View Full Version : Scotsman, 51, Aberdeen, Scotland

Peter Dow
5th September 2012, 05:37
Curious as to whether I could find a younger Filipono woman to have children with me because the women here in Aberdeen are not interested in me.

5th September 2012, 08:07
my fellow scot all you need to do is go to the philippines there are thousands upon thousands willing to meet your requests .philippina,s reguard themselves over the hill if they haven,t met and married someone by the age of 27 they will come at you from all directions lol :)

5th September 2012, 08:30
Sounds a bit desperate Peter....:doh

I would also recommend getting yourself to Phils to find a 'younger' lady. But.... you go showing your desperation... I feel you will be ripped off by the wrong sort.

If you would like a relationship with a Philippina, take your time and do it for love, not just because you feel the need for children.