have savings of over 30 000 and have pension of 115 pounds weekly ,own my bungalow, no mortgage , , chatting with woman 6 months but if marriage is not possible it would be waste of time and emotions to visit her and plan future ,,,,,,,thank you for any help / advice, norman

2nd September 2012, 12:55
nothing stopping you from marrying her at all, but chatting for 6 months only, i would give it longer even before marriage is thought about

2nd September 2012, 13:06
nothing stopping you from marrying her at all, but chatting for 6 months only, i would give it longer even before marriage is thought about
:xxgrinning--00xx3: better to know her first personally.

2nd September 2012, 13:32
Can i still marry a filapina if i do not have work? i am 58 ,stopped work through health, i have savings of over 30 000 and have pension of 115 pounds weekly ,own my bungalow, no mortgage , , chatting with woman 6 months but if marriage is not possible it would be waste of time and emotions to visit her and plan future ,,,,,,,thank you for any help / advice, norman

Hi Norman, welcome here to the forum.

Technically, if you are legally free to marry and she is legally free to marry no problem.
Of course it's understood that you would meet her face-to-face and get to know each other before actually getting married.

Of more importance to your question is what your plans would be after marriage.
Live in the Philippines together ? or
Return to UK to live and settle as a couple ?

If you had a plan to apply for a spouse visa and return to UK to settle, then I have to say based on the income and saving you have, then you would not be eligible for a visa.
You need to prove an annual gross income of £18600

Well, food for thought anyway.
Better to be aware now than after marriage.

2nd September 2012, 18:53
hello Norman--seems i am in a broadly similar situation to you--but my lady lived with me here for a few months. no way can i meet the income threshold. what price love eh?

2nd September 2012, 19:30
Yes indeed.

You literally have to be able to afford to 'buy' your bride now...unlike every other citizen of this country. :NoNo:

2nd September 2012, 19:35
If you had a plan to apply for a spouse visa and return to UK to settle, then I have to say based on the income and saving you have, then you would not be eligible for a visa.

Do you have scope to downsize and free up some equity in your property? To bring your level of savings up?

2nd September 2012, 19:44
Can i still marry a filapina if i do not have work? i am 58 ,stopped work through health, i have savings of over 30 000 and have pension of 115 pounds weekly ,own my bungalow, no mortgage , , chatting with woman 6 months but if marriage is not possible it would be waste of time and emotions to visit her and plan future ,,,,,,,thank you for any help / advice, norman

If I had that behind me (don't sell the property...rent it out), I'd move out to the Phils...with a decent health insurance plan. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd September 2012, 19:53
If I had that behind me (don't sell the property...rent it out), I'd move out to the Phils...with a decent health insurance plan. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Now that sounds like a great plan.
But Philippines is not suitable for everyone and this would be a massive decision.
But economically maybe OK

2nd September 2012, 19:59
Now that sounds like a great plan.
But Philippines is not suitable for eveyone and this would be a massive decision.
But economically maybe OK

a very good plan i say, if you have good savings too, a pension included, well your money would go a lot further then here, a Great plan i say, and thats my plan:xxgrinning--00xx3:, just have to wait a few more years

2nd September 2012, 20:00
are you claiming Disability Living Allowance?

2nd September 2012, 20:05
Yes, of course you'd need a trip or two out there first to get the lie of the land. :)

Me...same situation ? There in a flash. :D

Don't commit fully to the lady though before being sure (as you can ever be) of the strength of the relationship.

Also do a lot of research on the net....loads of sites out there about expat life and culture in the Phils.
You really need to understand how Filipinas and their FAMILIES tick. :)

2nd September 2012, 20:12
a very good plan i say, if you have good savings too, a pension included, well your money would go a lot further then here, a Great plan i say, and thats my plan:xxgrinning--00xx3:, just have to wait a few more years

IMHO it's only a good plan if you are comfortable with life in the Philippines.
Any rose coloured glasses can soon get broken for many.
Food for thought.

2nd September 2012, 20:17
IMHO it's only a good plan if you are comfortable with life in the Philippines.
Any rose coloured glasses can soon get broken for many.
Food for thought.

My thoughts entirely. And probably all the more reason to leave the back door open and rent out a UK property rather than sell it, like what Graham said, if one should take the plunge.

2nd September 2012, 20:24
IMHO it's only a good plan if you are comfortable with life in the Philippines.
Any rose coloured glasses can soon get broken for many.
Food for thought.

you are right Peter, you have to be comitted to a differant life in a total differant place, as long as you do leave the door open back here just in case something does go wrong, but also its a place to come back to to take holidays and see the family and friends here, but the may reason to have your house here for me, is its a income, each month making our life in the phils more easy,planning planning and more planning we all must make for our futures if we want to live well, weather its here in england or any where in the world

3rd September 2012, 05:17
Hi there :) Can someone give some advice about how to start in applying a fiancee visa ? Is it okay if my fiance will borrow money from the bank? I hope u can help me...

3rd September 2012, 06:17
i have chatted with lyndee 6 months online and phone twice weekly, chatted with about 10 before her, she is more down to earth and less good looking, more the true filipina than some of the really hot looking girls of mixed race , i thought about living there but everyone there tells me its hot !! and not english hot, but also as i have not married before we want children and would like english school , i do not get living allowance but get invalidity of 120 pounds weekly as well as similar amount through works pension ,i did not mention that in first letter because was not sure if that counted against me when applying for her to come here after marriage there , any more advice always welcome ,,,,thank you Norman

3rd September 2012, 14:55
thank you Terpe, i confess to knowing little about visa and regulations, apart from the pension i get , i also get similar amount in invalidity so the total will be about £248 weekly 12896 per year plus savings of over 30 000 ,i did not mention this before because i thought this may go against me when the time came for trying to get lyndee back here after marriage, would invalidty count towards the 18, 600 threshhold ? thank you, norman

3rd September 2012, 18:30
apart from the pension i get , i also get similar amount in invalidity so the total will be about £248 weekly 12896 per year plus savings of over 30 000



You will be exempt from the new financial requirement if your sponsor receives a specified disability-related benefit or carer's allowance in the UK. You will need to show that your sponsor can maintain and accommodate you without access to public funds.

For more information about the financial requirement and the evidence we need, read Annex FM 1.7 - Financial requirement, which you can find on the right side of this page. It is guidance for our staff.

3rd September 2012, 22:01
thank you for that joe, maybe that is a light at the end of a tunnel for me , norman

4th September 2012, 07:23
to be honest i think you shouldn't have a problem , you own your own house so accommodation is not a problem.
your receiving a disability-related benefit so you should be exempt from the £18.6k minimum income. but you need to show you can support her without recourse to public funds, and as a guide you need about £110wk after paying rent, council tax and any loans, which you appear to easily have, also you have savings of £30k

your only problem at the mo is that you've not met her, you need to have met at least once, but more times the better, you need to show your relationship is genuine, so keep chat logs, send her a few snail mail and keep the envelopes, get her to do the same. go and see her , see how you get on, take some photos of you both together, keep receipts from hotels etc, and take it from there and goodluck :rolleyes:

4th September 2012, 17:14
thank you joebloggs, will do as you suggest ,,,, much aprecciated , norman